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The Sun and Moon's Notes & Dwellings

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SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
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Actually, knowing my luck, it'll be better to do a fairy hunt next! H.. how many pure fairy types are there again? Somebody let me know and I'll spin a wheel for which one to hunt for next :)
My free-to-use bait shop is located Here! Selling shiny/albino pokemon here! Joint shop
Hey, there! We're the Starlight System! Sunny
He/him pronouns
and Maroon
They/them or it/its pronouns
here--happy to help, and just as friendly, too! Feel free to talk with either of us, we don't bite! Just make sure to label who you want to talk with, and we'll get back to you when we can!
SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
SunshineSunny's Avatar
Well, my good ol friend Moon here (just realized that we're the sun and moon duo, which I find so interesting-) thought of a good idea for both of us to hunt Flabebe after the TR! They need fairy gems, I need fairy gems.. Good plan, actually! We'll help each other out and it'll be so cool!! I even made a bait already for the hunt (wow, Sunny, you're actually doing it! Making baits?! Wow!)!!! It'll be so much fun! I can't wait to suffer finding these fairy eggs after how Hatenna treated me (send help for my mental state during this hunt :'D) Anywho.. today, Rotom gave me 5 shinies! What happened to the boosted luck yesterday with sei? ..appearantly they gave it to me today XD
SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
SunshineSunny's Avatar
All of this can be found on the first post in the journal. Thank you all for being patient with us :) -Sleepy
SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
SunshineSunny's Avatar
Note to self(ves); Floette need Shiny Stones to evolve!!! Do NOT get rid of them!!!! Do not use the upgrade treasures for any other badge except Fairy!!! Finish up the group bait before TR is over, to make the most of the time we have! The most Sleepy would have to do (if I don't finish it today) would be to color it in :D Oh, and!!! Try and get Spritzee to a higher level! Floette will most likely reach level 100 before that time, but don't worry!!!
SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
SunshineSunny's Avatar
Guess who caved into his ADHD brain's urge for a FNAF game? ..yeah, it's me. Sunny, you dummy (its me. The dummy). I'm going to be spending my first paycheck on getting Help Wanted 2 for the VR because I am so very, very easy to bribe (my discord friends are sooooo mean /j) so I'll play that game for a while! I.. may get too far deep to stop.. I like puzzles (even though I suck at it) so knowing my luck.. Sleepy will play through most of the game because I simply cannot :')
SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
SunshineSunny's Avatar
Flabebe has so many formes of flowers.. I think about 30 ish, from our calculations and that's.. a lot of melans. I'm only going to collect the 30 different melan formes of Flabebe (base form) so Sunny doesn't have a stroke fron looking at it all and die (I'm being sarcastic, of course, but he would cry everytime he sees it) If you can't tell, I got Sunny on board with collecting the flower formes of Flabebe, but ONLY the first stage (what you get when you hatch the egg), so I don't mind! The melan's are pretty, so having a field of them would be so nice to have a collection of my own :) Oh, and..! Tomorrow, when we wake up, will probably be the day we get the VR game! Or not, since it's supposed to rain and we get sick easily.. I will say though, that Sunny has outdone himself with the bait(s) for this Flabebe hunt! I was so surprised to see them, too! With the addition of another friend (that we totally, 100%, dragged into this hunt), we'll be doing a lot for this hunt! Collecting the melans, upgrading the fairy badge to Wishalloy, and helping out our other friends get their fairy badge upgraded a few times.. it'll certainly be interesting! -Sleepy
SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
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2024 has gotten off to a good start, but lets see how far we can push it. We don't expect to complete all of these, but we'll see how it goes :)
SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
SunshineSunny's Avatar
If only this Melan Rotom would show up!!! I was 100% thinking of starting to hatch some fairy types but I want this melan first but I also don't want to stick it (mostly because I am poor and cannot afford to keep sticking my hunts) Getting ZC is so hard normally.. and I've already spent 250 for an uber charm that DOESN'T GIVE ME A MELAN- Sigh.. I may end up just.. letting this hunt be over with (and not save it) because I am poor.. and I want to save my ZC for the Magearna hunt.. :(
SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
SunshineSunny's Avatar
Looks like Sally heard my cries, because I got my melan!!! I think I actually cried a little when I saw the sparkles, too.. they are now, forever, named Nightmare. Nobody tell Maroon that we hatched the melan, okay? I want to surprise them >:3
SunshineSunny's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSunshineSunny
SunshineSunny's Avatar
Sunny how DARE you not tell me that we hatched Nightmare?! Here I was, preparing to go over our journal to write down some neat little notes, and guess who I saw! Nightmare! In all it's glory!! I was even prepared to play our mass-clicking upbeat music playlist to start clicking for that melan.. but I didn't need to!! What am I supposed to do with 4 hours of pure adrenaline music?! If you weren't aware before, Rotom is one of my all-time favorite pokemon since we first saw it in-game! Now, please excuse me as I go sob in a corner because of how beautiful Nightmare is. -Sleepy

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