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BedfastStun's AvatarBedfastStun
BedfastStun's Avatar
Overall I'm very pleased with these changes, I think they'll breathe some new life into the game and I'm really looking forward to them! However, I'm not 100% struck on Phases 2 and 6. For phase 2, I feel like the reload fee could be pretty harsh, especially if someone is hunting a species with few eggs available (unless I misunderstood something in the post), I even struggle to find eggs of reasonably available eggs occasionally having to go through upwards of 5-10 reloads to find one which would really eat up your daily adoption allowance. Although the Ability to see the egg's breeder is such a clever idea, it'll be super useful. And for phase 6, again unless I misunderstood something, I feel that the exp share change would be fairly harsh for eggs with higher EHP or even for low EHP eggs that people are hatching lots of throughout the day. I often run out of parties to click after around 12k interactions and I would be pretty bummed out if there was just a cut off point where I could no longer click any parties and also have little to no exp coming in to my eggs. Again, aside from that, I'm super excited to see this changes be implemented, I really admire the dedication of the staff base and for that I want to say a massive thank you! :)

Silly Little Yellow Bird Hunt

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Avatar is from an old UK Road Safety AD called "King of the Road"
PhoenixBirch's AvatarPhoenixBirch
PhoenixBirch's Avatar
I like all of this proposals, they seem like they would benefit the game a lot. Happy to see feedback listened to in most parts (except for the nincada being nerfed thing, I don't really care either way. But when I saw a thread asking for feedback on whether to do that or not, an overwelming majority said they did not want nincada to be nerfed. Just seems like a case of completely ignoring the popular vote.) For the EXP share idea, I would much rather prefer a "clicking parties is far stronger" option then removing field clicking as an option out right. I also think adding a soft cap on the EXP share would just disencourage play outright, the only reason I click people is honestly to help with my own party, and if my clicking doesn't benefit me there would be no point in clicking other parties and I would just log off for the day. I also worry that will make hatching eggs soooo much slower, for something that is already a very time consuming process. For the DP idea, like other users, I believe that having people with referrals being the only ones able to give daily delta points will just make it harder on the player then increase gameplay. Honestly my friends don't want to sink the time that I do to play (let's be real, this is a very tedious, time consuming game, and not for everyone). I've gotten a few to sign up and refer me, but its so much easier for them to guest click then it would be to sign in and referral click. Also, getting to the point of being able to recieve delta points takes a very long time. None of the users I've referred have ever gotten to that point. Oh yeah, I also agree that adding a reload penalty for adopting in the shelter is pretty harsh on users, and I honestly don't like the idea. Maybe increase the points it takes to adopt something to make up for not implementing the reload penalty? Or make the flutes need to be "recharged" daily with your adoption, like the albino radar (I like this idea better) or both.
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King Dedede's AvatarKing Dedede
King Dedede's Avatar
so, after reading through this, most of it seems okay, but I have a few thoughts. Shelter: I'm not opposed to the point based system and I really do understand the idea behind it. However I think that the concept of paying adoption points to refresh the shelter will hinder veteran players more than it will benefit new players. If I recall correctly (which its highly probable I don't) new users start off with only 6 adopts per day, and at that stage almost all the eggs in the shelter are new to them, unless theyre going absolutely crazy on the lab. In this case I find it highly unlikely that new users are going to be able to get the money to buy better shelter passes right away (unless theyre spending real money) and the lab is more helpful at this point anyway. Even still, the proposed points as 10x the adopts and spending 25 points for an unregistered egg will mean that new players can only adopt 4 eggs when starting off. For vetern players, I think idea of paying points to refresh the shelter will result in people actually