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Big announcement / wall o' text! Yay!

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Ashwind's AvatarAshwind
Ashwind's Avatar
Oohh! The new Egg Pass is going to be exciting! And, It is ok about the less upadates thing. I only pay attention to the ones that will be helpful, in my opinion.
Name: Lilith Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Tasos500's AvatarTasos500
Tasos500's Avatar
Wow, I can't wait for all the new updates! I'm also very glad that Boxes will be more common. If only the stuff in them were more valuable. For example, a Box of mine contained 36 Credits! Also, congrats to Sei for being the new Fart Director. (I can already smell it! XD) I'm also wondering, how often will the Interaction Points be "banked"?
Daemonfreur's AvatarDaemonfreur
Daemonfreur's Avatar
http://q.pokefarm.org/forum/thread/6764/Big-announcement-wall-o-text-Yay?post=351236 great now i have an image of sei trying to fart in a normal/ fairy type field ghaa
Nunka's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNunka
Nunka's Avatar
Haha I usually rely on Blue showing up in the Announcement Box(Unclicked Link) or a change in Text(New date next to updates) but that face hits the head on the nail and makes it stick. Was like being slapped by the website textwise. I hope it gets the Zombish users's attention that don't normally notice the announcement changes. For starters, Glad to know things have been resolved where they needed to be. Hopefully things will start to get progressively better from there. Life can be a struggle at times and while we do have those mountains to climb you just need to find the right footholds to pull yourself over it. As long as they don't crumble or come loose you should keep going up and up until it's over and you can easily ride the slide all the way down to the bottom on the other side. Also happy to hear about some of the future updates. By the way, I suggest keeping febreeze or a scented candle in there. The idea of banking interaction points to buy events does sound like an interesting one. If it was to buy the event that month or a previously released one people could just keep on clicking until they reached a certain goal... Or it would at least encourage more clicking. Radar Chaining sounds good. An Item to do so? The method sounds a lot like a Miniradar except that used Batteries and went to the 40 eggs chained. You could also run out a batteries which required more to be bought if you wanted to continue. The New Variation of Pokemon sounds like a big one. My guess wouldn't be shadow pokemon because they're created Shadow not born if you go canonwise. It'd make sense were they themed but it'd be pretty interesting if they turned out to be what the Staff thought shinies should really look like. //speculation// Ran out of paint? I heard berries makes a good replacement when you can't get acrylic. It's also not toxic to thirsty drinkers. Might need to get a big berry garden growing for that one. Or maybe a few... Or 20 acres... a Good Juicer and grinding with well staining berries works wonders. Left over coals can be used to make blank ink/paint, but I don't... recommend... drinking that... It tastes horrible.
less stress for Niet=good. more updates=also good Sei is now the Fart Director=WHAT THE HECK? Apparently Hungreon and Scoville
A couple of my 'eons
randomly being at it wasn't enough, now there's positions and stuff....(I hope the three don't try any contests with each other!)
Avatar art drawn by Duchesslunaire
Full Incense

Full Incense


(item.png: 0)

An exotic-smelling incense that gives a feeling of being bloated.

Sells for 48,000

Lv. 100 — +111,194,401
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness MAX
Hardy nature
Reinstroud's AvatarReinstroud
Reinstroud's Avatar
Those eyes in the banner are quite possibly the most unsettling thing I've seen all day... That aside, big hugs for Niet, so happy there is less stressing him out now ^_^
CutePichu's AvatarCutePichu
CutePichu's Avatar
I am glad Niet has less stress and hope everything works out for him. And that clears up the gnawing curiosity about Kinchiona. (I know, I'm too curious about stuff) New variation!? Sweet! Can't wait for banked points, sounds fun! Fart Director... XD And I agree, the eyes are creepy. But awesome! Just one question. Niet and Kolink are different people right?
The pic I'm using as my avatar is by Marie-Chan. From the Advent Calendar.
Electric Gems 40/100
Click my unevolved pokemon please? They're sorted and stacked in the first field!
Killian's AvatarKillian
Killian's Avatar
Is the new variation of Pokemon Farting Pokémon? It would also explain the importance of assigning a fart director, and the creepy eyes of death are amazed by the idea.

QUOTE originally posted by CutePichu

Niet and Kolink are different people right?
I guess you missed that memo. Nope! New 'Sona - it ties into the story for his characters. Don't think that's exactly written up anywhere, though... So it's not like you can go reading the story xD The fact that he's still the same person was noted, though. We made sure of that.
CutePichu's AvatarCutePichu
CutePichu's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Garthic

QUOTE originally posted by CutePichu

Niet and Kolink are different people right?
I guess you missed that memo. Nope! New 'Sona - it ties into the story for his characters. Don't think that's exactly written up anywhere, though... So it's not like you can go reading the story xD The fact that he's still the same person was noted, though. We made sure of that.
That makes SO much more sense XD I saw the Youtub vids and thought they were like brothers or friends or something -_- Thanks Garthic!

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