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2024 Update Phase 2: The Shelter

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Rainquail's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRainquail
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QUOTE originally posted by GinKurosu

I mean, it really is whatever, I'll just have to deal with it. I am sure yall don't really get it since you are hypermode users, but nothing I can do there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. I have never put a single cent into this game. EVER. It nearly took me a year to build up enough ZC to get my Hypermode. Everything I have has been gotten through time, frustrtation, and effort in addition to the occasional kindness of the community. I have been here for 7 years and things are much kinder and rewarding the a new player than it used to be. This is the only update I can think of from a very long time that hindered new users rather than being universally benificial.
zoup's Avatarzoup
zoup's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by impish.sei

QUOTE originally posted by zubatfan

with the shelter moving away from the (unintended) dex usage, would changing how the Original trainer changes to the new adopter ever be considered? if people want to use it to hunt for things they already have/breeding/collecting it seems like it would be useful if the OT didnt change.
not that exactly, but the upcoming daycare update is going to negate the need for a 2nd different OT - you will be able to pair your own pokemon (or one adopted from the shelter) with one from someone else yourself
i dont think i understand completely but im looking forward to seeing it in action! will one pokemon still need to be from someone else, or will both being from myself simply matter less?

Berry ❀ 25 ❀

zubat fan as foretold. but a fan of other bats as well.
no link yet
Lv. 100 — +419,474
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sour food
Happiness 27%
Bold nature
Lv. 100 — +184,189
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness 27%
Careful nature
impish.sei's Avatarhypermode-12.pngimpish.sei
impish.sei's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by zubatfan

i dont think i understand completely but im looking forward to seeing it in action! will one pokemon still need to be from someone else, or will both being from myself simply matter less?
so right now you get +20% to base breeding for each pokemon that comes from someone else and they stack. so a +40% from being from two different people besides you when the daycare update happens, these wont stack anymore so max might be around 79% instead BUT we are getting a whole bunch of other factors that will be able to raise the total breeding % up to potentially even 150% we just don't know exactly what all of those will be, so we cant say for sure. its possible to use your own pokemon, you'll just have a much better time if you get a partner from someone else, but at least now you will be able to have better use out of wonder trade mons since you'll only need 1

Hatched Shinies

glitter glitter, shine so bright

Hatched Albinos

pastel power!

Hatched Melans

heart attack in a purple sparkle

Hatched Eggs

so many eggs.....
0 pts .
GinKurosu's AvatarGinKurosu
GinKurosu's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Rainquail

QUOTE originally posted by GinKurosu

I mean, it really is whatever, I'll just have to deal with it. I am sure yall don't really get it since you are hypermode users, but nothing I can do there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. I have never put a single cent into this game. EVER. It nearly took me a year to build up enough ZC to get my Hypermode. Everything I have has been gotten through time, frustrtation, and effort in addition to the occasional kindness of the community. I have been here for 7 years and things are much kinder and rewarding the a new player than it used to be. This is the only update I can think of from a very long time that hindered new users rather than being universally benificial.
Yeah yeah, I get it, I am clearly wrong because the people who already have most/all of the difficult stuff done are not affected by it very much.
Score: 0
Rainquail's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRainquail
Rainquail's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by GinKurosu

