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Enbees's Avatarhypermode-12.pngEnbees
Enbees's Avatar
I don't have the energy to reply to everything right now, but I've read through it all and I love most of the ideas for changes! (Epecially Arceus. Thank you!) This is going to be long and I apologize! There are a few that I do, however, have problems with personally. The major one? The delta rework. The change to values is very nice, and I haven't personally bought pokemon to DP so I can't speak on that change. However, wrt the change to guest interactions... The biggest problem with delta points has always been that they aren't easily obtainable and that was why people hunt nincada. The +150% to shinies and albinos will absolutely make that somewhat better! But the actual collection would be completely nerfed in my opinion. People were already avoiding getting delta points the "proper" way by incognito mode clicking because spreading the link around felt spammy, but with this change, it turns from that into "you need to force your friends to play or you can't get daily delta points." If you don't have 5 friends who want to play, you can't get them. And I certainly don't have 5 friends who want to play. Hell, I don't even have 5 friends! The overall consensus in the thread about nincada was that nothing needed to be done, unless there was a complete rework to the system to make DP easier to aquire. And the boost to shiny and albino values could meet the standards for that rework, but the referral method of gaining DP imo would just bump it back down. Honestly, imo, I'm not sure even with the +150% boost in general it would meet the standards expected to improve DP collection that people wanted to nerf nincada. Even hunting nincada, gathering up enough DP is difficult, because it takes a lot of DP to delta a hunt. And sure, it is meant to be hard work, but it does feel... discouraging when it seems like you have a lot of DP but realize you only have enough for a few parties, especially with high exp eggs. Basically, I am worried about the shedinja nerf that 87% of people didn't want in the first place, even with the +150%. (59% saying nothing needed to be done, 28% suggesting to cut their DP value in half. I understand that the values were increased, but this absolutely feels like a case of the userbase being asked their opinion and then promptly ignored.) But I'd be slightly less wary of it if not for the daily DP change presented. The shelter I would likely have to see in action to have an opinion on, because I honestly can't tell whether or not refreshing costing something would be a problem. It seems like it could potentially be when looking for rare eggs. (Though i must admit I do see it as a bit unnecessary in the first place to try to avoid new players filling their dexes via the shelter. Nothing is stopping them from instead going to someone's shop and doing free dex trades or adopting from someone's free fields, and that still wouldn't be the "intended" way to fill the dex. I think for some people dex completion feels like more of a barrier stopping them from doing what they really want; hunting, which is why they just adopt from the shelter. Plus, if they want to fill their dex, they'll need the egg dexes anyway, so they'll still end up hatching all the eggs. But it doesn't really affect me so I can't speak too much on it.) And the exp share. It is easy to run out of party clicks when you're massclicking parties. I think a boost to when you click parties or something like that would be best, because in the end, essentially nullifying massclicking will only hurt the game. I also like the idea someone else suggested of making more things affected by party clicks like the egg timer is! Nerfing something that a lot of people rely on seems more like punishing people for choosing their own way to play the game, and I don't mean to sound blunt, but I'm not a particular fan of being told that something that has been in existence for years is "not intended gameplay." (Which has happened multiple times, actually.) In the end, the user base really decides the best ways to play, even if they weren't thought of originally. Optimizing your gameplay and cheating are two very different things, and sometimes it feels like they're treated the same because they "weren't intended." Edit: I would like to add that I am also very wary of the implication that champion rank will no longer have a melan bonus for long chains. While I personally believe I can reach the new arceus rank if implemented, it seems... unfair to remove something helpful like that from people who previously benefited from it and are unable to or don't want to grind for arceus. Especially if someone is already doing a melan hunt at that point. They've been hunting long enough to have the long chain bonus in the first place, but all of a sudden, their odds of their hunt being successful are worse because they're at champion, and now have to decide whether to continue their hunt with worse odds or to scrounge up the ZC for a memory stick so they can pause their hunt and reach arceus just to continue their hunt again.
grass.png Current Type Race score = 0 grass.png
Saving for hypermode!
All art by me.
