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BELIEVE's Avatar
Havent read through the previous posts [yet] since there's a lot, and they're all really long, so I'm going to drop in my two cents from what I understand. I feel like this is all announced too early. I really had no issue with either the reboot or this, but it's all being spoken about too early, when there are no answers to things. I understand the need to make users aware, but it's all announced so early that there are no answers to the questions users are asking, which generally leads to backlash, and/or panic. I feel like this could've waited a bit, until things were more planned out, so to say? Since, the reboot was announced and was eventually scrapped, I feel like they should have waited till they were sure they wouldn't do the same with this. < [Not to say this will be scrapped >.>]
Hexables's AvatarHexables
Hexables's Avatar
Honestly, this may just be me, but I personally think a chunk of the panic and concern is based on things being thrown around by other users. I could be wrong, but it seems like in a lot of the comments I've read people are still thinking that the new concept is just...a reboot. Reboots mean people lose progress. People panic. Niet said in the original post, though, that it's more a sequel that will go on at the same time (although if he has posted anything stating otherwise since I haven't seen it, I was sort of skimming through over the last few days). Sequels, you don't lose your progress generally unless the original is shut down. Some questions can't be answered in concept phases. Generic questions maybe, but not extreme details. Side note: I agree that this stuff issss being announced a bit early it seems. Anyway, a lot of games (I'm talking video games now bc it's the only examples IK) show concepts and people occasionally get upset because "hey, that wasn't actually included!" and I'm assuming Niet and any other staff who are working with/on the new concept don't want something like that to happen when the time comes, and they want to keep people updated with what they're thinking (hey guys, rework. hey guys, no rework. hey guys, new semi-unrelated site.) and the dev log will totally help with that. i could be totally wrong with some of the things i just said..i tried. Anyway, on to what I came here to say. I agree with concern about Niet (and, again, if any other staff are going to be monitoring both sites or w/e) being stretched thin possibly. I really like the idea of this overall, I think the Pokemon petting vs. specific berries will be better for busier people since it will require a little less...micromanaging I guess? making fields for all the different berry types and such. It'll also help me not get distracted while clicking on Pokemon. Jumbled thoughts over.
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Gengirl's AvatarGengirl
Gengirl's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by LadyElemental

but... the entire "Pet the Pokemon" kind of implies it will still be a clicking based game?
Exactly. This is my concern too.
Credit to my bff CorvidsAiden for my avatar!
Terabbit's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTerabbit
Terabbit's Avatar
God reading this thread is so frustrating. People begged for updates and more communication when the reboot was cancelled. Then noet starts a log detailing his basic ideas and why he thinks that way and now theres panic and breakdown again. It's almost like no matter what niet does someone will be upset. And im not going to lie, a lot of these comments are very harsh and rude. Niet decided to open up on the project hes working on as per userbase request and now people are upset about that?? This is a huge case of pick a lane. As stated before by amanome, the site is still in its conceptual stage. There is no point in getting worked up about it yet Clearly niet isnt ignoring pokefarm as he implemented two different suggestion in the past 24 hours.
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Camwoodstock's AvatarCamwoodstock
Camwoodstock's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Gengirl