QUOTE originally posted by Rainquail

QUOTE originally posted by GinKurosu

I mean, it really is whatever, I'll just have to deal with it. I am sure yall don't really get it since you are hypermode users, but nothing I can do there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. I have never put a single cent into this game. EVER. It nearly took me a year to build up enough ZC to get my Hypermode. Everything I have has been gotten through time, frustrtation, and effort in addition to the occasional kindness of the community. I have been here for 7 years and things are much kinder and rewarding the a new player than it used to be. This is the only update I can think of from a very long time that hindered new users rather than being universally benificial.
Yeah yeah, I get it, I am clearly wrong because the people who already have most/all of the difficult stuff done are not affected by it very much.
Originally this was an edit for the post you quotes, but since you've already posted again, I'll put it here. Being part of this site longer does not make every features forgiving just because we are veterans. We play by the same rules as everyone else, we just were here before certain updates. Most of us are probably still struggling to catch up with the Dex just like everyone else. The Dex is enormous, and completing it is time consuming even when you're out sourcing. And the Shelter was never meant to be part of that process. We've all been benefitting from a short cut that was unintential and is only just now being fixed. I don't like it either, but obviously we are not going to be changing Niet's mind about this. All we can do is suggest making the other aspects of the game more fun to accomodate. This will hopefully be my last post in this thread because we are now way off the original topic and I have spammed this thread enough. I have no ill will towards you and I was never trying to frustrate you, but it is obvious out conversation has not been positive for you, and I'm sorry about that and how I might have come across. Best wishes for you.
LilBadger's AvatarLilBadger
LilBadger's Avatar
Is there a way to gain points? Like certain site interactions?
Samira/Sammi/Sam Profile pic is a photograph of a male snow owl I have taken at Berlin Zoo (Tiergarten) with my Samsung Galaxy Note 8
Mio Xenoblade's AvatarMio Xenoblade
Mio Xenoblade's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by LilBadger

Is there a way to gain points? Like certain site interactions?
do you mean interaction points? you get them by clicking peoples mons/eggs, and you get even more if you feed them their liked berry, and today you'll get 7 extra points on top of that from garthic bonus day!
mio is fine too!
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Yahan's AvatarYahan
Yahan's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Mio Xenoblade

QUOTE originally posted by LilBadger

Is there a way to gain points? Like certain site interactions?
do you mean interaction points? you get them by clicking peoples mons/eggs, and you get even more if you feed them their liked berry, and today you'll get 7 extra points on top of that from garthic bonus day!
I think they're asking about the new shelter point system, which, if that's true, you get points based on the shelter passes you own. Only the highest tier count though- they don't stack
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skiddo's Avatarskiddo
skiddo's Avatar
Long post because I love rambling, yapping, blabbing, etc.

