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Info gathering: multi-user display query

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Sneaky Shadow's AvatarSneaky Shadow
Sneaky Shadow's Avatar
Definitely useful all-around. I click new users, Rus fields, FabFri days, sorted fields, 1k+ Pokemon in fields, MCW clicks, and users without parties that way, more than anyone else. That way, if I click to view multiple people, I can see what type of fields are available to click without having to manually open every user's farm, which can be a nuisance since so many people have 0 visible Pokemon in their fields (the rest of the fields hidden) / all fields hidden.
[Avatar art by me.] Quote me if you're talking to me, please. ♪~ @u@
Sanae Kochiya's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSanae Kochiya
Sanae Kochiya's Avatar
so for what i do , is that i look at peoples trainer cards on days i want to click alot, and find the users who i believe could have a field with alot of pokemon. that could be for example silver or gold border trainer cards. then i click on their username highlight, and go to their page, to then click their fields. in my mass party clicking system i just have their name, their trainer card , the pokemon and a next button. so if i miss someone i wanted to click, gotta check my personal clicklist and re-find them. so in that regar,d having it on multi clicks, i dont really use it there or see it, but i do click on fields through personal links.
profile picture made by the lovely Terabbit~ Albino colors belong to pfq~
BendyDemon's AvatarBendyDemon
BendyDemon's Avatar
Why not keep it as it is? Not everyone uses or wishes to use the QoL thing and are fine with just clicking the 'Go To Fields' button. I guess I am not really seeing what the particular issue is. Is it merely an issue of cleaning up redundant codes or something. You probably mentioned it but due to my lack of caffeine I just practically skimmed over everything and retained practically none of it too. :)
Bendy avatar is mine..I drew it. Name: Umachu Name: Wavelength Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Cloverbell's AvatarCloverbell
Cloverbell's Avatar
I personally find the "go to field" option very usefull for both, especially when doing clickbacks and discover someone has an empty/not-full field (my only real issue with it is having to double click to actually go to it on the tab I'm in, but I also get it's for avoiding accidental transfer clicks). While I do think there should be ways implimented to make visiting profiles more incentivised, I don't think removing that feature would benefit. Maybe just have the QOL give the choice of hiding the button/making it optional for people.
Image from "Hatsune Miku: PROJECT VOLTAGE" By kannnu
EveRiddle's Avatarhypermode-12.pngEveRiddle
EveRiddle's Avatar
I find myself using the 'go to field' button a lot because I refuse to give anyone less than 6 clicks if I can help it. If fields are open and with pkmn in them I make up the missing clicks that way. In situations where people haven't unlocked them or have them hidden, then the button is more so a frustration thing since it makes it seem like I can make up the difference in clicks. As a person whom enjoys massclicking fields as a theraputic/relaxing sense it is a feature I do get much use out of.
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Drew the avatar myself, for my use. She is a kitty girl I drew in paint for fun of it. Avatar in my about me currently is also drawn by me, she's a harpy but not colored in. Current Type Race score: 0
I have a shop now ^^. Need to work out some sort of banner/button.
Flight Raising, same username don't mind being poked there but not active on that site as much anymore.
I still get anxious on forums, but trying to work on that. Notr: This pfq tabs I'm using can be found in this guide
I will make this thing pretty at some point
InkedFoxtrot's AvatarInkedFoxtrot
InkedFoxtrot's Avatar
I use the go to feilds button when mass-clicking. I think it helps a lot.
Growlithe avatar provided by PK/pkism from their art thread here.
Kavina2000's AvatarKavina2000
Kavina2000's Avatar
It most certainly is useful. If someone has shinies, albinos, or melans, I want a direct link to their fields.
Ladystar90's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLadystar90
Ladystar90's Avatar
i find it useful to have that there. rsther its for seeing someine has sorted feilds abd wish to give them more clicks , they dont have a fukl oart or no party as all which i run across alot and i would kike to give them their click backs or or a couple extra, or if they have free or selling feilds and i want to see what they have. or it coukd be i aee their name alot more then others and give them appreciation with extra attention.
Type Race Score: 0
Green Penguin's AvatarGreen Penguin
Green Penguin's Avatar
I find it useful if i click through them and I find someone i would like to mass click
Pfp is a drawing of Wooper that I made on a canvas.
Medium Poison Gem

Medium Poison Gem


(item.png: 0)

A medium-sized Poison-type Gem. Visit Ravyne at the Wishforge to convert it into 10 normal-sized Gems.

Sells for 100

Lv. 100 — +14,091,117
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Spicy food
Happiness MAX
Adamant nature
Click her please! She is my lovely. -w-
pixy-stix's Avatarpixy-stix
pixy-stix's Avatar
I find it useful! Often when clicking and I see a user I want to mass click, its nice to be able to do that within one click of my mouse!
Angel or Angie. He/She/Love pronouns
avatar made with this picrew
Type Race Score: 0

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