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Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar
It has been a very long time since I have done a proper "balance patch". In fact, outside of occasional tweaks to odds in the RNG portions of the game, this might actually be the first major balance patch I've ever done.
Update #1: The FAQ post below this one has been updated with an initial scan of user questions. There will be further updates to the FAQ later, and I myself am working on some adjustments in response to feedback, though that will likely take a few days in the workshop before I'm ready to share it.
Update #2: This thread will be closing soon while I work on an updated version taking into account your feedback. More details on Page 29! Strap in, it's gonna be a long post. I recommend you set aside enough time to read it in full, and maybe even make some notes on the side. While each section is mostly independent, a few balance changes in one Phase may not make 100% sense without considering other Phases too. This announcement has been written in collaboration with several staff members. I'd like to note a special thanks to Methos for rewriting certain paragraphs for tone and/or clarity. Estimated reading time: 20 minutes


So first things first, why change things at all? As the game designer, I have been collecting data regarding the community and the game as a whole since its inception, and it's been clear to me that ensuring the long-term health of both requires an adjustment or six to even some core fundamentals of the game. When reading the following, please keep in mind that it is essential to remember that PFQ is a multiplayer game, and that changes are needed for the benefit of the playerbase as a whole, even if some changes might negatively impact your particular style of play. It is going to be impossible to please everyone. Most people will see some parts of these plans as "how did we survive without this?" and other parts as "how will I survive with this?" - I don't expect anyone to like all of these updates, nor dislike the entire package either. But I do strongly believe that - overall - these proposed changes will greatly benefit the community and the health of this game as a whole. These balance changes have been decided upon based on a massive amount of game data accumulated over multiple years of thousands of people's gameplay. It will affect the game's economy and shake things up, but when the dust settles I am confident that the game will be in a better place. Therefore, these updates are changes that I fully intend to bring to PFQ in some form. This thread is an opportunity for you to provide feedback on the direction we get there. This update is planned to be rolled out in multiple parts, so not too much will change at once. This does, however, mean that some benefits might not become apparent until updates further down come along to complete the picture, but we'll work through that together.

Phase 0: New Year's updates

These updates are going out with imminent effect. - New Trainer Outfit options are coming very soon. 10 new hair colours, 5 new hairstyles, and 4 new outfits are being added to the selection. They just need some finishing touches. If all goes well it'll be out in the first weekend of January, we're just getting them finalised. Check back soon to show off some new styles! - New Referral Custom Sprites will be added January 1st. Long, long overdue, but I'm pleased to add not one, not two, but three new pairs of Custom Sprites for Referral bonuses. When a user signs up, they can put an existing user as the person who told them about PFQ. If that's you, you'll be notified and can track their progress in the early-game. Once they progress far enough in the game to unlock Mega Evolution - that is, having evolved 50 Pokémon in total - then they will be able to choose a Custom Sprite in addition to a GP bonus. You then receive the same GP bonus as well as the other member of the CS pair. Here are the new pairs you can get:

Pizza Chefs

Fancy Nidoran

Kecleon Bros
Invite your friends to PFQ to get these CSes! - Additional, higher-value GP Vouchers will be available from January 1st. These higher value vouchers come with bigger discounts. gp7000.png 7,000 GP = 1,600 ZC (+75% more GP) gp16000.png 16,000 GP = 3,200 ZC (+100% more GP) gp40000.png 40,000 GP = 6,400 ZC (+150% more GP) As an aside, I have renamed the "3,000GP Voucher" to "3kGP Voucher", as these new ones will be "7k", "16k" and "40k" respectively. If you have used [item=3,000GP Voucher] in your shops etc. then the post will break until you update the post to the new name. - The "Online Chain" 5-day reward will be changed effective January 1st. Before: 10 GP; After: 10 ZC That's right. 10 Zophan Canisters. It is now possible to earn ZC for free, just by coming online. I will be interested to see how this update affects the game!