being able to adopt fewer eggs in most cases. Consider players who are the only one breeding a specific pokemon, or looking for eggs from their day care specifically. It can be VERY tedious to get eggs when first starting a hunt, and even with the chain boost its still entirely possible to go for 4-5 refreshes without seeing your chained egg. As well as like, when more than one person is hunting the same pokemon and you happen to try to adopt the same egg at the same time (it happens way more often than you'd think) that will cost one of those players extra points potentially to refresh. (and possibly could nip people in the butt when it comes to "hatch potd" or "hatch eggs created in your daycare" tournaments) in my opinion this idea really won't work the way you think it will unless the boost for chained pokemon is significantly buffed, both in the case of how often those eggs will appear, as well as when the buff first activates. EXP: These changes to the way lucky eggs/exp share work would be fine if you implemented a way to be able to get fresh party clicks from users you've already interacted with. Cause like currently the "open 10" option will only show you users you have yet to interact with. Because of how limited this is, ESPECIALLY depending on the time of day, it really would not work unless a way to get a constant stream of fresh party clicks was implemented. It might also put some people off pokerus hunting. generally speaking, I try to click the parties of everyone online at the time when I log on and its no where near enough to hatch my entire shelter allowance even though party clicks give exp at a higher rate. Fossils: not necessarily a bad idea I just think most people like the current fossil boost because fossils all have a higher step count than most regular pokemon so the exp boost is nice.
Buying White Belts for 14 ZC or equiv Avatar drawn for me by a friend who doesn't use pokefarm q
Score: 0
badge by LycanKai
Tempura778's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTempura778
Tempura778's Avatar
After reading everything, I love everything proposed asides from the Shelter refreshes costing SP (not that I don’t like it, I’m just personally iffy on it). As mentioned by others in the thread, if you’re breeding uncommon eggs, it may take a few refreshes to actually get what you want. Same goes for your own eggs/specific nature eggs for Nature tournaments. Other than that, I’m all for the changes (you should’ve seen the look on my face when 10GP became 10ZC, to be honest. That’s a huge change in my books)
The fiery gal and good luck charm:
summon_mun.png × 46 / 1000
An eventual Melan Munkidori hunt (Not actively buying at the moment) Credit to BlueBlissey for September ‘23 Normal Trophy
skypony101's Avatarskypony101
skypony101's Avatar
I'm loving most of these but so far I only have maybe 2 critiques. 1.The delta thing dosent really make too much sense, because what if you bought a delta mon a while ago and no longer want it, but instead of selling it to someone else you just want to exchange it for DP? 2. I don't get the referral points for DP. I do not interact with people irl or even online much, and any person I have invited to play the game with me has not enjoyed it and/or hasn't gotten the holon capacitor (to my knowledge) it sorta feels like anyone who has, say, social anxiety or maybe even just dosent have/want friends can't get these DP points because they don't have any friends Edit to add another point: I just realised what other people are saying about shelter refreshes. I agree with that too! Not even just for eggs, but sometimes I'm looking for a normal pokemon (maybe for a breeding pair) and had to click the shelter maybe 20+ times just to find the mon I'm looking for (it was tauros, if I remeber correctly?) I don't want to have to go to every single trade shop advertising free fields to see if they have a singular pokemon I need just because I couldn't find the pokemon I needed in enough clicks Critiques welcome ofc
my avatar is a picture of my dog Tika, taken my me :) check out my dexing service! *
image made by me. shiny, albino, mega, and totem sticker from PFQ
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Spring12's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSpring12
Spring12's Avatar
i will have to say if the exp one is put in place, ill be very disappointed. when i do click, i usually field click and to be forced to party click, which is LIMITED per day, would ruin the point of a clicking game.
SlitherCain's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSlitherCain
SlitherCain's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Agent3