dinogolfer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngdinogolfer
dinogolfer's Avatar
Mostly all positive improvements, but just want to mention the couple things I don't LOVE. The Shelter changes seem like a nice way to improve it, but the values should be decreased or adjusted a bit. Alternatively the black flute bonus for finding your hunt could be buffed significantly (funny talking about that with the recent change poll). With the point values you gave as an example, people shiny hunting using the shelter will ALWAYS get LESS total adopts per day than with the current system - finding your egg on your first reload every time would always cost 10, which means the exact same number of adopts per day, but that's not how it usually happens. If you take 6 reloads to find an egg, suddenly it costs 20 instead of 10, and you basically "lost" one adopt for the day compared to the current system. And there's no way to make up for that either, as 10 will always be the minimum for an egg, so every time you don't find your egg in the shelter, your number of adopts is slowly decreasing. So yes, I like the suggestion overall, but would prefer some adjustments (not that what you said was in any way final). Getting Delta Points from guests being removed is annoying. Even if I forget most of the time (especially recently), it was relatively simple to ask my group discord of 15 or so friends to get some of them to click my party once a day, but I'm not going to ask them all to actually consistently play the game. I understand that this is a strategy by you to get more players through referrals, I just would prefer to keep the guest points available. Maybe keep the daily DP limit the same as it is now, but make guests/referrals give different values to incentivize one over the other. Just a suggestion, not sure if it'd just be double or what. I understand the reason for incentivizing party clicks as it helps more people, but the EXP share and general clicking changes I think could get very annoying when doing things like legendary hunts, where you're constantly clicking. At a certain point, you'll run out of parties to click, and then it would suddenly get very very slow to continue hunting. I think making them stronger on parties is fine, but please don't NERF exp share or exp gains whatsoever. It'd be incredibly annoying to get Pokerus, only to struggle finding parties that have new eggs that you haven't clicked yet. I know none of these changes are final (especially the exp one), so thought I'd throw in my couple thoughts to be considered before that time. This is also assuming I've understood fully, it's of course possible there's a misunderstanding somewhere.
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Buying summon_mel.pngMusic Boxessummon_mel.png for 30ZC each.
Buying summon_dce.pngDiamond Tiarassummon_dce.png for 20ZC each.
Can pay in other currencies, credits preferred!
Lv. 100 — +663,741
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness 27%
Bashful nature
Lv. 100 — +318,958
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sweet food
Happiness MAX
Timid nature
Pfp is the official King Dedede (pink variant) render from Smash Ultimate.
breakneck blitz sept '23 win | made by @BlueBlissey
shattered psych oct '23 win | made by @Cryst
'Team Dragon December 2023. Pixel by Zerxus'
Made by Cometily
Blueish's Avatarhypermode-12.pngBlueish
Blueish's Avatar
For the most part across the board these seem like excellent changes to make, both for veteran users and to hopefully introduce to and retain newer players, but a few of the points are, as a lot of other people have mentioned, significant concerns. 1. Cost For Refresh - I can't see this balancing out well, especially for people chaining uncommon eggs or searching for their own bred eggs. Unless the black flute bonus was strengthened significantly, which from my understanding would require revamping how the shelter stocking works currently, the cost of refreshing the shelter to find the correct eggs would be too steep to be offset by an increased shelter "budget." This could always be implemented and revisted, of course, by increasing the base budget, but at this point it could still wind up being a net negative for total adoptions in a lot of people's hunts. 2. Nerf Field Interactions - In my opinion, with this nerf, it is an ABSOLUTE MUST that party interactions are also buffed. The game revolves around mass interacting for a number of things that are perhaps not thought about aside from just hatching eggs - keeping your albino radar charged with IP, and breeding eggs to find in the shelter, namely. (which would interact with the aforementioned plan of shelter changes!) If party clicks gave a fair bit more IP and a significant amount more progress to breeding cycles, this is the only way I could see it working. Even at peak hours, pretending that all 700-ish online people I could click have a party of 6, that's still under 5k clicks. That's only a few hundred eggs with an optimal pair (rip genderless pairs) and assuming my ability to click the preferred berry and taking into consideration eggs give 6 interaction points... maybe 30,000IP. And, realistically, there is no way all those people would have full parties. An increase to the exp share for party clicks would also be greatly welcomed, though with more incentive to party click and therefore click back, eggs and pokemon should progress nicely enough even with a small boost like x2-3 exp from it. I'll probably have more thoughts later, but those two were things that seemed particularly concerning. Everything else sounds like a wonderful idea.
Reima's AvatarReima
Reima's Avatar
I'm visiting relatives so I can't quite focus as well as I'd want to Tried to read stuff though and might do so again later These seem nice overall though, interested to see most of them Will have to see about that Shelter stuff at some point though, as in, like, what it's going to be like The exp. share I hope will remain as helpful as it is. I've praised it before to my friend on that function of 'the more you do, the more you gain' which has personally encouraged me to interact a lot~ It's very nice to have a way to get your critters to grow independently too, like if you're in a hurry and would want to hatch your almost grown eggs before going to a meeting or something else that. It's nice :2
Credit to LycanKai for the Banner, Aemilia the Badge, and me for my Icon~
Score: 0
Yeah's AvatarYeah
Yeah's Avatar
To me, I feel as though these changes are more harm than help. While the QoL changes are nice, as someone who’s almost exclusively been hunting aerodactyl, the fossil bonus going away hurts a lot :(
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Yeah / He

Type race: 0
209/500 summon_mew.png till mew hunt (buying at 100k credits each)
Ima edit this eventually, but for now es blank
75/100 wheee
wawwwww a fancy thingy!!!!