Phase 1: The Lab (buffed)

The Lab is very under-used. This aims to improve that by providing more usefulness to veteran players, as well as more upgrading potential. - Add 10 free Lab Reloads per day. Subsequent reloads will continue to require Lab Reloaders. - Lab Reloaders themselves will have their cost changed. Instead of costing GP, they will cost Interaction Points. The exact cost is to be determined, but will likely be moderate - not too cheap, not too expensive. - Add up to 4 more slots for Eggs, unlocked based on EggDex completion, for a total of 8 slots. This will give more chances to find the Eggs you are looking for with fewer reloads. - (Under consideration, not confirmed) Add a permanent upgrade that reduces the 5 minute cooldown timer, allowing for more frequent free reloads of the Lab. In addition to actual updates and upgrades, the Lab will provide some hints to help clarify certain points. - (Info) Add a note pointing to Fishing and Summoning as other means of getting more new Pokémon. Many users never realised that aquatic Pokémon do not appear in the Lab, and must be obtained elsewhere. The "intended" way is, of course, through Fishing and subsequent breeding to get the Eggs, though the Shelter does remain an option. Legends - perhaps obviously to most of us, but never explicitly stated by the game - do not appear in the Lab either. Fossils also don't appear; they must be revived from... well, fossils. - (Info) Add a note that Variants exist, using Alolan Vulpix as an example, and point to the DayCare as a means of getting them. Alternate form Eggs, such as regional variants, do not appear in the Lab. They must be bred by players. The Lab will explain this briefly.

Phase 1b: User Ranks (rebalanced)

At around the same time as the Lab updates, I will be rebalancing the Ranks system. To illustrate the need for this rebalancing, the Champion rank currently requires 420 EggDex and 900 PokéDex entries. That may seem like a lot, but the next rank up - Arceus rank - requires nearly 700 EggDex and over 1,600 PokéDex entries. That's roughly 40% of the entire completion range being "Champion Rank", not balanced at all! A few new ranks will be added, the existing ranks will be spread out a little more evenly, and Arceus rank will be changed. While details on the new ranks and exact values can wait, I'm sure you'd like to know what the plan is for Arceus rank! Arceus Rank, instead of requiring a 100% complete EggDex and PokéDex, will instead require 99% completion to give its Melanistic-boosting effects. Achieving 100% completion will continue to be recognised with a Trainer Card Star (permanently even as new content is added), and a cosmetic-only new "Complete" rank (revoked when new content is added until you achieve 100% again). As of this writing, this means you'd be able to miss about 7 EggDex and 16 PokéDex entries and still have Arceus rank. If you have 100% completion right now, you could skip out entirely on a Season or maybe even two of Tournaments and still benefit from the boost! But be careful, you will need to get the new entries sooner or later to keep your boost! Champion Rank won't be good enough for it - it was given a weaker version of the boost to alleviate the harshness of losing Arceus rank, but now that the Arceus rank itself has built-in leeway, Champion rank won't need to prop it up. Now, while I won't go into specific details about the new ranks or their exact distribution, one thing I will note is that the rank-up prizes given to you on the Party page will be changing, and as a result of that change everyone's progress through the prize list will be reset. This means that when the update goes out, existing players will be able to claim all of the new prizes for their rank. Please claim any unclaimed prizes soon. I know a lot of players are sitting on the 7-day free Hypermode prize, not claiming it because they want to save it for the optimal time. That's fine, but please make sure you claim it before this update goes out. (I don't have an exact date yet but I will announce it ahead of time - consider this an early warning, not your only warning)

Phase 2: The Shelter (nerfed/buffed)

The Shelter is not, and has never been, intended to be an easy way to shortcut the process of completing a user's PokéDex. The way the Shelter is currently used by many players is a workaround of the intended gameplay experience, resulting in the ability to complete the PokéDex while ignoring features such as Fishing, Fossil revival (if someone is shiny hunting that Fossil) or sometimes even the Summoning feature if a generous user releases their Legendary Eggs for people to find. It is, of course, a great community feature, and I do encourage people to drop things into the Shelter for lucky people to find. The issue I have is that it has become the place to get new Eggs, and has been greatly misunderstood by many users as a result. For example, a number of users have questioned why they can't find a particular Egg in the Shelter, only to be genuinely surprised to learn that the Shelter contents are released by other players and not just spawned in randomly. The updates to this feature will therefore be something of a nerf for newer users, but will be beneficial buffs for veteran users and hunters. - Expand "adoption count" into "adoption budget". The Passes will give about 10x their current count as budget (eg. Pass A would go from 24 adoptions to 240 budget points) The Passes themselves will, however, be rebalanced to better fit this new system. Most - possibly even all - of them will go up in strength. So for the rest of this section, use "10x" as a baseline estimate, but know that the real values will actually be somewhat higher. - Consumable items will be added to increase your Shelter Adoption Budget for the current day. Essentially like DayCare Passes for the Shelter, if there's a particular day where you play so much that you blow the budget, you can get more - but not infinitely. I haven't figured out the exact details yet, but it would for example be limited to where you can only go up to 150% of your regular budget. If that's still not enough budget, it's time to consider upgrading to a higher tier Shelter Pass! - Apply a small budget cost to Refreshing the Shelter. This will be relatively insignificant for veteran players with higher Passes, but for newer users this will make cycling the Shelter looking for free rare stuff more costly. - Adopting an Egg will cost slightly more than adopting a hatched Pokémon, due to the added benefits you receive from hatching an Egg yourself (gems, shiny hunt, wishforge progress etc.) - If a Pokémon or Egg is registered in your Dex then the cost to adopt will be notably cheaper. In-universe, this is because you have "proven yourself capable of handling this species". This will make it easier to use the Shelter as a supply of things you have and want more of, rather than a source of new stuff.

