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The Duck Chronicles

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Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar
To those complaining about PokéFarm Q having endless paywalls: I saved up Zophan Canisters to buy a second year of Hypermode over a period of only about two months. Get over yourselves.
Avatar portrait created with the Stardew Valley character creator.
Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar
I have a few things I'd like to say...

QUOTE originally posted by kobidraco

Being offended by the 'disclaimer' isn't 'sweet irony' when its clearly written to mock everyone who finds your bad attitude exhausting, Niet. The true irony is you telling people to grow a thicker skin when you're the one who takes any critique of the way you conduct yourself as a personal attack.
It was not. There was no negative attitude to find exhausting. He was making a sarcastic jest at the many bug reports of missing Pokémon that were ultimately illegitimate. In fact, I look through the Bugs forum fairly often and the only legitimately lost Pokémon I've seen was my own. Technically, even that wasn't lost, it was just considered permanently busy for some reason, in which case... none. No lost Pokémon. If somebody is unable to laugh at their own mistakes—i.e. having made a report of a missing Pokémon—they're going to have a hard time getting through life in general, so perhaps growing a thicker skin is not the most outrageous suggestion.

QUOTE originally posted by Alix-chan

Ironically one of the adventure rules is "Treat others as you would like to be treated" (Along the lines of that) yet you, Niet, have a large amount of sass and sarcasm in your posts, which is a bit ironic in itself. Is that how you want to be treated? Especially in an environment (Official news posts) that normally includes a specific amount of professionalism?

Either way though, it did make a lot of people laugh, and even though it's not my sense of humor I can still appreciate it, and I hope no one gets in trouble for disagreeing with your approach.
Niet said himself that he actually finds that "verbal jousting is a mentally stimulating activity," to which I don't necessarily disagree. There have been times when Niet and I would try to outnerd each other. Granted he typically pretty much always came out on top, being a developer for a web-based game for the past few years whereas I taught myself everything I know in the past sixteen months or so, but at no point were either of us trying to show superiority over the other, but more so presenting interesting and creative programming ideas as well as alternative solutions to the problems at hand.
That being said, I don't entirely disagree that in official update posts a certain degree of professionalism should be expected, that's fair. Frankly, I don't have anything else to say about that point.
I do, how ever, take issue with your implicit claim that a disagreement with Niet could cause disciplinary action against a user. Such a claim would be unreasonable. As somebody who has been forum locked two (maybe three, can't remember) times, I can tell you right now that each time was because of something I had written which was objectively rude, disrespectful, or otherwise uncalled for. Each time I had never tried to deny what I did and now it's basically just water under the bridge as far as most people are concerned. The point is that so long as you don't resort to attacking Niet for having acted in such a way, it won't be a problem; you can disagree all you want. But if you were to, for example, keep telling him to kill himself for being such a bitter jerk, yeah, he won't take kindly for that. If people are going to get their accounts locked for their reaction to a sarcastic disclaimer it isn't going to be because they disagreed with Niet's approach, it will be because what they chose to do in reaction broke the rules. If Niet were to lock an account for any other reason, well... that would be breaking the rules by which the moderators operate. Even Niet is not above his own rules, and so far has not acted outside of them to anyone's knowledge. Each time my account was locked, I had acted outside of those rules, and you could definitely tell the difference between his sarcasm and my blatantly mocking another user (I can't remember for what—like I said, water under the bridge), calling somebody "helpless and incompetent," mocking another user (yes, another one, another time) for their own opinion, or flat out implying that somebody is stupid for having not been aware of the way in which the Wiki is managed. All of those acts were inexcusable on my part and are definitely not my proudest moments. To compare Niet's statements to the statements of those deemed too toxic to be allowed back into the community is just unreasonable no matter how you approach it.
I realize Niet doesn't need me to come in here and defend him, though this was just something that I felt the need to put out there.
Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar

22/Sep/2017 (6 years ago)

Inspired by Niet.
Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar

I made Whacka.

Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar

A message regarding the site crash on 04/Jan/2018.

Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar
I've already had this as my avatar for a little while but want to point out that Sei is super rad and does good arts and I am eternally grateful.

Main Art


Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar
Don't mind this post. I'm just testing something for the sake of a bug report. Wow, okay, it won't let me edit it to be identical. Okay, maybe it has to do with nested LESS? Might help if I add something to test my edit, oof.