A couple thoughts about the whole "shelter vs lab/fishing" thing, from someone who loves both the shelter and the lab... fishing less so. I love shelter hatching for shiny hunts, and I love lab hatching for unlimited eggs on Niet/Ravyne days. But the big question I have, is, how do new players feel about the gameplay experience of the shelter compared to the lab? Compared to fishing? From what I remember of the time when me and my friends were new players, a big appeal of the shelter was the sheer amount of options, of being able to search through to try and find your favourite pokemon, and how excited we would get when we found legendaries (and even my first shiny!) in the shelter. Something I've seen a fair bit in this thread is how dex completion is one of the "primary" goals of the site, with "endgame" content like shiny hunting boosts logistically placed behind dex completion rewards. And yes, the shelter does definitely make that easier! Something I wonder about, though, is if the "enjoyable" part of the shelter making dex completion easier is because the alternatives just aren't as "enjoyable"/fun? I've seen a fair amount of people who find dex completion a slog in the official games, and the official games have a lot more interactive of a playstyle than a clicker game like Pokefarm Q. I personally LOVE clicker games, to the point where I've been actively playing up to four at once(!!) but I'm very well aware that I'm an outlier in this. A lot of the friends who I've referred to PFQ have all eventually stopped playing because clicker games just aren't their style, and that's fine!! The thing is, though, for people whos primary enjoyment is not of clicker games but of collecting all kinds of Pokemon, I can see why the shelter would be a clear favourite. You get to adopt anything you can find in there, in comparison to the lab, which offers just as wide of a selection, but only four eggs at a time, you have to wait for a new selection, and if you aren't as familiar with Pokemon or the egg descriptions on this game, you might not know what you're getting. And honestly, as Nintendo keeps adding more and more Pokemon to the official games, there's just more and more you have to do to complete the dex, and with that, there's more and more possible eggs in the lab that lessens the chance of getting something you want. And I'll give you context here so nobody can take me out of context, yes, these are both important parts of the game, yes, the shelter is overpowered and needs balancing. I dunno, I'm just reminded of the mainline games, and of other peoples' ideas for their own fan-made regions, where progression seems a lot more "linear". If you like normal and flying types, you know you'll encounter one on the early routes, grass and bug types are usually found in forests, water types are found on beaches, etc. You have a "direction" for where to go, there's a sense of progress and moving on, you can "categorise" the mons into their routes so you can prioritise route by route, so you can feel like you're making progress on smaller goals on your way to complete the big goal of "catch 1000+ pokemon". And that brings me to fishing. I love the idea behind fishing. I love that the progression makes sense, you know what you're getting (water pokemon) and you know what you're working towards (rarer/stronger water pokemon). As a late-game player who doesn't have a lot to gain from fishing, and also someone who personally prefers the clicker gameplay to fishing minigames, it tends to bore me a little bit, but that's fine. Nothing can be for everyone, and I love that. I think a couple pages back, Niet rather sarcastically said, "That the solution to people not liking the fact that I'm encouraging people to use more of the game's features is to add still more?", and I know I'm probably responding to a very rhetorical question here, but here's my very genuine response: Maybe! I can't speak for everyone, and I can't speak for sure, but if the complaint stems from "I don't find these other features fun", maybe if a variety of additional features were added, there could be "something for everyone." To bring myself back to my original point... how do new players feel about the gameplay experience? How do new players feel about the various features? Do they feel as if the other gameplay features are adequately engaging/rewarding? Does the intended gameplay focus of dex completion feel possible, inspirational, motivational, challenging, grindy, too broad? If the shelter took the fun out of dex completion because it was too overpowered, does the "nerfing" of it also take the fun out of dex completion if you don't find the currently-existing alternatives enjoyable? These aren't the kinds of questions I can answer myself, given that I love all aspects of Pokemon, I love collection and completion, I love a good challenge, and I do find the clicker gameplay loop genuinely fun. But hopefully, if you've read this far, it's given you something to think about.
summon_cob.png 59 / 200
Not actively buying. Or actively doing anything in general.
code by skiddo; banner by mochafox; sprite by pfq; bg is official
Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar
Just gonna put down some numbers/data that I have in support of this update. While it is true that the Shelter Passes start with very low adoption budgets, it's worth noting that the B pass is extremely cheap and the A pass can be obtained within about two weeks of joining the game through participation in Fabulous Friday at the very least. So this already acts as incentive to explore features that give out free GP to get those early upgrades. EDIT: As a quick update, I've added some text to the Gold Poké page that directly links to Fabulous Friday and Contests as sources of free GP. As a result of this, I consider Shelter Pass A to be the "early-midgame" pass. In other words, the pass that I reasonably expect users to have when they've passed the very start of the game and are just getting invested in the game proper. At this point the player has hatched their first few parties, typically from the Lab since that's where the Tutorial focuses primarily, and has followed guidance to acquire their first few upgrades. The player at this point has been around long enough to be invested in the game. At this point, with a budget of 40 points, they can adopt a full party of unknown eggs if they want, with 4 points to spare - enough to adopt a random hatched Legend if they should be so lucky to find one! (Or just some other favourite, doesn't have to be a Legend XD) For users in this early-midgame stage, hatching a full party of eggs in a single day is actually an accomplishment. The numbers don't lie, the overwhelming majority of users at this progression level actually have more than enough budget with just 40 points, and the Lab remains a very useful and viable source of free new Eggs if they need more. I feel like a lot of responses here are blinkered in a way. We've become so used to being able to make tens of thousands of interactions, and hatch hundreds upon hundreds of eggs every day, it's really easy to forget that doing so puts you in the topmost of top percentage of users. I will of course be continuing to monitor the data and adjust accordingly, but right now things are looking good. They'll be even better next month, when the Daycare buffs go out. As I explained in the original 2024 plans listing, the collection of updates are being spaced out to ensure each individual update can get the attention it deserves, including post-update tweaks like the S and X passes being bumped up. This does however mean that there will be periods of time where the overall game balance isn't quite as ideal as we'd like. This is that period of time. The balance is shifting, and it will be somewhat unstable until next month's updates come in. On a side-note, I'm interested in opinions on the Fishing feature. Personally I think the minigame is a fun change from the main PFQ gameplay, so I'm interested to hear specific issues people have with it. Things like "too grindy" (eg. unlock numbers for later areas too high), "needs too much focus" (eg. paying attention to and clicking the Hook button at the right time), "too complicated", "minigame too RNG-heavy"... Specific things that can be collected and looked at, rather than just blanket "I don't like it" statements, would be very helpful.
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