Example values for the Budget

Reminder: your budget will be 10x your current adoption limit (or higher based on rebalancing) - Refreshing: 1pt - Refreshing with a Flute: 2pts - Adopting a Pokémon you have registered: 4pts - Adopting an Egg you have registered: 8pts - Adopting a Pokémon that's new to you: 10pts - Adopting an Egg that's new to you: 25pts
TL;DR: With the exception of using the Shelter exclusively for PokéDex completion, overall daily adopts will be significantly higher than they currently are, for new and veteran players alike. As with the Lab update, there will be additional information provided in the Shelter. - An "Information" panel will be added, explaining the basic functionality of the Shelter. Honestly I'm surprised I never included one in the first place. It's really no surprise that newer players are confused about where Shelter contents come from if the game never explains it! So that'll be fixed. - Pokémon and Eggs will add a little extra information to the adoption screen, specifically it will show "Donated by ..." with the name of the player who released it to the Shelter. This can be useful for a number of reasons, including finding your own stuff, helping users who accidentally released something that they have enlisted help finding, or if for whatever interpersonal reason you really don't want to adopt something that belonged to a particular other user. All of these and more can be handled by this simple addition.

Phase 3: The DayCare (buff/QoL/info)

Only a minor buff is really needed here. Overall the DayCare is in a good place. However, it could do with a lot more information! - Non-Hypermode users will be able to adopt up to 15 Eggs from the DayCare. Hypermode users will be able to adopt 30. Why 15 and not some multiple of 6? That's to gently guide players towards the "optimal" strategy of having 1 hatched individual of the species, to help look after 5 Eggs! - Getting a breeding chance over 100% - ie. (100+X)% - will yield an X% chance of yielding two Breeding Chances instead of one. More concrete example: two Arcanine with 110% total compatibility give a Growlithe Egg every time, plus a 10% chance of a second such Egg. Please note: some breeding pairs, such as pairs involving Exclusives or Ditto, don't always produce an Egg just because a breeding chance "succeeded". But still, with high enough compatibility, you will sometimes get two Breeding Chances, so you'll still benefit from this! - (QoL) Add a button to "fill party" with the specified Egg, rather than having to adopt repeatedly manually. Of course this does mean you'll have to make space in your Party first, rather than relying on the just-in-time move-to-field option that is currently given if you try to adopt an Egg when your Party is full. But if you adopt that pattern of doing things then you will be able to fill your Party with just two clicks: one to click the button, and one on the confirmation popup! - (QoL) Add a button to "release" all of the specified Egg. I don't personally know when such a button would be useful, but I've been asked for it so... let's do it. You will be able to release all of a particular kind of Egg that you currently have in your DayCare. - (Info) Explain that some Eggs can only be created in the DayCare. (Technically they can be found in the Shelter, but only if someone has created it in the DayCare first!) - (Info) Reiterate the hint about breeding methods producing "unexpected" results, with the suggestion of breeding an Alolan Pokémon with a Vulpix. - (Info) Add a tooltip to the Total Breeding Chance to show the calculation breakdown, emphasising that it is multiplicative (ie. +5% is a x1.05 multiplication) - (Info) This one will need some work on my end, but I would like for the DayCare to actually show exactly what breeding outcomes exist, rather than just the "may produce something unexpected" message. This will also affect things like breeding Exclusives, to illustrate that doing so is harder. Likewise breeding with Ditto will show a 50% chance of "no egg". - On the topic of Exclusives, their breeding rates will be significantly increased, making hunts a fair bit easier. Variants will also see their ratio improved (eg. breeding a Shinx and Buizel will yield more Shinxel than it currently does)

