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PokéFarm "Reboot"

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Kiwani's AvatarKiwani
Kiwani's Avatar
I like the changes, but I don't like the fact that I have to start over again. I really like my shinies and albinos of variants and exclusives, and what about our shinies and albinos? And what about the custom sprites? I really like my Petripeep custom sprite, and I really don't want to lose him, because custom sprites can't be transfered. Don't like how we have to change site's again.
*11/300 Fujin's Lamp All avatar credit of Nathaniel the Natu goes to Sina142's joint art shop.
Pix3lblip's AvatarPix3lblip
Pix3lblip's Avatar
Ok, no one has to answer this... What about comics? Will the new site have them? Will they show up on the new site? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just a random thought Edit: I have a jumpluff and the mega stone, so would it be better to wait until the reboot?
Hope you have a nice day! :3 Little Ditto made by PupperCakes
Gallagher's AvatarGallagher
Gallagher's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Garthic

There is no interest in "wiping the slate clean". But, I mean, if that's preferred then we could do that? I don't think it is preferred, though.
No, I don't think it generally would be. With that, I would definitely encourage that thought is put into how things will affect various playstyles, and determine what things are really, really worth trying to preserve. I feel as though this announcement was made too soon. That's a very easy way to get people to panic, despite nice messages encouraging them not to do exactly that, lol. Getting early feedback is important, but so is knowing at which stage it should be obtained, and being able to present it well. I feel like something in that bunch was a wee bit neglected. Whether that was knowing the correct stage to begin looking for feedback or planning for the announcement and inevitable questions, I couldn't say. I'm looking forward to seeing the clarifications so far be added to the little front page FAQ. uhm also, new game new site new me, make about 500 more petripeep variations for me to collect, please and thank you
iOlrickx's Avatarhypermode-12.pngiOlrickx
iOlrickx's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by MinniHowl

Hoping for an *all* items/wishforge badges update on this sooner rather than later. Asides from pokemon transfers those are my biggest concerns/deal breakers.
This pretty much, though it's mostly the badges I care about, I've resorted to buying relics directly from the site, it's nearly £30 per badge, is there any point in continuing to finish upgrading my remaining 4 (8 as I'm helping a friend too) badges if it's just going to be thrown away? Should I just quit now and save myself the trouble? Since this new site isn't anywhere near ready, hopefully you can design it in a way to just transfer everything over because I'm not a fan of starting fresh again simply because this site wasn't designed with the future in mind.
• Current Type Race dragon.png 0
Avatar by Cryst
DeathBird's AvatarDeathBird
DeathBird's Avatar
Being honest here, I really don't like where this is going. Im all for the features of the site being improved and stuff but starting over after all this time? I get shivers just thinking about it.. Oh well, I guess there's nothing we can do but hope for the best.
Terabbit's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTerabbit
Terabbit's Avatar
So... my prized possession in pf1 was a shiny deiglitch i got. Couldn't transfer it... i was a bit sad but im way over it... My prized possession on pfq? My melan terabbit who i spent stupid amounts of money on to hunt. Not to mention terabbit is literally just my favorite pokemon period. i dont even care that its a fakemon. Please tell me fakemon will be transferable? Ill be absolutely heartbroken if i cant transfer up the only pokemon i care about.
Background drawn by DestinySquared on twitter OCs belong to myself and axelbby based off Mass Effect F2U code by Gumshoe Icon by me
Levian Wonder's AvatarLevian Wonder
Levian Wonder's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Optimus Prime

So... my prized possession in pf1 was a shiny deiglitch i got. Couldn't transfer it... i was a bit sad but im way over it... My prized possession on pfq? My melan terabbit who i spent stupid amounts of money on to hunt. Not to mention terabbit is literally just my favorite pokemon period. i dont even care that its a fakemon. Please tell me fakemon will be transferable? Ill be absolutely heartbroken if i cant transfer up the only polemon i care about.
Im sure they will be youll just have to find the pokemon on the reboot and get the dex before you can.
Check out my Shops Avatar was made by StinkyBinky here on PFQ
Kitsune Hime's AvatarKitsune Hime
Kitsune Hime's Avatar
As much as added story and better tutorial sounds nice among the other things, like many others I am not very thrilled at the thought of starting from scratch. I really hope you instead have a way to transfer everything over to the new from the old, I have items and Pokémon I worked hard and waited patiently to obtain and losing all the hard work built up over time is enough to make a lot of people lose interest, at least enough to make me lose interest. :c
I am forever indecisive on a Pokésona lol.
hedjeroo's Avatarhedjeroo
hedjeroo's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Optimus Prime

So... my prized possession in pf1 was a shiny deiglitch i got. Couldn't transfer it... i was a bit sad but im way over it... My prized possession on pfq? My melan terabbit who i spent stupid amounts of money on to hunt. Not to mention terabbit is literally just my favorite pokemon period. i dont even care that its a fakemon. Please tell me fakemon will be transferable? Ill be absolutely heartbroken if i cant transfer up the only polemon i care about.
As far as I can tell, Fakemon from PFQ should be transferrable this time around. If I remember rightly, the exclusives/fakemon from PF1 had a lot of issues re: copyright concerns surrounding them? But all of the ones on PFQ were designed specifically for PFQ, so PFQ owns them. (Please do correct me if I'm wrong!)
hedj | she/they/he | blm
If I can leave my two cents... I really dislike the idea of having to start over again. Yes, Pokemon will be transferrable, but only if you already own the dex entry for that particular 'mon. The thought of working towards a completed dex a second time quite honestly terrifies me. There's a reason I've never bought a BFM despite wanting to start over a few times. I know that currency will be transferred at the very least, which is great! But it doesn't replace the amount of time and effort that was put into this site by me and others. As an addendum, I'd like to point out that even if currency is transferred, things like fields will still need to be bought all over again. In addition, I fail to see what this new reboot brings to the table--a new site design, cool but not exactly necessary, y'know? The assistance to colorblind people is a great thing! But that could have easily been implemented into the current iteration of the site. So far, only the gameplay elements (quests, being more accessible to new users) sound like a fully good idea. Which is great for new players! But for long-time players like myself, it feels like sort of a punch in the gut.
image is official pokemon art; icon is official from witch's heart
silver ☀ he/they/pup ☀ 29 sweet-strawberry.pngsweet-flower.pngsweet-star.pngsweet-clover.pngsweet-berry.pngsweet-ribbon.pngsweet-love.png

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