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PokéFarm "Reboot"

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Kinshine's AvatarKinshine
Kinshine's Avatar
I like to speak on behave the info I have gotten but first I’m put in my opinion. I like many others may or may not like quest however... I don’t see how we can’t have a coder code that into this pfq as I was on another site similar to this that was a clicking game and we as staff coded in questing to the main site. Just just one type of quest but hundreds! This solve so many issues but I know this will not happen. —- That being said yes quest sound fun but loosing my hard work is a big sad no. To help others who are in panic, rage, upset, ect like I am please read below. This may clear up a few things for everyone! - Pokémon and zc are not being lost! (Other stuff still in the air) -You can transfer them strait to the new server if pfq is EVER taken down later on for any purpose per say. But pfq is staying. However there is going be 2 sites that is what has been told to me directly. YES THERE WILL BE TWO SITES! Going cap that so you lovely people see it and don’t panic more. I hope this helps due the first post was a bit vague and everyone is confused. —— But over all I really wish we could just add the quest into this site in all honesty! I do like some the pros though like color blind feature and better tutorials because that’s always good to have! I do like the refresh option as well because that is very much helpful. Lastly cause I need sleep here The art for the type races look stunning , bless the art team for there hard work yet agian. Now zzz / lurking ;3
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Leonidas1754's AvatarLeonidas1754
Leonidas1754's Avatar
Me while reading this: Oooh this sounds like something I'd want to start over for... But wait, I wouldn't wanna lose my shinies and albinos... -gets to end of post- ... Oh well that's perfect, thanks!!! (It is a little bit of a bummer that I'll lose my badge progress as that's been my main goal, but ah well. I'll just go back to shiny hunting for now!) A lot of people do seem upset with the progress, and some aspects are understandable (Keeping things like hard to obtain items and such), others... They don't seem to understand that this WILL change how the game works instead of just looking different. That said, to be able to clearly transfer some things, and/or give a boost to people who are transfering over, might help soothe some pointed nerves. (They also seemed to have missed that this version will apparently stay open for the foreseeable future even after the next is opened, as said in the post). I think it will come at ease eventually, it's just new and sudden and quite the drastic proposed change, but I, for one, am looking forward to being able to start again with a new system.
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Loksfjoer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLoksfjoer
Loksfjoer's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Grym

QUOTE originally posted by susie

I know that currency will be transferred at the very least, which is great! But it doesn't replace the amount of time and effort that was put into this site by me and others. As an addendum, I'd like to point out that even if currency is transferred, things like fields will still need to be bought all over again.
Oh no. I didn't even think of that. I have over 100 fields. They cost about 500k cr now. That would be a nightmare to start over. And you'd have to have the fields or you couldn't transfer your Pokémon >.<
Do we have any idea how long we have before this might get implemented?
At least you will have time to collect enough credits for that, because credits are most likely able to be transferred. In the first post it was said it would take quite some time before the reboot would come into effect. No official date is given yet, and probably won't be for a while.
~ Writer ~ Roleplayer ~ Collector of gems, jewels and fossils ~ My shop: Shop of shiny items My clan: Words of creation Avatar made for me by Armarouge
Maya's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMaya
Maya's Avatar
I'm ... absolutely not a huge fan of this at all, especially when a lot of current dexes I got were managed with friends I traded with (Looking at you, Melmetal, because Voltorb Flip is the worst). When PFQ rebooted the first time, I supported the reboot with nearly a thousand dollars of my money, because I had hope that this would be it. I loved PF1, had no issues with it, didn't understand the need for 'bigger and better'. It took me a little while to love it again, but here I am. I have hunted, continued to support with my own money, and tried to just live in the background of the site, doing my thing and just collecting my adorable little sprites. Hatching, raising, leveling badges, gardening berries, hoarding boxes and sharing treasures. I have amassed a lot in the several years I have been here - and now it's like, "Whelp, too bad so sad, start this bad boy over again." It is incredibly disheartening. Because then it leads to the question ... when is the next reboot? When is the next time we're going to lose everything we've worked so hard for? Is there even a point in collecting anything anymore? Every few years, it'll be a huge reboot and everyone can just start over for the sake of the few that want everything to be a lot easier or 'fairer'? I feel like wiping 'records we can't beat' is easier than 'let's just get rid of everything so no one feels left out'. It ... feels very much like pandering. And for someone who has supported the site with a sizeable amount of actual money, it feels like a huge waste of that money. Why would I now want to support this monetarily again? What is my investment worth, really, when the site can just say, "We're just taking all your stuff away now, deal with it?" Overall, the visual changes and this quest thing seem ... okay. I've never had a problem on mobile (aside from the placement of "Buy Albino Radar" right next to "Charge Radar .... and not being able to copy & paste at all x.x ) And maybe the quests will be useful for new people coming into it. Honestly, though, it isn't rocket science what we do here, and it isn't for everyone. It seems to me that in trying to attract a new audience, with no guarantee it will work, alienates the people that are already here. We have our objectives list - are new players just ignoring it? That said, I do like the percentages for the experience bars, and while I used my menus quite frequently for several easy access things, the little button is pretty cute. I think for me, I wish there was a way to integrate this new quest thing into the current site, instead of forcing everyone who's been here forever to go through 'new user' stuff ..... again. There has to be a better balance that will both bring in the new users, but won't make the veterans feel like all their effort is for naught. I feel that, perhaps, if we could be certain at least the majority of our effort is transferable, it wouldn't be so bad? The thought of having to grind out my badges again, all the evolutions required and all the thousands and thousands of gems to do it ... it really does break the spirit.
Nothing is impossible - improbable, unlikely, but never impossible. Avvie by Me! <3
Kiwani's AvatarKiwani
Kiwani's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by iOlrickx