Phase 3b: The Wishforge (buffed)

Alongside the DayCare update, the effect of Master Gemwish Badges on random IVs will be boosted. Remember that an IV of 0 is always possible, but with a maxed out Master Badge, IVs will be significantly higher than they are now. Continuing the theme of getting more information in the game, Ravyne's dialogue will include a comment about granting you a Trainer Card Star when you have all badges at Wishalloy or higher.

Phase 4: The Tutorial (rework)

At the time, the Tutorial was sufficient. It introduced players to the game, with the very basic concept of making interactions to progress, and then it just dropped you into the main game to figure out the rest. The main issue is that so many features have since been added that the Tutorial really does not prepare you for. Consequently I will be reworking the entire process. - Create a "Story Event" for the tutorial, rather than relying on Lab dialogue to convey instructions. This will make Objectives much clearer. - Include Lab and Fields from the current tutorial, but remove the Shelter. Add steps for the DayCare, Fishing, Scouring and the Berry Garden to help understand more features. - All players will need to go through this new Tutorial when it is added, but it should be a breeze for existing players so you'll be able to pick up its rewards easily! Furthermore, the Task List is very much in need of some attention. Notably the prizes are kind of all over the place. Some give way too much, many give way too little. To be honest, the numbers are very much pulled out of thin air and did not receive the proper scrutiny that they deserved. Values will be tweaked and reworked. New objectives may be added for newer features as well.

Phase 5: Delta Species (rework)

I've listened to feedback, and I've examined data, and I've made the data make sense with the feedback as best I can. Some of this is also based on a previous poll, where the results were incredibly close, a 47:53 split. As a result I'm making a bit of an executive decision to go ahead with the proposal, because I do genuinely believe it's the right course of action. Therefore, here are the plans: - You will not be able to trade in specials for δP that were not hatched by you. The biggest motivation for this is to properly separate out the "specials for collection" and the "specials for δP" markets. Previously these markets were forced to compete in the same space, because it was not possible to trade δP directly. Now you can, using the Vouchers, I would like to make these two very different markets be distinct. Consequently, you will buy specials because you want that particular special, not because you want to just toss it aside for points. Conversely, if you intend to buy δP, you will continue to be able to just buy δP, rather than gathering specials to turn in. - The value of trade-ins will be adjusted. Based on empirical data on the relative rarity of Shiny/Albino/Melan Pokémon, Melanistics will have their value nerfed by -10%; Shiny and Albino values will be buffed by +150%. This will make the Shinies and Albinos you get along the way to a Melan roughly equivalent in value to the Melan itself - statistically speaking. All three will be cost-effective, no single one will be over-powered. - Shedinja will be worth zero points. This reflects the cost involved in getting that Shedinja: zero. Shedinja is a "freebie" obtained when you evolve Nincada into Ninjask, and giving it any value at all on trade-in is not indicative of its worth. So that's the plan for δP from trade-ins. I also plan to totally overhaul the free source of δP: - Network-based "Guest interaction" Delta Points will be removed, and replaced with Referrals. Users that you have Referred can interact with you to give you δP, and likewise you can interact with them to give them δP too. Instead of 10 Guest Interactions worth 5 δP each per day, the max will be 5 Referrers interacting with you for 10 δP each. Both users must have a Holon Capacitor for this to work. Invite your friends and get them up to speed to take advantage of this update when it comes out!

Phase 5b: Fossil Pokémon (rework)

Alongside the Delta update, but not directly related to Deltas, the Prehistoric bonus will be changed. Instead of providing an additional overpowered EXP bonus to Eggs of the same species, each Prehistoric Fossil in your Party will provide a percentage chance of increasing the number of Gems gained when hatching any Eggs (not just Eggs of their species). This makes them more useful in general, if Gems are a priority for you, but will of course come at the cost of taking up a Party slot.

