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pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
It'll be the end of the tenth day of lileep hunt in 4 hours, but I was away for a few days, so early post I guess. As of right now I've managed 16s / 6a / 899h. 1k hatched is so close I can taste it. On another note, a few days before type race, there was a 25% Dusky Day, so I order a nihilego egg from the supplier, knowing it would arrive in time for the type race so I could hatch it without breaking my chain. My plan was to trade it in for a stakataka, but I didn't realize I had to hatch buzzwole and pheromosa before unlocking the other ubs. :') Anyways I delta'd it Before delta'ing it though, I wanted to test on another rock type if it would break my chain, so I adopted a rockruff egg and delta'd that, and out came this girl!
King's Rock

King's Rock

Evolution Item

(item.png: 0)

A crown-shaped rock that exerts dominance over foes.

Sells for 1,750

Lv. 100 — +530,735
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness 27%
Sassy nature
Least favorite nature (that nature tourney scarred me Dx) and bug looks kind of gross, but she's adorable nonetheless! Though what I wouldn't give to have nihilego be the albino rip
Avatar is official art from Pokemon Typing Adventure Look at him:
Enigma Berry

Enigma Berry

Special Berry

(item.png: 0)

A completely enigmatic Berry. It apparently has the power of the stars that fill the night sky.

Flavour: Spicy/dry
Colour: Yellow
Firmness: Hard
Growth time: 96 hours

Sells for 40

Lv. 99 — Locked
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Dry food
Happiness 27%
Mild nature
pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
I didn't hatch any specials this past day but! I did reach 1000 eggs hatched! c: I have hopes for this Sei day.
pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
I got a shiny golem. c: I kind of feel like I stole him though for 250zc. ¯|_(ツ)_/¯ Also no melan yet even with 16% Sei Day :c I did hatch 3(?) shinies. Still no albies :/
pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
So apparently I've been using all my albino luck on non-hunt pokemon. Admittedly, I was hoping for an albie boxaby, but still. Where's my melan sally >:( aaa she's so cute. <3 I wouldn't mind melan hunting for a boxaby I think. The shinies are also pretty adorable. c:
pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
Part 2 of my albino luck lol. I've been ordering Staryu eggs from the supplier for this tourney and Sally has #blessed me. <3
pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
So I've been ignoring my hunt in favor of tourney eggs rip and I've decided that when I reach 2k eggs I'll reconsider the hunt and if I really want to continue, or break the chain to reach arceus and try again later. But! I did hatch my first random chance shiny yesterday. <3 And my first party of today gave me an albino Honedge! (which I've been wanting to hunt for awhile :3) Also my first Kalos albino. I love albinos so much omg. The art team does such a great job with them, and I honestly prefer the albino version over the shiny on a lot of pokemon.
pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
I hatched a third albino staryu lol. Selling it off instead of delta'ing it I think Edit because I hatched a third albino not even five hours after reset. Pokerus bab
pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
I got a fourth albino yesterday c: And I got lucky today with getting pokerus less than an hour into this x2.5 Niet and x2 Shazi day, but unlucky because I hatched only one albino in about 90 lileep eggs. :/
pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
I ended my Lileep hunt with 26s / 8a / 1.5kh and no melan. :') But I'm now three legendary eggdexes closer to Arceus and only need one more. C: I've started a small Lunupine hunt for two shinies and two albinos so I can hopefully start a living dex of albinos. I'm actually kind of excited! :D
pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
Lunupine hunt ended with 5s / 1a / 168h. I'll mega evolve the albino, and try again later for the living albie dex And I kept track of when each special hatched for future reference. Somehow the amount hatched increased between each special. :? [40s][51a][68s][96s][126s][166s]

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