QUOTE originally posted by LadyElemental

but... the entire "Pet the Pokemon" kind of implies it will still be a clicking based game?
Exactly. This is my concern too.
It is explicitly stated this is to be 1:1 with how there's only "Hold the egg" with no preferences; quoth the original announcement: "The current plan to resolve this in the new game is to remove berries from the interaction process, and just have... "Pet the Pokémon", to go along with "Hold the Egg"." So not only will there be a Pet button... but the Hold egg is returning as well. So it's a clicker game... But it's NOT, it's a new project... But it IS related to PFQ... But it won't replace it... But it ISN'T an update... But it DOES have the same mechanics? And, thusly, we return to the main issue we've had; what little information we have, seems to contradict itself. Is this a second separate project, or is this an update for PFQ? We have heard both, and contradictions that fight against both. It is quite literally a Schrodinger's Cat situation, as without any further information or elaboration, it may as well be either/or... except, Schrodinger's Cat doesn't allow for paranoid speculation. There's having plans up in the air, and then there's not being certain if we're receiving a new game or an update, which are (obviously) two incredibly different things that aren't something usually up-in-the-air. It'd be like if Minecraft's 1.16 update was also being teased as "Minecraft 2", while also being called the Minecraft 1.16 Update. My issue isn't "we begged for updates and got upset when there wasn't anything to note"--it's that the way this has been conveyed to us hasn't been clear at all, to the point where nobody can even agree what it is we're even getting.
Source: Eastern Mind (MS-DOS), the Chu-Teng Symbol
{Cam | Genderfluid | Born: Yes | Single | Dork | Plays video games | 132nd Skywatcher} Uhh... Nothing. More to come, hopefully Icon: Boxart for Japanese-only game "Chu-Teng" (name romanized)
Constantine's AvatarConstantine
Constantine's Avatar
More information will come when the information is available - mods can't say anything, we're not developers. The only one who has the ins and outs fully are the admins. While I understand the reason for wanting more information but it's getting to the point that we're beating the metaphorical dead horse. It's not going to make the information come out any faster, things need to be done behind the scenes. You can continue to say what you will, and have some good old banter about how things weren't done up to snuff - you're allowed this, I partially agree with some things said. But there's only so much that can be done, all that can be done now is stuff taken from this first developer log and improve on it. I personally think people should stop speculating, and wait for more information to come - otherwise, folks are just going to whip themselves into a panic, as they have already. Before someone says, 'we're tired of being told to wait' or whatever. Yeah, I get it. But that's all that can be done now.
♔ Fae King Give me equality.
Narflunk's AvatarNarflunk
Narflunk's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Camwoodstock

My issue isn't "we begged for updates and got upset when there wasn't anything to note"--it's that the way this has been conveyed to us hasn't been clear at all, to the point where nobody can even agree what it is we're even getting.
It's also because days/weeks/months go by with no updates or clarification, no answers to the questions (except the rare snippet by Niet commenting on an obscure detail that really isn't relevant). Based on this same information, I don't even think Niet and Garthic know what we're getting, either. If they do, they should really tell us, or keep it a complete secret and not give us any information at all about their new projects. It is my personal opinion that someone should tell them to stop posting teaser information, or stop allowing us to comment on it. Tldr: someone lock this thread...
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APPreacher's AvatarAPPreacher
APPreacher's Avatar
I understand everyone's concerns about the "new game" hysteria, and I too feel like the announcement may have been a bit too preemptive, BUT this is exactly what the public has been asking for. Complete transparency from an utter foundational standpoint. The dev's are in the IDEA stage, nothing is announced as fabricated, no beta testers have been (publicly) selected. It's all still just a thought. We've been asking for clarity, but I feel like this is the start of that. Cut the staff a little slack. They're trying to weigh all their options and all our feedback together.
MinniHowl's AvatarMinniHowl
MinniHowl's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Narflunk

Tldr: someone lock this thread...
That would be a bit counter productive, though, since the whole point of having this at all is to pose questions and discuss as per:

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

Garthic will collect and respond to questions people have, and then I'll post an update that will prompt a whole bunch of new questions.
This quote also to people wondering where Niet and Garthic is now, I think the answers will be collectively posted in the next update or something, if I understood it right.
~Xo, MinniHowl ● SHOPJOURNAL
Narflunk's AvatarNarflunk
Narflunk's Avatar
I don't think anyone asked for 100% transparency. This thread fiasco is an example of why that is a really bad idea. It's not hard to post updates like "working on a new idea/project, can't wait to share more details!" or "work on recoding _x_ is going slower than expected". We want more frequent communication, but it shouldn't be full of vague ideas that contradict themselve or don't actually seem like new things. And if feedback is requested on this released information, someone needs to be ready to answer questions quickly. Even if all they say is "sorry we haven't gotten that far" or "that's a secret, stay tuned". **EDIT**

QUOTE originally posted by MinniHowl

QUOTE originally posted by Narflunk

Tldr: someone lock this thread...
That would be a bit counter productive, though, since the whole point of having this at all is to pose questions
But they are not answering any questions, and the thread has devolved into a pit of misinformation and despair.

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