Phase 6: Interactions and EXP (rework)

The founding principle of PFQ has always been mutually helping each other to progress. Unfortunately I have made some decisions with certain features that run contrary to that principle. I would like to take some steps to redress that. These plans are still in early stages, and so aren't going to be as well-defined as phases above. I will come back to this and make further announcements as we get closer to this phase, so that further discussions can be had. Right now I just want to lay out my initial thoughts, and perhaps get some discussion started around it even at this early stage. A number of features strongly encourage mass-clicking. Mass-Click Weekend is an intentional case, but other features are more harmful to the game as a whole. Specifically things like the EXP Share and Lucky Eggs. The optimal way to use these is to find players who have 200+ fields full of stuff, and mass-clicking them exclusively. As a result, newer users struggle to make progress because all of the hardcore players are incentivised to ignore them. And even the users being mass-clicked have fields full of Lv100 Pokémon and so really don't benefit from being clicked further. Essentially, the EXP Share and Lucky Eggs fly in the face of mutual help. They are overwhelmingly self-help items, and do not fit in PFQ's intended philosophy. I'm considering adjusting them as follows: - Either make them only work on Party clicks, or make them significantly stronger when clicking Parties. - If made to work only on Party clicks, still make them significantly stronger so that fewer clicks are needed to get the full benefits. - Put some kind of soft-cap on the EXP Share in particular. Perhaps it can "charge up" either with time or with interactions you receive (or both!) to get its stronger effect, gradually decaying to a relatively low baseline until charged again. Making it charge with interactions received will encourage clicking a wider range of players to get Clickbacks! Again, these plans are quite vague at this time, just intended to get ideas flowing.

Closing thoughts

While I do not have a definite timeline for these updates at the moment, I would like to aim for putting out one Phase each month. Phase 0 is going out without much delay. It would be good to get Phase 1 out in February, and so on until Phase 6 drops in July. I will endeavour to provide at least a week's notice of a Phase being ready before it actually goes live, including further details of any adjustments that were made to the plan in the meantime. As mentioned at the start, I believe all of these updates will result in a healthier game overall. This does mean some features will be nerfed, others will be changed, and that can be scary. I believe, however, that it will all be worth it. I am open to questions and feedback on these plans. I will not, however, be open to comments such as "adding a toggle" for things where that would even make sense, or "outright cancel the plans" unless very good reason can be given. I look forward to having a fair-minded discussion with you about these plans, and working together to make PFQ even better. The mod team will be watching over this thread and collecting people's questions. Questions will be given consideration and answered properly, so don't expect rushed answers right away, but also please don't think we're ignoring you! I'm anticipating a lot of questions, we will do our best!
Clip from Pokémon anime, re-lined by me
Featured story: Injustice Feedback welcome!
Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar


  • X Close
  • Phase 0: New Year's updates
  • Phase 1: The Lab
  • Phase 1b: User Ranks
  • Phase 2: The Shelter
  • Phase 3: The DayCare
  • Phase 3b: The Wishforge
  • Phase 4: The Tutorial
  • Phase 5: Delta Species
  • Phase 5b: Fossil Pokémon
  • Phase 6: Interactions and EXP
  • Other (not covered)
  • Summary to commonly voiced concern/feedback


Q: I'm not sure I like the idea of gifting ZC to users simply for logging in (...) So Staff have any plans to change the price of items worth ZC, and if so, how will it scale?
I do not have plans to change the ZC costs of items at this time, though that may change in future if things go horribly wrong with this update for some reason. The user-driven exchange rate of 5k:5:1 almost certainly will change, but that's not for us to dictate.


Q: So as a question, will the custom sprites be obtainable some other way than exlusively referrals? :0 Like will they be in Cele's Centre every now and then, for example?
Those ones will remain exclusive to referrals. But everything has a price and can be bought. I have several duplicates, for example, I'm sure others do too and could part with them.


This just came to mind with the talks about the gp increase does that also decrease the value of credits? For example if the new ratio was 1zc:6gp:25k credits would things cost less in the market?
User-driven currency ratios are not in our hands.


Q: I love the lab changes, but would there be any boost to an egg you have chained as per the black flute in the shelter? (...) Could the black flute provide a slight boost in the lab particularly as some eggs can be obtained through the lab easily but can only be bred with a Ditto?
I do have a concern that since the Lab doesn't have all eggs whereas the Shelter can conceivably have all eggs, hunts of things that are in the Lab may be unfairly advantaged. Unfortunately I will not be doing a flat percentage chance of it appearing due to Ditto.


