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Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
"Well, that is about all I can tell you. What happened after that you already know", Rikazu finally mentioned. It would no doubt take a while for Mizuki to process everything he'd told her. "Thank you...for sharing all that with me", Mizuki wasn't entirely sure how to feel right now, but at least the jumbled thoughts in her head seemed...better right now. "Now, why don't you try to get some rest again? I'll be right here in case your dreams turn bad again", Rikazu suggested. With how exhausted she had to be, it would no doubt only take minutes for her to fall asleep. Lynn's shadow had changed its shape, somewhat resembling the form of Otohime now, although much more sinister, as far as that was possible at least. The Ki shot had surely hit, though with her energy still rapidly growing, the damage was healed relatively quickly. "Shut up, would you? I'm having a conversation with myself here", the shadow snapped at Celere. Lynn had drawn her rapier and shook her head. "Don't talk to my friend like that if you're going to pretend you're me." "I am you, the part of you that you're not willing to admit exists. But by all means, keep rejecting me", the shadow chuckled again. After all, the more her 'real' counterpart rejected her, the more powerful the shadow self would become.
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
Morzone's AvatarMorzone
Morzone's Avatar
Rowan stared down at the futuristic island before him. He hadn't reached the summit, instead stopping about 100 feet before it and sitting on a small cliff edge. The wind felt cool as it passed him. He could feel it rustling his feathers, as though the air was confused as to why it could only pass them by and not fill them. Somehow it made the open sky before him seem even larger and emptier. Rowan traced his fingers across the edge of his wings, as though touching something extremely fragile. The feathers were smooth, the lack of use had kept them from getting knocked out of place. Time passed slowly as Rowan considered his wings and all the things that had happened to him these past few days.
"Well, aren't you forward? How do you know I wasn't just being considerate about being hungry?" Laura feigned indignation before laughing lightly. "Well you're not wrong. Of course I'll be curious about a cat person that just pops into our world without warning. I suppose it's the same from your view though, suddenly dropped into this world without warning. I've sure met a lot of creatures in a lot of different places, but you're a new one to the list. makes me want to know what makes you tic, y'know?" Laura tapped Kahlua's chest with her finger, not breaking eye contact. In this world that had no limits on her powers she knew she could have simply used her magic to get him to tell her whatever she wanted, but something told her that wouldn't be the best foot to get off on. Besides, where was the fun in relying on her powers all the time?
Avatar was created for me, the sprite in the avatar was made by WriterRaven
Score: 0
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Celere moved her Face, eyes shut, to be oriented directly at the shadow, a savage expression more fitting on a tribal barbarian plastered across her face, five ki orbs, small but packed with destructive power charged on her right fingers, with a small flick that had them shoot towards the shadow, her voice, slightly distorted rang out clearly, "Make me, or are you that afraid of a great equalizer here." it wasn't a question, nor a statement, just a bland assertion that came from a bored mouth, she already had her other hand charging another ki blast, she knew the differences in power here, she could, quite comfortably absolutely annihilate this mirror image of Lynn with the power she possessed, but this was not her fight to win, all she would do is lower the opponent so the gap wasn't as pronounced, no more, no less, even the playing field was the term going through her mind like a crazed mantra.
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Kudret lifted the pencil at Rikazu's words, silently placing it and the journal back into his bag. *Don't think I forgot about our talk, Kudret,* Diemia warned him and then spoke aloud, "I believe I shall take my leave then, everyone. If you wish to speak with me again, you need only ask Kudret; I hear everything he does after all," a great craggy grin formed on the rhino's face as he spoke those last words. After he finished speaking, the Mana glowed with an oddly brown light and vanished into particles of light that rapidly disappeared. Kudret couldn't help the smile that formed and commented, "That was rather theatrical of him. I believe he is hoping to impress you two." The beastman shook his head at the confirming answer from within, smile turning a touch wry. He then stood, grabbing hold of his bag and pulling it on as he told them, "I suppose I should take my leave as well?" He phrased it as a question, glancing at Rikazu to ensure the human had no need of him further.
"So do I try for actualy currency or items?" Aislin mumbled back in response to Ama's assertion. Even given the world difference, most of the healing items here was just food, and some of the curing items would... probably not work too well outside of this world. She has seen the Gilda before, solid gold coins that are rater common in the different universes, but again what value would solid gold coins have on Gaia Zero, which uses three completely separate metals as currency? Shaking her head at her own foolishness -aren't many enchanted weapons and armor made from gold? -she glances upwards towards Paznos, and then looked to see Ama staring at it as well. The words were out of her mouth befroe she could stop herself -her natural curiosity and eagerness to help taking hold once more. "Something we need from there?"
Kahlua quirked a smile, showing off a portion of his sharp teeth as he agreed, "Indeed, I could say the same to you." Something within him seemed to settle at her expression, knowing that she was as curious about him as he was about her. Less romantic, more factual, in a manner of speaking. "Shall I start then?" he inquired, holding a paw up and purposefully leaking enough poison to bead at his claw tips. "My name is Kahlua Pirennicus, and my species are known as poison cats. What is your name and species?" Normally he would not start that way, keeping it to just his name. At the same time, from what he had seen so far he was here to stay; better that his newfound comrades knew what he could offer than distrust him for keeping secrets about his own power. He would give out a little at a time here, drawing out the amount of time available to question this person. ((Hmm, a little weak there. Need to change songs, this one's too calming.))