I'm.. really pleasantly surprised. These really do all seem like things that will be super beneficial to the health of the game (especially 99% completion Arceus - holy crap, I've been wishing for that for years, and also the separation of DP and special markets) and I'm excited for these changes to come to fruition. I guess my only issue is with the proposed Shelter suggestion and it isn't a huge one, just a clarification issue: will the percentage chance of an egg you're chaining showing up in the shelter be buffed? I could be totally wrong, but doesn't the 50% chance of your chained egg kick in around 1k - a budget cost of refreshing the shelter for your egg when it has a low chance of appearing early in a hunt would suck.
I'm starting to read through replies and I don't know what experience you've been having. I only have 276 eggs in my current chain and I have a 50% chance of getting my egg with the flute, also know for a fact that was going off earlier (but not exactly when.)
[Profile picture is from an early-game cutscene in Fire Emblem Engage]
ZØMBØRG's Avatarhypermode-12.pngZØMBØRG
ZØMBØRG's Avatar
Huh! I like the sound of most of these changes, my only real concern is with the EXP rework. With my normal work schedule, I'd most often be playing during a time when the fewest other players on average would be online, I would get through all of the available party clicks but still have eggs I'd want to breed or hatch, and start mass-clicking after reaching that point. And a lot of the time, if I'm returning party clicks for players who clicked my party while I was AFK or asleep, in both cases it'll be eggs that already have enough EXP to hatch, so in effect equally unhelpful for the recipient as level 100 mass-clicks. If the EXP share and lucky eggs only worked on party clicks, or were otherwise nerfed too much, I'd worry that players in time zones or with similar schedules who are online during those "off hours" would hit a wall where they wouldn't be able to continue progressing, and just in general be at a disadvantage compared to players online at more active times and with more parties available to click. I'm also not so sure about the complete removal of guest interactions for delta points - personally, my friends either already play PFQ, or are aware of it but have no interest in playing themselves (and I didn't put the username of the friend who originally introduced me to the game as an official referral) so it's very likely I wouldn't be able to get that small but regular source of delta points at all. While I understand the motivation for the change being better for the site as a whole in terms of gaining new players, it seems more fair to have it in addition to the guest interactions system instead of replacing it entirely. (Also, way more of a minor comment, but about Shedinja being worth zero points - if someone is intentionally hunting Shedinja, then wouldn't Ninjask be the "bonus"? Maybe instead of Ninjask being worth points and Shedinja being zero, they could each be worth half? Sort of a "six of one half dozen of the other" but it seems like it makes more sense that way to me.)
Geodude27's AvatarGeodude27
Geodude27's Avatar
The 7 days of hypermode from the rank rewards, would it be possible to change it to a voucher instead of just instantly receiving it?
Yours, Geodude27
In regards to the DP It is hard to get them, and it's obscure or not yet useful to newer players who take time to learn it (so maybe with the referral change, also have some kind of hint in the tutorial or lab about these?) And it is hard to get friends to play and stay active, however with these new changes to benefit lots of new players and the encouragement to explore the various features, it should be easier to stay active. Even if this change isn't implemented, I believe the huge boost to shiny and albino will more then enough make up for the guest removal as someone like me has more benefit in trying to buy dp using zc then actually grind for it myself (with the exception of nincada which imo has been way OP but much needed) Giving non nincada hunts a greater chance to build dp plus encouraging playing with friends is the right direction to go, just needs more tweaking or consideration for folks who do have a harder time socially/lack of interested friends off site.

Possible Solution?

To help with the guest removal and the lack of interested friends. A best friend feature on site Must have a limit/cap of some sort, but can act as a sort of buddy system to earn dp in a way similar to referrals Example: Let's say you get the same benefits of 1 referral to 1 Best Friend/Buddy If stacking is a concern, can be a DP Party limit of sorts that applies regardless of if it's a referral interaction or a buddy interaction Let's say it's a cap on only 1 Buddy allowed in order to boost referrals (which I know is also a major site benefit as it brings new players in), make it so Buddies can be changed (this helps if say your buddy has been inactive for over a year) Buddy system will need tweaks and lots of consideration to actually be implemented, but can be a good response to lack of off site friends or inactive referrals Also to better offer for the buddy system, how would a buddy even be selected? I think it should be mutual, as in you and your buddy must be each other's buddy, so a request system would need to be implemented, however either side can end the buddy interaction, so that way you don't have to wait for approval of an inactive player to break a buddy Just a start to the thought and maybe others will have a much better response then I will, but I think if done right can be a great response and again encourage making friends on site

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