This is great.
Wow, this isn't as easy as I'd hoped...
I think I'm onto something...
Maybe? No? So is it just when applied to anything after the forum post div? Alright, I broke it again, so let's try other pseudo-elements.
Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar

too long

normal.png × 274

gem_normal.png × 254
gem_normal_m.png × 2
gem_normal_l.png × 0

fire.png × 83

gem_fire.png × 83
gem_fire_m.png × 0
gem_fire_l.png × 0

water.png × 785

gem_water.png × 745
gem_water_m.png × 4
gem_water_l.png × 0

electric.png × 246

gem_electric.png × 146
gem_electric_m.png × 0
gem_electric_l.png × 1

grass.png × 204

gem_grass.png × 194
gem_grass_m.png × 1
gem_grass_l.png × 0

ice.png × 39

gem_ice.png × 39
gem_ice_m.png × 0
gem_ice_l.png × 0

fighting.png × 43

gem_fighting.png × 43
gem_fighting_m.png × 0
gem_fighting_l.png × 0

poison.png × 303

gem_poison.png × 283
gem_poison_m.png × 2
gem_poison_l.png × 0

ground.png × 253

gem_ground.png × 223
gem_ground_m.png × 3
gem_ground_l.png × 0

flying.png × 323

gem_flying.png × 283
gem_flying_m.png × 4
gem_flying_l.png × 0

psychic.png × 35

gem_psychic.png × 35
gem_psychic_m.png × 0
gem_psychic_l.png × 0

bug.png × 1,735

gem_bug.png × 1,595
gem_bug_m.png × 4
gem_bug_l.png × 1

rock.png × 36

gem_rock.png × 36
gem_rock_m.png × 0
gem_rock_l.png × 0

ghost.png × 259

gem_ghost.png × 239
gem_ghost_m.png × 2
gem_ghost_l.png × 0

dragon.png × 6

gem_dragon.png × 6
gem_dragon_m.png × 0
gem_dragon_l.png × 0

dark.png × 225

gem_dark.png × 205
gem_dark_m.png × 2
gem_dark_l.png × 0

steel.png × 112

gem_steel.png × 62
gem_steel_m.png × 5
gem_steel_l.png × 0

fairy.png × 221

gem_fairy.png × 201
gem_fairy_m.png × 2
gem_fairy_l.png × 0
Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar

21/Jul/2018 (5 years ago)

  • Info
  • Trades
  • Messages
Hi, I'm Duckbug!
You may or may not have seen me around the site before. I'm just a guy that likes Pokémon.
I am very passionate about coding. On that note, if you ever need CSS help, feel free to ask me. I'll try my best to fix whatever issue you're having.
I'm always up for random gifts. Don't get too crazy with them or I'll likely feel guilty, though.
In regard to actual Trades, please ask me about it first, whether via PM, in a Trade thread I set up, or in my Trade Shop, Ducky's.
I've decided that from now on I'm going to raise the underappreciated Pokémon received through Wonder Trade. If I end up with a Pokémon from you, feel free to stop back and visit it!
If you ever have anything you'd like to ask me or that you'd like to talk to me about, you can always PM me.


About Me template by Duckbug.
Header image ripped from Pokémon ΩR & ΑS.
Profile picture by Miasaurus.

Side note: I'm wicked proud of this template and if enough people request it, I just might make a free-to-use version.
Nanicar's AvatarNanicar
Nanicar's Avatar
  • Tab 1
  • Tab 2
  • Tab 3
Poké ipsum Boldore Baflammet.
Check tab three.
If you're here, you might be hoping to see more. Check here for an actual filled-out template.


Yeah, you can customize the credits too, just don't remove anything that's already there.
This is my very first free-to-use About Me template and, I gotta say... I'm very proud of it. So much so, that I'm confident that others would like to use it too. Please don't prove me wrong. A bit of information first. The code below provides the code with nothing really preset. All colors and text must be set by you. After all, what fun is it if everyone uses the default color palette? Anyway, this works best by saving it as a template and then using the "Insert..." button. After that, you can of course delete the template. Or not make one in the first place and just rummage through the code, if that's more your style. That said, under the code you'll find links to the code for preset color palettes. Feel free to use those if you're unexperienced, or just if you're lazy. Lazy works too. More palettes will likely be added later. Furthermore, you can customize the credits so long as you don't remove anything that's already there. I think that's it. Oh yeah! If you use my template, feel free to tell me! I'd be interested to see it.