Q: To seek clarity on this line: "Champion Rank won't be good enough for it - it was given a weaker version of the boost to alleviate the harshness of losing Arceus rank, but now that the Arceus rank itself has built-in leeway, Champion rank won't need to prop it up." - does this mean that those under Arceus rank are losing the Long Chain Bonus, or is this in reference to something else?
Correct, any user that does not have Arceus rank or above will no longer have the Long Chain Bonus.


Q: if I read this correctly we're gonna get boosted melan chances at a lower rank?
You won't need to have the absolute highest rank after this update, if that's what you mean.


Q: My only question about the shelter is if the hunt bonus (where eggs that are in your shiny hunt chain have an increased chance to appear) will stll be in effect with all the new changes.
Yes, there is no change to the hunt bonus.


Q: will the percentage chance of an egg you're chaining showing up in the shelter be buffed? I could be totally wrong, but doesn't the 50% chance of your chained egg kick in around 1k
No. It's a gradually increasing percentage for every single egg hatched, right from the first egg in your chain, maxing out at 50% at around the 100-egg mark.


Q: Will the shelter refresh for free as it currently does when you adopt an egg? Will you theoretically be able to adopt multiple eggs before fetching a new page or does this cost only apply to manual refreshing of the shelter?
Yes and yes. The first reload after adopting - with or without a Flute - is free.


Q: how the refresh cost will be implemented insofar as just visiting the shelter page?
Visiting the shelter page does not count as a reload, so it will not affect your budget.


Q: So say I'm hunting Vulpix at the moment. I don't care who created the egg, i just want them all haha so I use the flute to refresh the shelter to find them. So now it will cost to do that? I actually have the max shelter adoption pass after saving up for it. Will it happen that I actually won't be able to take advantage of my max adoption limit because I will have run out of points to actually adopt eggs?
I believe you missed the aspect of the shelter budget where it will be approximately x10 your current adoption limit. You will be able to not only take advantage of your current max adoption limit, but exceed it!


Q: With the new Shelter ideas in mind, while this will probably be a big no, if we're having them cost points now, perhaps it could be more likely for Q-exclusive eggs to get in the shelter?
Honestly? Maybe. I was far too aggressive with that particular number due to how oversaturated PF1 Shelter was with Exclusives. So I might want to buff that even without "considering other updates."


Q: do the budget points stack to the next day if unused? like if ive only used 6 out of 24 adopts, does it mean i have an extra 18 adopts the next day?
No. The budget acts as the current adoption limit and resets every new day at server reset.


Q: What about when you refresh, [...] and the egg you found? they were adopted already... [...] to have someone then have to use points to refresh the shelter is not gonna be a good feeling.
That’s indeed not a good feeling! That refresh can potentially be refunded for that turn; the budget is still being tinkered on, as per the update in the first post!


Q: How does Shazi's bonus work with [the shelter budget], does it just give you more budget to spend?


Q: Another question about the Daycare, is this boost going to depend on the mon, since I remember reading that newer exclusives have a lower chance to encourage tourney participiation. Will those get boosted too? Will it only impact exclusives not in the tourneys?
Recent tournament exclusive breeding rates will be boosted compared to their current odds, but will still be more difficult to breed compared to other exclusives.
Currently no questions.


Q: Considering everyone will have to do it, I hope the tutorial will not ask us to do something that could break someone’s chain, or maybe make it so that like some tourneys or typerace it doesn’t affect any chain at all ?
I will of course keep it in mind when designing it.


Q: Does refreshing the tasks mean, like with the new player ranks, we have to earn them all again?
Maybe? Depends how I implement the changeover, but it's not like I'm resetting your stats, you'd get to reclaim any of the new objectives that you already qualify for.


Q: with the tutorial, will there be an option to revisit it in whole or part after the initial relaunch of it [without gaining perks, obvs]
Yes, it will be replayable without new rewards similar to event cutscenes.


Q: Would it be possible to consider allowing us to delta non-self hatched pokemon after they have been owned by us for x amount of time? I don't think it has to be a short amount of time by any means but just something I'd like to be up for consideration!
I will consider it. No definite answer one way or the other right now.


Q: I'll reiterate a suggestion made in my incredibly long previous post - Have traded special Pokemon still be DP-able but at a discounted value. Allows for users to still DP Pokemon not of their OT without issue but impresses upon users the value of DP-ing your own self hatched Pokemon.
I'll consider it. A time constraint is likely as well, especially as that would alleviate the "through incompetence or malice, someone might DP a Dex trade" issue.