Code @Colorful Background from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX Profile picture by Cryst Signature Picture by @crazyMissdream Running Mew by @KitKatKutie2 | Shop
Gem217's Avatarhypermode-12.pngGem217
Gem217's Avatar
All these seem pretty cool but I really don't think I understand the shelter one. So say I'm hunting Vulpix at the moment. I don't care who created the egg, i just want them all haha so I use the flute to refresh the shelter to find them. So now it will cost to do that? I actually have the max shelter adoption pass after saving up for it. Will it happen that I actually won't be able to take advantage of my max adoption limit because I will have run out of points to actually adopt eggs? Have I understood it correctly? Lol I suppose my only other concern is the exp boost. I frequently run out of party clicks when I've literally ran through everyone online haha so what would happen then? Just wait for more people to log in? All in all. Fantastic work and some fantastic changes coming! Thanks!
Pokemon trainer since '99 u.png
Score: 0
Credit to LycanKai
9.pngsummon_sui.png × 391 / 500
Buying for 20zc
SqueakyEevee's AvatarSqueakyEevee
SqueakyEevee's Avatar
I love the sound of most of these. Not to happy about the whole budget thing with the shelter... like at all but the increased free daycare adoption limit softens that. Super looking forward to the new outfits!~
Deadlock21's Avatarhypermode-12.pngDeadlock21
Deadlock21's Avatar
I agree with the shelter and exp share concerns modt users have wrote so far. Also i want to make a suggestion that if you run out of parties to click either parties come up you have clicked allready but have new eggs (not every user once a day but every batch of eggs) or that offline players get drawn aswell. I run out of parties to click every so often. Also i am still having problems with giving clickbacks to people with an empty party. I am petty, go on their fields and only give one click so they are not on my clickback list anymore. Thats usually 15/50 users and i hate it. Just dont show empty parties to me please.
He/him 30 German Second/Third Field Shiny/Albino Free for newbies :) See my Shop https://pfq.link/~V2z1 for Summons and Dexing If you ever happen to send me a shiny/albino for my endstage living Dex, please make sure to give it a NAME and if you wish, a description, so I can love it as equally as you do :)
SlitherCain's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSlitherCain
SlitherCain's Avatar
I'm reading through and marking my reactions as I go, I think showing my blind ones can be helpful (and for the sake of my friend's DMs who I was considering being the sole audience instead.) Also putting it behind a hidebox so people can easily scroll by.

Long Reply

  • The new pairs are absolutely adorable, I love them.
  • I know for sure some people are going to be salty about the 5-chain becoming 10ZC but as a free-to-play player (my hypermode was given by a friend), it makes me really happy that I can now get the final currency for just...playing the game. It isn't even that much honestly, to get the thing I'd find most useful for myself (Ubercharm), I'd need to wait about 6 months which by proxy, some of those expensive custom sprites that are like, 750 ZC would take over a YEAR when running solely on those chain bonuses. Feels balanced to me.
  • On a random note it's funny I was being a part of a lab suggestion that'd buff it and I see "lab buffs". Lab Reload passes costing Interaction Points feels good, that currency is underused in my opinion so an alternate use for them (not that I know how often they WILL be bought) is appreciated
  • So I'm taking it that the rank below Arceus isn't going to provide a boost (not that I even KNEW it apparently did because god knows my luck on Albinos, let alone Melans, absolutely sucks) anymore. While the leeway for Arceus is nice, 99% still feels a little...tight for all the high-costing and RNG dependent Megas, Totems and now Paradoxes that are floating around the place. You could just...trade for them but I know some people don't like that.
  • With the new Shelter ideas in mind, while this will probably be a big no, if we're having them cost points now, perhaps it could be more likely for Q-exclusive eggs to get in the shelter? The drawback is that they could be really expensive. Using theorized points it'd be that a dexed egg is 8 points, a non-dexed egg is 25 points, a dexed Q egg three times that (so 24 points) and a non-dex Q egg is the same so 75 points. Though maybe I'm missing the point since it seems this is to try and stop people using the Shelter as a Daycare workaround.
  • Still Shelter but its own section. Doing math with my current pass (85), I'd have 2,040 points, currently I could take 85 eggs and with the new system I could take 255 eggs (that I have dexed), if anyone wanted a visual for that...in this absolutely mess of a reply.
  • Don't entirely get the boost behind the "one mon staying behind" but perhaps that's my mindset of "I don't care about leveling, I want them all hatched as soon as possible"...unless one just lingering about DOES do that because I at least don't think anything on the site itself talks about this apparent "linger boost" that exists.
  • Another question about the Daycare, is this boost going to depend on the mon, since I remember reading that newer exclusives have a lower chance to encourage tourney participiation. Will those get boosted too? Will it only impact exclusives not in the tourneys? Just a sort of "I want to be certain what this means" mindset...mostly because there are a few tourney mons I want to hunt in the future so I want to know if those will become easier too.