[sc=wrapper][ ][sc=header][sc=name]<username>[/sc][/sc][ ][sc=profile][/sc][ ][sc=tabbed_interface horizontal][ ][ul][ ][li]<tab 1 title>[/li][ ][li]<tab 2 title>[/li][ ][li]<tab 3 title>[/li][ ][/ul][ ][sc=content]<tab 1 content>[/sc][ ][sc=content]<tab 2 content>[/sc][ ][sc=content]<tab 3 content>[/sc][ ][/sc][ ][sc=credits][pit="©"][display=Credits]About Me template by [url=/user/Duckbug]Duckbug[/url].[br]Code can be found [url=/forum/post/3833029]here[/url].[br][br]<credits>[/display][/pit][sc=mask][/sc][/sc][ ][/sc] [style] @import "skins/user/z/f/roboto/__extra"; .wrapper { @col-custom-bg1: <global background color>; @col-custom-bg2: <title background color>; @col-custom-bg3: <content background color>; @col-custom-fg1: <main text color>; @col-custom-fg2: <title text color>; @col-custom-border1: <global border color>; @col-custom-border2: <title border color>; @col-custom-border3: <content border color>; @col-custom-link1: <primary link color>; @col-custom-link2: <visited link color>; @col-custom-link3: <active link color>; @col-bg-header: <header background color>; @img-bg-header: url('<header image url>'); @col-border-header: <header border color>; @col-fg-name: <username color>; @col-bg-profile: <profile picture background color>; @img-bg-profile: url('<profile picture url>'); // If you'd like, you can set custom CSS for the tab content background. @col-bg-content: @col-custom-bg3; @img-bg-content: none; @col-fg-content: @col-custom-fg1; /* color-reset.min.less - Applies the above custom colors to recurring elements much like a custom skin. - Removing this or changing it is not suggested. */ .bbcode_table{border:3px outset @col-custom-border1;}.bbcode_table td,.bbcode_table th{border:1px solid @col-custom-border1;}.bbcode_table th{background-color:@col-custom-bg3;}.bbcode_tooltip{border-bottom-color:@col-custom-border1;}.panel{background-color:@col-custom-bg3;}.expbar{border-color:@col-custom-border3;background:@col-custom-bg3;color:@col-custom-fg1;}.expbar>div{border-right-color:@col-custom-border1;background-color:@col-custom-bg1;}.tooltip_content{border-color:@col-custom-border1;background-color:@col-custom-bg1;color:@col-custom-fg1;}.panel{border-color:@col-custom-border3;background-color:@col-custom-bg3;box-shadow:0 0 8px @col-custom-border3;}.panel>h3{background-color:@col-custom-bg2;border-bottom-color:@col-custom-border2;color:@col-custom-fg2;}.panel>div{color:@col-custom-fg1;}.panel.accordion>h3>a{color:@col-custom-fg2;}.tabbed_interface>ul>li{border-left-color:@col-custom-border1;border-bottom-color:@col-custom-border2;border-right-color:@col-custom-border2;background-color:@col-custom-bg2;color:@col-custom-fg2;}.tabbed_interface>ul>li:first-child{border-top-color:@col-custom-border1;}.tabbed_interface>ul>li:last-child{border-bottom-color:@col-custom-border1;}.tabbed_interface>ul>li.tab-active{border-right-color:@col-custom-bg3;background-color:@col-custom-bg3;color:@col-custom-fg1;}.tabbed_interface>div{background-color:@col-custom-bg3;color:@col-custom-fg1;border:1px solid @col-custom-border3;box-shadow:0 0 8px @col-custom-border3;}.tabbed_interface.horizontal>ul{background-color:@col-custom-bg2;}.tabbed_interface.horizontal>ul>li{border-top:1px solid @col-custom-border2;}.tabbed_interface.horizontal>ul>li.tab-active{border-right-color:@col-custom-border1;border-bottom-color:@col-custom-bg3;}a:link{color:@col-custom-link1}a:visited{color:@col-custom-link3}a:active{color:@col-custom-link2} border-radius: 10px; font-family: 'Roboto', 'Meiryo', 'Verdana', sans-serif; overflow: hidden; box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0px 1px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); margin: 1em 5px; position: relative; font-size: 11pt; background-color: @col-custom-bg3; .header { background-color: @col-bg-header; background-image: @img-bg-header; background-size: cover; height: 100px; border-bottom: 40px solid @col-border-header; position: relative; image-rendering: auto; .name { font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; bottom: -30px; left: 12px; position: absolute; color: @col-fg-name; font-weight: bold; } } .profile { background-color: @col-bg-profile; background-image: @img-bg-profile; display: block; width: 100px; height: 100px; border-radius: 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; border: 5px solid @col-border-header; position: absolute; top: 30px; right: 8px; image-rendering: auto; overflow: hidden; } & > .tabbed_interface.horizontal { & > ul { & > li { border: none; padding: 4px 8px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 1%; color: fade(@col-custom-fg2, 57%); &.tab-active { background-color: @col-custom-bg3; color: @col-custom-fg1; } } } & > div { background-color: @col-bg-content; background-image: @img-bg-content; color: @col-fg-content; box-shadow: none !important; padding: 24px 12px 0; overflow: visible !important; font-size: 15px; border: none; } } .credits { display: block; color: @col-custom-fg1; text-align: right; font-size: 14px; line-height: 12px; //padding: 0 12px 10px; position: static !important; span { @a: 24px; border: none; box-sizing: border-box; width: @a; height: @a; display: inline-block; text-align: center; line-height: @a; } .tooltip_content { padding: 0; background: 0; border: 0; border-radius: 0; display: none; animation: none; } .bbcode_tooltip.lock + .tooltip_content { display: block; top: 50%; left: 0; height: 0; overflow: visible !important; .panel { display: inline-block; width: 290px; box-sizing: border-box; vertical-align: middle; box-shadow: 0 0 8px @col-custom-border3, 0 0 0 8675309px fade(@col-custom-bg1, 75%) !important; margin: 0 5px; transform: translateY(-50%); font-size: 80%; & > div { line-height: 1.25em; } } } .bbcode_tooltip.lock ~ .mask { display: block; height: 99999px; width: 099999px; position: absolute; left: -99999px / 2; top: -099999px / 2; } } } [/style]

Preset Palettes

Pages: 1234567

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