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Single post in DLD #1 [insert-name-here]

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Hexables's AvatarHexables
Hexables's Avatar
Honestly, this may just be me, but I personally think a chunk of the panic and concern is based on things being thrown around by other users. I could be wrong, but it seems like in a lot of the comments I've read people are still thinking that the new concept is just...a reboot. Reboots mean people lose progress. People panic. Niet said in the original post, though, that it's more a sequel that will go on at the same time (although if he has posted anything stating otherwise since I haven't seen it, I was sort of skimming through over the last few days). Sequels, you don't lose your progress generally unless the original is shut down. Some questions can't be answered in concept phases. Generic questions maybe, but not extreme details. Side note: I agree that this stuff issss being announced a bit early it seems. Anyway, a lot of games (I'm talking video games now bc it's the only examples IK) show concepts and people occasionally get upset because "hey, that wasn't actually included!" and I'm assuming Niet and any other staff who are working with/on the new concept don't want something like that to happen when the time comes, and they want to keep people updated with what they're thinking (hey guys, rework. hey guys, no rework. hey guys, new semi-unrelated site.) and the dev log will totally help with that. i could be totally wrong with some of the things i just said..i tried. Anyway, on to what I came here to say. I agree with concern about Niet (and, again, if any other staff are going to be monitoring both sites or w/e) being stretched thin possibly. I really like the idea of this overall, I think the Pokemon petting vs. specific berries will be better for busier people since it will require a little less...micromanaging I guess? making fields for all the different berry types and such. It'll also help me not get distracted while clicking on Pokemon. Jumbled thoughts over.
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