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Site Skins: How-To, and Helpful CSS

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Mareep's AvatarMareep
Mareep's Avatar
Right click the image and select 'view background image', then copy from pkmn to .png
Avatar by Akua, permission to use it here
SoftScara's AvatarSoftScara
SoftScara's Avatar
ah i found it! thank you so much
Beldarius's AvatarBeldarius
Beldarius's Avatar
Hi! I have a bit of an issue with the hex colors not working right. Can anyone help me pinpoint what's going on? So, I made a new Site Skin with the Type Race Shelter code, and tried to use the same colors as I had with my normal Skin. I use the darker retro PFQ look since I dislike the brightness of the current default. The colors don't work. They instantly shift to the bright default, even though I use the exact same hex codes for both Skins! Hex code Background image: /img/background.png Global background: #c1d091 Content background: #c1d091 Text: #000000 Title background: #64493e Title text: #b8c394 Link: #0000be Visited Link: #800080 Active Link: #cc0000 Normal User: #800000 Graphics Team: #600060 ChatOT: #804000 Mod-in-Training: #404040 Moderator: #808000 SuperMod: #008000 Administrator: #008080 Border (global): #000000 Border (title): #000000 Border (content): #000000 Flavour liked: #66cc66 Flavour disliked: #cc6666 So, these codes are the same on both Skins. But when I change between them, this happens: Left is original (working), right is new (broken) What? :0 EDIT: Btw, the preview for the new Skin shows the correct dark colors, those colors just don't show up on the actual site. I don't think I have color-changing code in the Extra CSS either (I tested - made a new Skin with no extra CSS, just changed the colors... it's still default).
lurk lurkedy lurk kaboom Character in avatar belongs to me Art commissioned from Chibimouto-chan

Pokémon Orphanage

Name: Yama-chan Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Yeah's AvatarYeah
Yeah's Avatar
Does anyone know how to make the buying, confirm, and accepted button on the same spot in the sweetheart stand?
  • about me
  • collecting
  • secrets

Yeah / He

Type race: 0
209/500 summon_mew.png till mew hunt (buying at 100k credits each)
Ima edit this eventually, but for now es blank
75/100 wheee
wawwwww a fancy thingy!!!!
Code @Colorful Background from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX Profile picture by Cryst Signature Picture by @crazyMissdream Running Mew by @KitKatKutie2 | Shop
flybynyx's Avatarhypermode-12.pngflybynyx
flybynyx's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by flybynyx

Can CSS hide the Buy button for extra training spaces in the Training Hall? I have inadvertently and/or accidentally hit that thing more times than I would care to admit, when I thought I was collecting gym bags (that I already collected). I just did it again. 😩 Please help?
It's been 13 days ... does that mean what I requested is not possible?
On Aug 3 2018 11:27 AM CDT per TeeTurtle.com Permission granted to use avatar image ●○ 𓆛 Go Fish! ○●
Hakano Riku's AvatarHakano Riku
Hakano Riku's Avatar
@flybynyx, It is ^^ try adding this to your extra CSS in your site skin:
[data-action="buybagplus"] { display: none; }
@Yeah, Don't believe that one is possible unfortunately. The dialog box that pops up for the sweetheart stand doesn't have a reference to target with the CSS. If you were to align those buttons, all the dialog boxes used throughout the site would be messed up as well ;w;' @Beldarius, Just to check, have you tried refreshing your browser's cache? I've had issues with parts of a site skin not changing properly until the browser cache is refreshed. You can look up how to refresh your browser's cache for your browser on the device you're using on Google (Chrome on Windows 10 should be pressing CTRL + F5 at the same time while on a PFQ page). If/once you've done that, if it still doesn't work, let us know and I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out ^^
Avatar of Dian Rubens from Spice & Wolf
Type Race Score: 0
Type Race Clicklist: HERE
Yeah's AvatarYeah
Yeah's Avatar
I’m fine with all the reference boxes messed up if those are on top of eachother
Beldarius's AvatarBeldarius
Beldarius's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Hayashi Rin

@Beldarius, Just to check, have you tried refreshing your browser's cache? If/once you've done that, if it still doesn't work, let us know and I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out ^^
I use a rather obscure mobile browser (Adblock Browser) and can't find any way to clear its cache. The only guide I found told me to click the swirly refresh symbol, but it does nothing. Never mind, I found out how to do it. Though my phone froze while it was deleting the cache so I had to force a reboot. I hate mobile browsers sometimes. Anyway, the colors work now. Thanks for the tip!
Hakano Riku's AvatarHakano Riku
Hakano Riku's Avatar
Code to stack the send gift, purchase, and ok buttons in the sweetheart stand. It's a bit wonky due to how the dialogs work and you might want to remove it after you're done or it'll mess with dialogs across the site ^^; if someone else can do better, feel free to change it up lmao
input[value="Send gift"], .dialog button:first-of-type { position: fixed !important; width: 100px !important; height: 100px !important; left: 50% !important; top: 50% !important; }
DrWho's AvatarDrWho
DrWho's Avatar
Thank you so much Hayashi_Rin that's perfect!!! Edit: Thank you!
Avatar by Kaelwolfur. Sent from my PokéNav

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