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"Tiered" Hypermode?

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Lawless's AvatarLawless
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QUOTE originally posted by Mouse 13

QUOTE originally posted by Lawless

Why make a light hypermode and remove the reason people even buy HM to begin with? New Suggestion: 40% EXP boost Max PokéRadar chain of 40 6 DayCare adopts 10% GP discount No Free Summons 100 Free GP (or none at all) No albino radar discount because it's not a needed feature to begin with A 2-hour wait to release Pokémon
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by your first statement. And the albino radar discount is absolutely necessary- I have wrist issues. Just because you won't use it doesn't make it useless. Anything to click less is great. Also this suggestion is for tiered hypermode, if you have a new suggestion, perhaps make a new thread?
People use HM to hunt for specials, with the "lite-mode" they're removing those features for the fluff features. Also them changing the EXP boost to 20% like they want, means you would have to even click more to hatch 1 party. I suggested a change to the lite mode they offered up because it's still not really worth buying if I can't even have my full hatching boosts
Jayden | Ghost | Vivillon Enthusiast
Lucky Seal

Lucky Seal

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(item.png: 0)

[LEGACY] Stick this Seal to a Treasure Box, and it is guaranteed to contain a Summon Item! One-time use.

Legacy items are old items that no longer serve a purpose and are only good for collecting.

Sells for 10,000

Lv. 96 — Locked
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness MAX
Docile nature
Lucky Seal

Lucky Seal

Account Upgrade

(item.png: 0)

[LEGACY] Stick this Seal to a Treasure Box, and it is guaranteed to contain a Summon Item! One-time use.

Legacy items are old items that no longer serve a purpose and are only good for collecting.

Sells for 10,000

Lv. 100 — +1,913,252
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness MAX
Sassy nature
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Collecting for Koko hunt!
summon_gar.png x 9 / 1000
Collecting for Articuno hunt!
Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by KleinFye

Anyone knows how much difference it makes between these max chains?
38 to 39 is a 1.5x modifier 39 to 40 is a further 2x modifier Currently the only upgrade is Hypermode, giving 38 to 40 for a single 3x modifier.
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Sanae Kochiya's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSanae Kochiya
Sanae Kochiya's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by KleinFye

honestly, why shouldn't a light version have the "important" things instead like exp boost and 40 chain? the only reason that comes to mind is that maybe most people won't buy the normal HM when they can get the important things with a light version and that would suggest that the additional things aren't worth the amount of zc.
thats exactly why i fully support the 39 idea. because if people truly want to invest in (and hunt for the chance of getting back + more to buy a new normal hyper mode) normal hyper mode, they will pay the expense to do so. i think light is a good middle -point, because it exactly is what its supposed to be. a "light" version. not a "heavy" version, but a "light" version. i actually think you get alot of boons for just that small amnont of ZC. so it is extremly well though out imo. and makes for a great "lighter version" of HM.
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Vaporgrave's AvatarVaporgrave
Vaporgrave's Avatar
I'd be in support of a HM that has none of the perks (less adopts, no GP, no seals or like 1 seal, longer release times) but still has the 40 chain as others have said. Full HM is most likely not gonna be affordable for me every month, a cheaper option could fill that gap and keep me playing and paying as I probably wouldn't without. But if the lower tiered HM was so nerfed for hunting that it's not helpful then it doesn't feel much different than playing F2P really EDIT: 39 looks like it would work OK too
The lite as currently proposed defeats the entire point of buying HM for me I would pay for just the 40 chain boost. If that's not included in lite, I wouldn't buy. I can't afford the non-lite hypermode So I'd probably just leave again if the chain boost was taken away. Unless it somehow didn't affect melan chances at all :/
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QUOTE originally posted by KleinFye

the only reason that comes to mind is that maybe most people won't buy the normal HM when they can get the important things with a light version and that would suggest that the additional things aren't worth the amount of zc.
I cannot THIS enough. If keeping the full 40 chain on the lite mode is leading to thoughts that people might not buy the 'full' mode then the additional things are not worth the ZC being spent. All the extra stuff outside the 40 chain is fluff to most people. At the very, bare minimum the lite mode should have this, not a cut down 39 chain.
Gallevoir's Avatarhypermode-12.pngGallevoir
Gallevoir's Avatar
To clarify my particular response to the poll: I voted 'I buy and would continue to buy full HM', but in reality there's a chance I'd go to HM-Lite (if implemented) for months when I'm not likely to be as active as I usually am, or when my funds are particularly low.
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Qwagsoir's AvatarQwagsoir
Qwagsoir's Avatar
Only care about the special rate, not gonna pay 40% extra for useless fluff. I'd happily pay the old price for just the (full) shiny boost, but otherwise I'll probably just stop buying it.
emmadragon's Avataremmadragon
emmadragon's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by sojussimblr

To clarify my particular response to the poll: I voted 'I buy and would continue to buy full HM', but in reality there's a chance I'd go to HM-Lite (if implemented) for months when I'm not likely to be as active as I usually am, or when my funds are particularly low.
those are my thoughts as well on that
summon_mew.png23 summon_lug.png10
Ursaring's Avatarhypermode-12.pngUrsaring
Ursaring's Avatar
I would definitely support this lite mode. It would provide a great start to the game and allow new users easier access to hypermode. If users are spending double the amount of ZC then they should get double the chance of shinies.
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