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Bishop's AvatarBishop
Bishop's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Glaciersong

Hello. Is there any way to change the padding to become rectangular in the fieldstack? I want to cover the whole field to make mobile field clickling faster (cause I realized you can click with multiple fingers at a time and each one counts as a click, so Imma try 5 XD).
change the @padding: 50px; line to @padding: 55px 95px 55px 95px; you can adjust numbers to make work better for your device, i think the last time i checked this it was over half the field size on mobile so might be ok as is?
Glaciersong's AvatarGlaciersong
Glaciersong's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Bishop

change the @padding: 50px; line to @padding: 55px 95px 55px 95px; you can adjust numbers to make work better for your device, i think the last time i checked this it was over half the field size on mobile so might be ok as is?
I tried, but everything shifted almost all offscreen to the right. For some reason, this happened too, and I only changed the field padding, added shelter grid code, egg highlight for mobile, and the party clicking modification.
Lovely Soup

Lovely Soup


(item.png: 0)

A special bowl of soup, made with love! Feed to a Pokémon to boost Happiness by 50.

Sells for 1

Lv. 100 — +9,354,896
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sweet food
Happiness MAX
Hasty nature
Bishop's AvatarBishop
Bishop's Avatar
sorry, just read through his coding, it also has a margin: @padding (apparently does not work for 4 side padding... instead try changing: padding: @padding!important; to padding: 55px 95px 55px 95px!important; (this is a little bit down in the code) if this does not work can you post your code, i will test it on my end too. edit... also change @padding back to 55px so it controls the margin, although i think the box will be offcenter depending if margin controls left/right and top/bottom seperately?
Glaciersong's AvatarGlaciersong
Glaciersong's Avatar
Thanks for the help, but the box is still way off to the right. On the bright side, the box got bigger.
Bishop's AvatarBishop
Bishop's Avatar
i will play with that later to know why and how to adjust better, but if way to right (and guessing slightly down), change the @padding to 95... this should compensate better for the margin offset since using 55/95 for rectangle.
can anyone get me a code for highlighed zorua eggs for mobile PLEASE
Credit To Levian Wonder For The New And Amazing Badass Avatar
Glaciersong's AvatarGlaciersong
Glaciersong's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by ChåråDrëëmürr777

can anyone get me a code for highlighed zorua eggs for mobile PLEASE
#shelterarea > .pokemon > img[src*="a/h/s.png"]{ box-shadow: 0px 0px 50px 25px yellow; background-color: yellow; border-radius:100%; }
ChromaSys's AvatarChromaSys
ChromaSys's Avatar
I'm probably missing something but didn't see anything on this. How do you change the colour of your Pokemon platforms?
Avatar made by TheMushroomNacho c:d.png<3<3<3 Tanks created by Box<3
Um Can Anyone Maybe Help Me Get A Zoroark Icon..? (Like the one in the top Right?)
Ganorith's AvatarGanorith
Ganorith's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Kläïrïnëttë

I'm probably missing something but didn't see anything on this. How do you change the colour of your Pokemon platforms?
This code changes most platforms for you on the site.
.party>div>.pkmn:before{ background: red; border-color: blue; }
If you want to change the image that other people see if you post the image on any forum or something, you would have to do it through the skin's colors.

QUOTE originally posted by ChåråDrëëmürr777

Um Can Anyone Maybe Help Me Get A Zoroark Icon..? (Like the one in the top Right?)
#head-social > #notifs > a { background-image: url('URL HERE'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #head-social > #notifs > a > img { opacity: 0; }
Replace URL HERE with the Zoroark icon you want. Keep in mind that the image has to be HTTPS.
PFP/BG/IMG from Golden Sun Code Collection

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