  • Unrelated to an actual buff but this is how I find out the Wishforge impacted IVs, I thought it just boosted a type's EXP field, oop.
  • Honestly yeah, while I don't fish too often now that I own the mons, having Fishing in the tutorial is a good idea since I wasn't sure if there was much of a reason TO Fish (because of the Shelter) beforehand.
  • (Edit!) I think Contests should be in the tutorial as well honestly, it took me a while to even start trying to look into it and it's just so I can evolve two mons. To get more people to do it, that should be acknowledged.
  • Ok wow, while I don't buy off people, the idea of buying rare mons off people just to effectively shred them for "aura points" feels so wrong to me that I'm glad that is getting scrapped. Let those poor mons have proper homes that isn't a meat grinder.
  • Also about Deltas, THANK YOU, THAT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE. I admit, about a week ago I was talking to some random people about this game without saying its name about how it "punished players for getting their friends to play" by pointing out that if one of your guests joins, they'd no longer give you the boost. Now the I assume intention is much clearer since you show your friends, they join, and now you can all help each other with getting auras, the buddy system now properly works out.
  • Great, now their chances to be obtained should be increased too, I've been on here consistently scouring with both treasure boosts for over two months now and I haven't encountered a SINGLE fossil. I don't know if something is wrong with me or what, but I haven't been able to really witness a proper prehistoric boost since the only ones I own are from Wonder Trading. Really in general it feels a lot of the Scour-only items are too rare, chests are fine along with the Totem stickers but the past weeks of hunting for Drives have been duds (I only got a Fire one because someone traded it to me I assume out of pity) and it's making me dread getting the FOUR Reveal Glasses I need too.
  • Huh, I've never really felt like clicking huge fields is better, perhaps because those numbers overwhelm me or the fact that I always see two options. Choose one random person's field where I have to keep moving my mouse around and keep changing berries or do the 50 user option where I can keep it in one spot and click like crazy unless I see a new user (who I will click fully to help them out), I know which one my hand likes more! As much the EXP Share weakening makes me fear it'll have the opposite impact, if it encourages more clickbacks (which I'm surprised people don't do, to reach it is so easy), then so be it I suppose? I'm more surprised the apparent "best way" to play this game is focusing on one big person, doesn't make much sense to me.
I suppose to "TIL" all that, I'm happy about most of the changes, in fact, I think a few of these should've happened much earlier. I'm a new player so maybe I'm not the one who should be saying it but hey. A question I wanted to leave out of the hidebox is you bringing up the Delta poll, are all those results going to be applied or just the one brought up in this post itself?
[Profile picture is from an early-game cutscene in Fire Emblem Engage]
yànhòuxi's Avataryànhòuxi
yànhòuxi's Avatar
Mostly looking forward to these changes, especially the 99% Arceus and daycare updates! I do have some apprehensions, though: For the shelter: As others have said, paying for every refresh and adoption would add up fast even with higher limits, especially if you're an active F2P user who runs out of daycare eggs faster and/or hunting something virtually only you are breeding. If plans for the system will stay as is overall, maybe there could be a threshold -- even a small one -- of free refreshes/adopts first before it costs points, similar to the daycare and lab? Linking refresh/adopt cost to rank, as suggested, also seems like it could help with the addressed issues around balance. I also sometimes automatically click refresh without meaning to (like if I'm searching for rarer eggs and just get used to refreshing without thinking), so I can see accidental point-spending happening like that -- would a popup of some sort be added to mitigate that? I'm also curious as to whether manually refreshing the shelter immediately after adopting an egg -- or failing to because it's already been adopted, as can happen a lot with, for instance, PotD tourneys -- would cost points as well. For delta points: This is just one personal experience, of course, and it's limited enough I'd probably be fine just accepting the needs of the many, but I sell specials and am not interested in deltas, so my biggest sales usually come from people planning on exchanging them for DP -- something that would no longer happen with only personally hatched specials granting DP. Again, I have other options for GP/ZC, but as a generally F2P user having an additional source limited would be a bit disappointing (although I suppose I could still obtain points myself, then sell vouchers?). Maybe specials you didn't hatch could give less DP, but still some? As mentioned, removing guest interactions altogether also seems unnecessarily punishing to people who do want DP but can't get other people to join and stay playing, especially with other sources now nerfed. I think others have proposed keepng guest DP but limiting it compared to referral DP, which seems like a better middle ground. I'm a bit apprehensive about the potential EXP changes too, but I think others have mostly already pointed out the possible problems there. Overall, again, the changes look mostly good/exciting, and if there's something I missed or am misunderstanding feel free to let me know!
Avatar is official TCG art by PLANETA Tsuji <3

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