Q: The new fossil bonus doesn't make sense. Pokemon revived from ancient fossils having the ancient experience needed to help with the hatching and experience-gaining of their fellow fossils, just frankly, makes a lot more sense than "sometimes this big dino makes your magikarp hatch with more gems". If the problem is that the boost is overpowered, maybe just reduce the boost power instead of getting rid of it completely?
The EXP buff was really overpowered and gave an unfair type advantage but we still want Fossils to be special.


Q: About the exp share etc. i keep running out of people to interact with on a high interacting day. so could we have some fields give us some help with the exp share.
We are currently workshopping ideas on how to address this issue to still promote party clicks without "hitting a limit" based on who is currently online.


Q: I didn't see anything talking about possibly re-balancing Shiny, Albino, and Melanistic rates. Is that still on the table for the new features being rolled out?
I don't believe the SAM rates need adjustment at this time. However, I will revisit this once the dust settles post-update and see how that has affected things.


Q: what benefit does having one pokemon in your party with 5 other eggs of the same species give?
The benefit is +40% more EXP, making your five party slots be worth 700% total, resulting in an entire slot more than a party of six.


For concerns regarding the removal of referral-based DP collection
I am considering keeping both the existing guest click DP and adding referral based DP on top of it. Why not? However, I must remind everyone that you are also able to trade DP with other users via vouchers.


Regarding concerns for shelter reloading cost, especially with respect to flutes
I can easily consider dropping the cost of using a Flute to match just a regular reload. No problem there from me.


The interactions/EXP. rework may be the only change I'm hesitant of, or mostly against, as of rn. I'm much more open to party clicks being encouraged through LEs giving greater boost, than to have them only work on party clicks. And I'm especially wary of a soft-cap on the EXP. Share significantly impacting its maximum efficacy. The reality is, that depending on your timezone and availablility, many of us don't have as much access to party clicks. I fear such a nerf would severely disadvantage some players.
I will be easing off on it, mostly focusing on buffing party clicks and trying to avoid nerfing field clicks. But the main point will be that I will try and make parties more accessible in the first place, such as by making it so that if you run out of online users, it shifts to "active but not online" users, maybe prioritising "new" users, stuff like that, rather than just dumping you on your own party page.


[...] On the other hand, that exp buff certainly made hatching prehistoric mons for hunts and the type race less tedious. It kind of balanced out the fact that you're hunting a 7k EHP mon in batches of 5 during the type race, where every hatch counts.
Most of the Dragon-type Pokémon have 10k EXP and users hatching them don’t have an EXP buff to take advantage of.


Regarding the poll about Shedinja's DP
While there was a previous poll/suggestion thread regarding Shedinja and DP, the poll results are not indicative of the conclusion reached in the last couple pages of the suggestion thread's discussion: namely, that no changes would be made to Shedinja's DP at that time (June 2023), because the issues regarding Shedinja's DP value were indicative of a needed overhaul of the DP system as a whole. This is, in fact, that proposal for a larger DP overhaul - including removing Shedinja as a DP farm.
skiddo's Avatarskiddo
skiddo's Avatar
Haven't read everything yet, but if only from what I've read so far, it seems like you've been really listening to community chatter/feedback/data (the 99% arceus update! reduced stress to keep up with highly-competitive early-season tournaments! not having to break your chain or stop hunting for additional melan chances!!!) Would it be possible to make this section perhaps a little more obvious, maybe in the beginning of the post?


