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Sinnoh sprite revamp

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talkingcake's Avatartalkingcake
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Albino tends to mean fully white with dashes of red in places that white wouldn't be appropriate. Albino Froakie is the perfect example. Changing Melans/Albinos even with prior notice is just.. strange. Revamp doesn't mean you have to change colors. Revamp means making the sprites look more comprehensive and fitting the site theme. Changing albino/melan color seems like it should have been its OWN update, perhaps with a Poll to gauge interest/feedback. Dumping it all on people at once and going "welp, use CSS, which only YOU will see" is kind of... :-/
I only have one Albino Pokémon, an Albino Starly. I really like the new sprite! It's not a true albino, but I do like how it is the non-phaeomelanic counterpart to the non-eumelanic Shiny sprite. (Definitions for those obscure terms, along with other pigment variations.) I'm not sure if it was intentional, but I love it either way! However, it does bring up the core issue I have with most of the sprites. Most of them aren't albino. That in and of itself doesn't bother me as much as others. However, they also aren't leucistic either. Like others have said, they look like alt-Shinies, rather than lacking pigmentation. This is especially noticable on Grass-type Pokémon, where I would expect no chlorophyll but the retention of flavonoids and carotenoids (the pigments responsible for autumn coloration in leaves). Instead they are mostly blue/violet. While the yellow from before was graphically weaker, it was at least realistic (especially pale, but ultimately possible). I suppose that's what it really comes down to. Were Albino Pokémon meant to be realistic, or alt-Shinies with a focus on lighter colors? This is ultimately a matter of opinion, but as someone who is not an artist, but rather a biology student, I prefer realism.
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QUOTE originally posted by talkingcake

Albino tends to mean fully white with dashes of red in places that white wouldn't be appropriate. Albino Froakie is the perfect example. Changing Melans/Albinos even with prior notice is just.. strange. Revamp doesn't mean you have to change colors. Revamp means making the sprites look more comprehensive and fitting the site theme. Changing albino/melan color seems like it should have been its OWN update, perhaps with a Poll to gauge interest/feedback. Dumping it all on people at once and going "welp, use CSS, which only YOU will see" is kind of... :-/
You're new here so you didn't know, but it has been announced years ago that sprite revamps are coming. It was announced in the changelog. Also they're not really albinos, they're leucistic. They just call them albino for some reason.
Maybe its time to retire the term albino and melanistic and call them something else, Albinism is the lack of pigment (melanin) and melanistic is an increased amount of black pigmentation. These are the literal definitions. Albino palkia going blue, spiritomb going peach, melan garchomp going from black to brown, cresselia going green these are not 'albinos' or 'melanistics'. Perhaps they should be called alternate shinies (as some people have stated they look like) or something along those lines now that the original terms dont seem relevant anymore. Edit: I mean, this way changing the names means the staff can make the specials whatever colours they like and gives them more freedom without disgruntling some of the userbase.
Vaporeon26's AvatarVaporeon26
Vaporeon26's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Jubilant Dragon

Maybe its time to retire the term albino and melanistic and call them something else, Albinism is the lack of pigment (melanin) and melanistic is an increased amount of black pigmentation. These are the literal definitions. Albino palkia going blue, spiritomb going peach, melan garchomp going from black to brown, cresselia going green these are not 'albinos' or 'melanistics'. Perhaps they should be called alternate shinies (as some people have stated they look like) or something along those lines now that the original terms dont seem relevant anymore. Edit: I mean, this way changing the names means the staff can make the specials whatever colours they like and gives them more freedom without disgruntling some of the userbase.
No matter what the artists do there will probably be people that will be unhappy about the sprites changing just like with the vulpix sprites
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QUOTE originally posted by Vaporeon26

No matter what the artists do there will probably be people that will be unhappy about the sprites changing just like with the vulpix sprites
I wasn't talking about the sprite work or anything like that, just the name for the colours. I know its impossible to please everyone, as everyone has different tastes, I for one love black/dark blue Melans and gold/cream with pink highlight albinos. But I'm not a huge fan of brown ones. But highlighter purple melan gible just doesn't fit the word melanistic anymore. Lots of people love the new albinos and thats cool, some people like the melans, but most people think melan = black and albino = white/pink based on the actual terms, I dont think anyone thinks green. If we called them alternates or [insert a cooler word here] I feel as though not as many people would have mixed feelings.
PyraKitten's Avatarhypermode-12.pngPyraKitten
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QUOTE originally posted by Jubilant Dragon

Albinism is the lack of pigment (melanin) and melanistic is an increased amount of black pigmentation. These are the literal definitions.
That's true, but a darker colour scheme is present on Melanistics - just as a lighter colour scheme is present on Albinos. While most animals with albinism have white fur and red eyes - that's not always the case. A good example is in humans. The melanin in the eyes of a human with albinism generally makes their eyes blue (with the occassional red tint to the pupil). Thus, it doesn't seem too much of a stretch to believe that Pokemon - who, lets face it, don't exactly obey biology anyway - would simply be a lighter, somewhat different variation. Incidentally, I'd also say that 'shiny' Pokemon aren't exactly... well, shiny. If I were to get out a shining-brush and start polishing a charizard then it wouldn't turn into a shiny charizard. It would certainly be a charizard that is shiny (in the literal sense), but it wouldn't be a shiny Charizard. If word definitions are the problem, we'd have to re-work almost all of Pokemon. 'Mega' means very large - but Mega-Evolved Pokemon don't usually geta lot bigger. That's associated with Gigantimax Pokemon. Similarly, a totem animal is usually worshipped and/or used for symbolism - but I'm pretty sure the Totem Pokemon aren't worshipped by the alolan culture (don't quote me on that one it's been a while since I played S/M/US/UM). TL;DR - Pokemon already bends words & reality to an extreme. It seems odd that PFQ should be any different. Either way, that's just my 10 cents/pence/credits/other-currencies-are-avaliable.
☼ Aka Pyra Kitten ☼ ❤ Artist ❤ Gamer ❤ Nerd ❤
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Sprite by kitty00829.
I've just gotta say I'm absolutely in love with the new albino shinx line. The light blue mixed with the pale pink is just 👌 Drifloon has this same scheme too, actually. I was never a huge drifloon fan but this makes me want to hunt them bc I'm obsessed with it I'm ngl Also, strawberry pink Dialga?? Yesss please 💕 I'm LOVING the pink (and light blue) direction with some of these albinos.
Shyer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngShyer
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I for one love all the recolors and some of the new designs. My top 3 favorites are Turtwig line, Spiritomb and Shellos line. The only thing I'm wondering is about the Rotoms. Both Shiny and Melan keep the same constant colors throughout their forms. But the Albinos actually have different colors. I'm curious about the thought process about that one. Still love them very much though. Thank you Art team and everyone else for all the hard work and amazing recolors. I fell in love with them all over again (Even for the Shinnoh pokemon I don't typically like. lol) <3
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QUOTE originally posted by Shyer

-snip- Both Shiny and Melan keep the same constant colors throughout their forms. But the Albinos actually have different colors. I'm curious about the thought process about that one. Still love them very much though. -snip-
I don't know the answer for the melans, but the shinys are whatever colors the official ones are for Pokemon (minus the PFQ variants and exclusives of course) :3
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