Avatar is made by Nightfury28. My Ponysona, Remembrance.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
"Think about it, if the currency here is Solid Gold, then that likely means that they don't use it in Machinery, and as we both likely know, Gold is an excellent conductor when utilised properly, however, what of the three Metals utilised in the other world? The Middle-Rated Currency, the one which looks like Silver, has the same conductive properties, but doesn't have the Heat-Weakness of Gold, which would make it an excellent acquisition for the people here if it, shall we say, 'were to be introduced'." listening to Aislin's question, Ama pondered for half a moment whether or not she should say just what it was she needed from this colossal machine, choosing to just be forthright about it, "Yeah, I need to grab one of the Cogs and a Valve from the Transformative Mechanism it has, I'm sure you can figure out how that'll be irritating to do, and I'd rather not drag Kahlua or Laura into it, as adept as they may end up being."
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Aislin nodded at Ama's words, mind busily calculating just how much she could get away with were she to introduce said metals. She could probably get any number of things from them, but Ama's words of needing something from Paznos gave her an idea. "I could provide a distraction in the form of said introduction if need be," she offered. It would at least provide her with something to do other than walk around and wait for things to be done. On the plus side, it also meant she could get a closer look at Paznos itself. She never could get much of a view in the game itself...
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
"Go for it, have a blast, provide enough of a distraction for me to get in, grab these items, and get out, with any luck I might find that stupid stone while down there as well, you do you, and I'll get back to you on that." she had begun to wonder just how long had passed in the Tower, a brief and petty distraction from everything else, plus... yeah, she'd have to spill everything she knew about that world to Rikazu, minus the part about only one attempt being permissible... shaking her head to dismiss the thought she returned again to speech, "Ten Minutes would be enough, try and get it to go on for longer, unlikely, by try and get them to leave as well, I can probably get into the Inner Mechanisms just fine, but getting out... heh."
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
Rikazu had been correct, as Mizuki had fallen asleep not long after he told her to get some rest, though not before she watched Diemia disappear; her eyes seemed to twinkle slightly at the sight. He wondered if the girl's nightmares would be lessened some now, but he figured he'd find that out soon enough. "Well, she certainly seemed impressed", he finally mused, a slight grin on his face. He then nodded at Kudret's question. "If that's what you want. I believe we've taken up enough of your time already. If you need me for anything though, I'll probably be here a while." Lynn was feeling uncertain about her actions, about denying the shadow in front of her. This was her; they were her own feelings gone berserk that had brought forth the shadow in front of her. No...she couldn't simply accept that; she'd changed since then, she was certain of it. Grabbing a tighter hold on her rapier, she dashed towards the shadow, several cuts of air making its way toward it. If she couldn't face her own feelings directly, then perhaps through battle... Kuja had followed the two males to the guest room. The silver-haired genome was feeling stubborn, and refused to let either of them near the child he'd been trying to protect, even after he'd heard that the blonde's name was in fact Frau. It was hard to believe that the blonde male would be the one to gain her trust and help her recover from everything she'd been through. Hesitantly, Kuja had finally left the guest room after the girl had fallen asleep, meeting with Labrador as the latter had asked him to.
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Aislin did not allow herself to think, to try and imagine the possibilities that could happen. If she did that, she would never get anywhere in life; just like back home. Aislin whispered a couple words here and there, feeding half-truths and earning directions and locations in return. It took all of maybe ten, twenty minutes of walking before successfully finding Galen Agaris, and informing him of the new find at the forges, and could he possibly locate the engineers of Paznos she was told to bear a message to for her? She would be very grateful, she tended to get a little lost here... Aislin made certain to round up as many people off of Paznos as she could, using Galen and others as bait to draw them out and head to the massive forges that plumbed the heart of the volcano. Then and only then did she sacrifice the Alumnite of the world she had been on, giving out little hints to spur them onto the right track of examination, weaving in the facts that she and Ama had known into a spun tale of finding the metal hidden away, a dead man's skeleton still holding onto it, of checking it out over her fire and her excitement at finding something new that absolutely had to be shared. Aislin surveyed her most recent work, watching the blacksmiths heat up the Alumite and experiment with it on various small devices the engineers had scrounged up for them, testing and retesting in their eagerness to discover. Someone nudged her side, and Aislin looked over to see Galen once more, pouch in hand. "Thank you," he murmured, and Aislin replied in an equal volume, "You're welcome," taking the offered, heavy pouch and clipping it onto her bag. She then left, weaving her way through the people to emerge back into the 'streets' of Gundorada, a full hour after she had started speaking to everyone. Aislin simply headed straight for the train.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Ama, the second enough people were out of the way, made a discreet pass into Paznos proper, heading down a hatch into the inner workings of the thing, a good thirty minutes later, she was back out with the items required in pocket, if anyone had wondered where she'd gone, she had something of an Alibi to work with, after all, her weapon had been taken off for repairs, she could just mention she'd gone to check on it's progress, she was waiting to see Aislin go by before she actually went to pick it back up, when she did see just that, that was when she went to actually go pick it up. Returning to the Train herself a short time later, weapon repaired and ready to go, Ama nodded towards Aislin, thought she couldn't actually tell if it was Aislin she nodded at, she'd put a blindfold over her eyes for personal purposes, upon return to the past, it was a simple and quick affair to get back to the tower, which was when she spoke aloud, "I only took spare parts, I aint so heartless as to take parts they actually have in use, take a little time out, I need to go discuss something before the next world."

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