Please claim any unclaimed prizes soon. I know a lot of players are sitting on the 7-day free Hypermode prize, not claiming it because they want to save it for the optimal time. That's fine, but please make sure you claim it before this update goes out. (I don't have an exact date yet but I will announce it ahead of time - consider this an early warning, not your only warning)
summon_cob.png 59 / 200
Not actively buying. Or actively doing anything in general.
code by skiddo; banner by mochafox; sprite by pfq; bg is official
Cinis's Avatarhypermode-12.pngCinis
Cinis's Avatar
From what I can see up til now: very thoughtfull and nice updates are ahead of us - thank you! Also a big thank you for going through with informing the community ahead of updates and involving us in the planning process before. My monkeybrain is especially happy about the daycare-adopts being multiples of 5 in the future :')
Typeracescore 0
NerdGemini's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNerdGemini
NerdGemini's Avatar
The lab updates seem amazing! I can't wait to see them in action. My only question about the shelter is if the hunt bonus (where eggs that are in your shiny hunt chain have an increased chance to appear) will stll be in effect with all the new changes.
'Team Dragon December 2023. Pixel by Zerxus'
Team Inferno Overdrive trophy by Noahverse
A mini garden Team Bloom Doom grew during the Type Race of May 12th through May 18th, 2024 in victory of reaching second place. A metal plate across the front displays the team name, placing, and score of 404,052 points, to which you contributed 4,130 points. Great job, Team Bloom Doom! Sprite made by Champion Spectra!
Score: 0
Original by LycanKai, new by NassiLove, icon by Pokefarm
GiratiBoo's Avatarhypermode-12.pngGiratiBoo
GiratiBoo's Avatar
about the exp share etc. i keep running out of people to interact with on a high interacting day. so could we have some fields give us some help with the exp share?
official mew sprites found on pokemondb.net my avi made by alexa 2d/3d
Angeliccandy's AvatarAngeliccandy
Angeliccandy's Avatar
Hmm after reading, overall the changes implemented sound pretty great. I know it's going to take a bit for everyone to get used to all the changes, so I'm glad you're rolling them out slowly. I'm especially happy about the daycare update, as hunting Exclusives and Variants took a lot of time (I didn't mind doing all the clicking but even so it still was a bit of a chore to get there). However, I didn't see anything talking about possibly re-balancing Shiny, Albino, and Melanistic rates. Is that still on the table for the new features being rolled out?
ʚ♡ɞCandy ☆ 33 ☆ She/Herʚ♡ɞ
After reading through the plans and updates, the only thing there I could personally see myself not enjoying is a cost on Shelter refresh, but I can totally see why it would be helpful for balance reasons. I just hate the thought of wasting potential adoptions because my black flute just doesn't want to activate it's RNG (I've gotten some pretty bad runs of luck for something that's supposed to be 50/50...). Other than that tons of exciting new changes, one of the most frequent complaints I've heard from people I've tried to get to play this game is that the daycare feels flat out awful without hypermode (I mean quadruple free adoptions daily is kinda crazy, especially when you think of that as the difference between shelter pass C and A) so seeing the base adoptions increased to basically 3 parties daily is going to be reallly really nice for free players.

'Team Dragon December 2023. Pixel by Zerxus'
Please click Chompy
'Team Dragon December 2023. Pixel by Zerxus'

Avatar Made by experiment0143, inspired by a sprite made by Absolity
King's Rock

King's Rock

Evolution Item

(item.png: 0)

A crown-shaped rock that exerts dominance over foes.

Sells for 1,750

Lv. 100 — +1,546,676
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Spicy food
Happiness MAX
Adamant nature
Agent3's Avatarhypermode-12.pngAgent3
Agent3's Avatar
I'm.. really pleasantly surprised. These really do all seem like things that will be super beneficial to the health of the game (especially 99% completion Arceus - holy crap, I've been wishing for that for years, and also the separation of DP and special markets) and I'm excited for these changes to come to fruition. I guess my only issue is with the proposed Shelter suggestion and it isn't a huge one, just a clarification issue: will the percentage chance of an egg you're chaining showing up in the shelter be buffed? I could be totally wrong, but doesn't the 50% chance of your chained egg kick in around 1k - a budget cost of refreshing the shelter for your egg when it has a low chance of appearing early in a hunt would suck. Edit: was completely wrong. Haven't started a fresh hunt of a non-popular 'mon in a hot second. Woops
seth | 23 | he/him medical lab science student journal & my shop icon + sig of my characters, by me.
Prometheus's Avatarhypermode-12.pngPrometheus
Prometheus's Avatar
All the changes sound good the only thing I’m not sure about is refreshing the shelter costing points & the fossil pokemon boost being changed. Shelter: As a nature hunter I’m refreshing constantly to find my own eggs. Even though the refresh cost is 1 point (in the example), having to pay to refresh rather than it being free seems harsh, and even punishing in a way just because you don’t want to adopt someone else’s egg. Fossil Boost: I’m sad about this one if it goes through because the boost is what makes hunting fossils fun, and as someone who has all wishalloy badges the gem boost is worthless to me. I understand these changes are about the majority vs the minority but this one does nothing for me.
Avatar - Garchomp from Pokemon Conquest

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