QUOTE originally posted by MinniHowl

Hoping for an *all* items/wishforge badges update on this sooner rather than later. Asides from pokemon transfers those are my biggest concerns/deal breakers.
This pretty much, though it's mostly the badges I care about, I've resorted to buying relics directly from the site, it's nearly £30 per badge, is there any point in continuing to finish upgrading my remaining 4 (8 as I'm helping a friend too) badges if it's just going to be thrown away? Should I just quit now and save myself the trouble? Since this new site isn't anywhere near ready, hopefully you can design it in a way to just transfer everything over because I'm not a fan of starting fresh again simply because this site wasn't designed with the future in mind.
I'm not a fan of starting over either. For me, getting the meteorites, and training Deoxys certain stats to get the shards to change Deoxys Formes are annoying. I don't want to really lose anything as I went through this once before.
*11/300 Fujin's Lamp All avatar credit of Nathaniel the Natu goes to Sina142's joint art shop.
Tenn's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTenn
Tenn's Avatar
Personally, I'm not really happy about it so far. Being able to transfer pokemon is good, especially because I don't want to lose my melans, but it would suck to lose items like summons and the shiny box as well as the currency. Many players paid real money, so it would feel very disheartening to lose those things. Also, what guarantees us that pokefarm will get yet another reboot in a couple of years? Not to sound rude or anything, but it honestly makes me worry if you should even bother to collect anything if your progress will be set to zero every couple of years. I certainly hope that this will be the last reboot, especially since you are going to redo the coding. I don't really like change, but as long as we can get our currency and items alongside our Pokemon, I don't mind too much and will continue playing the reboot. Hopefully our questions can be answered soon Personally, I wouldn't mind a few months of maintenance without being able to do anything on here as you're fixing the coding, as long as we don't lose our progress either. Not everyone wants to start anew, so I think it would be better if you could give everyone the chance to decide for themselves what and if they want to transfer. Those who want to start from scratch can do so, but the others can keep their progress
(By the hearts of broken dreams) Let’s build it one piece at a time, A today where you’re not alone (Always, Always) We’ve created a fortunate nation again Ah, all the time “Why do people get close to one another?” I question, and the sun rises
hybenti's Avatarhybenti
hybenti's Avatar
"stop overreacting" people have spent hundreds or more of their REAL LIFE money on this site. I, and everyone else who has sunk our hard-earned cash into this site, have every reason to be alarmed, thanks. if yall dont make everything ive spent my hard-earned money on trasnferable, this is a scam. Im just a disabled trans person with not much to look forward to in life, please dont make me regret putting money into Pokefarm AGAIN. also like someone else said, this probably wasnt a wise idea to post this without really ironing out more details. yall knew what was gonna happen. yall knew people were gonna freak out, and rightfully so.
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VeriCanary's AvatarVeriCanary
VeriCanary's Avatar
Y'all out of your minds I swear. This is... an insanely bad idea. Go off, though.
Caramel123's AvatarCaramel123
Caramel123's Avatar
Why is there a ??? type icon? It's been trashed for a while, PFQ use confirmed??,
Check out the fakemon mmo, https://pokengine.org!
Leomon2004's AvatarLeomon2004
Leomon2004's Avatar
Another point about the apparent "Unlock one Dex Entry to unlock all corresponding Dex Entries" thing does this apply to Deltas? Also as others have wondered what does this reset/reboot do about UBs? For me to get Type: Null I needed to sacrifice 6 UBs to get it, 5 of which I had to pay 1Million Credits each for. Then I had to pay 6Million Credits to get those UBs back. So in order to get Type: Null's Dex Entry in the reset/reboot site I have to do that again? Yeah, not too happy about that.

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