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2024 PFQ Goals

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WEREG0TH's Avatar
yarp •not necessarily a 2024 specific goal, but it'd be neat to be able to do it all this year lmao - i'm trying to get a full livingdex of all the regular & special canines here at my journal! a side goal is to get them all dry pref but that's mainly just for ease of mass-clicking ehe •on the same note, i have a livingdex furfrou haircut goal too, every cut for every furfrou! regular, shiny, albino, and melan! (aha....) also in journal (though basically just the template right now) •all wishalloy badges! i'd Like to get them all done this year but uh. high hopes i think, considering i gave up on wishforge back when you could only do it through evolutions :'D (note for bingo, multiples listed means full evo lines = multiple melans of the hatched pokemon, not the final evo)


despacito 10 hours
casual doggy collections
Background from official pokemon anime Icon by RoniMaruto of pokesona :3 F2U code by Gumshoe
Hello hello!! For this year, in no particular order, my goals are...
  1. Complete the "Make 1,000,000 Interactions" task... A third of my way there for now :'D
  2. Set up a Shop? This depends entirely on how busy my schedule gets, but I'm toying with the idea of a dexing&items shop or an art shop maybe
  3. Completing my shiny&albino Totems collections! Since I have other plans for my hunts I'll mainly buy those but I'd like to finally have them all in place c:
    shinies to totem
    albinos to totem
  4. Get at least 1000 points in each Type Race. Since I plan my hunts to follow TR team rotation, it'd be a win/win for me!
  5. Reach Arceus rank, ideally before June starts... I'm mostly missing megas and e/vs, so I plan to work on the e/vs first before getting to the more expensive part of that
  6. Finish summoning all the possible legendaries. This would also help in my Eggdex completion!
  7. Collect enough delta points to use on an Arceus and/or Silvally egg. I collect double deltas so since there's so many possibilities for those mons, it'd be neat to have at least one or two that I delta'd myself ^^
  8. Get to the top 10 in a Contest... They're really fun to plan and I hope to get better at it during this year~
  9. To hatch my first melan... Hopefully more than one but we'll see... I'd like to specifically have the full Litwick line in all the possible specials, if luck's on my side ^^ The others I put there for fun as they are some of my favorites!
  10. On a similar note, with the upcoming changes to the DayCare and breeding, I'd like to try my first exclusive hunt! The literal bookworm is one of my favorites so I'd ideally start from Klaatupillar <3

My Card

  • Me
  • Hunting
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✦ Critter ✦ he/they ✦ 21+ yo ✦ +1 server time
Avatar made by me. For my use only, don't share outside PFQ. PM or here to commission one. ☆ Bait made by me. PM if you want to use, don't share outside PFQ.
i.pngx1/x.pngx0/l.pngx1 April TR: fighting.png y.pngo.pngp.png
☆ Go to my shop for BOGO50% specials!
scavengers's Avatarhypermode-12.pngscavengers
scavengers's Avatar
hi again everyone, glad to see we're back ^^ while we were away i managed to get a square filled from my frosdour hunt! my main goals this year are: -Attain full wishalloy! it's something i've been working on and off on for a while, and i think i should finally get it finished this year! want that yummy gold card :3c my biggest roadblock is kind of just relics, which is. gonna lead to my eternal brokeness xD -Finally get my shop finished! i've had a wip in my journal for almost 6 months now... i should probably get it finished so i can sell all the shinies and albinos just sitting in my fields! -Get to at least 50% on my livingdex! Only really started working on it this year, so i'm hoping i can get at least halfway before the end of the year! -Get in top 50 for most interactions! i love watching number go up. thats the only reason

My Card

pfp by nekopumpkin!
skiddo's Avatarskiddo
skiddo's Avatar
  • Type race icons = type race hunts, that melan or any melan of that type, subject to change
  • Wishalloy badge = gem hunts, that melan and/or the wishalloy badge in question
  • Delta vouchers = DP hunts, that melan or ~1000dp to turn in.

My Card

v-normal.png v-fire.png v-steel.png v-bug.png v-water.png
v-dark.png v-fighting.png v-ghost.png v-electric.png v-poison.png
summon_vir.png summon_cob.png

Honorary Mentions

Melans that didn't fit on the card!
summon_cob.png 59 / 200
Not actively buying. Or actively doing anything in general.
code by skiddo; banner by mochafox; sprite by pfq; bg is official
F4T4L FL4W's AvatarF4T4L FL4W
F4T4L FL4W's Avatar
hello! not too sure i could use the bingo card w/o messing it up (or that i have enough goals to fill one up tbh) main goals are: - ACTIVITY!!! i usually just end up getting burnt out and dipping so i haven't done much on this site since 2016!!! - at least ONE silver wishforge badge!! - zc so i can finally do some cool things!!! - shiny zorua (regular or hisuian) - champion rank!!! - summon at least one legendary - platinum dark/ghost would be awesome (not sure that's attainable in a year, much less when i have the risk of dropping out after a couple months) - get a birthday cs + attend at LEAST halloween yeah :pensive:
hi. you can just call me sora, or fatal
~~Current hunt~~
3 0 0
Score: 0
Tempura778's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTempura778
Tempura778's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Tempura778

With my previous party of Falinks, I officially hit 1500 points, meaning I’ve 1/12 TR milestones met. Given all my melan hunts tie into TR, I should be safe enough for most. As for the tournament goal, as of this message, I am 2nd in the ongoing tournament (hoping to hit 1st, but will accept 2nd or 3rd, ofc)
The fiery gal and good luck charm:
summon_mun.png × 46 / 1000
An eventual Melan Munkidori hunt (Not actively buying at the moment) Credit to BlueBlissey for September ‘23 Normal Trophy
luneyetic's Avatarluneyetic
luneyetic's Avatar
the idea for this thread is so cool, I loved reading everyone's goals & wish everyone luck!! here's my list too: 1. be more sociable !! I rarely use the forums bc I'm super shy and a good portion of my friends/acquaitances have quit the site so like. I need to come out of my shell a little and interact more with people !! 2. get at least two (2) more badges to wishalloy ! 3. make more templates ! and as for my planned hunts... -->

My Card

these^ are more my long term goals than goals for the year tbh like I don't think I'm gonna hatch all these melans sdfghgfds but I can always try my best and hope <3
icon: official art from the dungeon meshi manga
Hamez's Avatarhypermode-12.pngHamez
Hamez's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Hamez

Here is my card! Goals for 2024: 1. Lead Type Race Twice.
I would like to do it more often but it's a lot of work heh
2. Work on getting all Wishforged up to Nintendium
Which would only purely happen from melan hunting because I have no motivation to accelerate this at all lol
3. Start a Journal Living Dex
I don't think this will ever happen lol
One Space Down 💪

My Card

Twin Melans Delta Melan Under 100 Chain Melan Birthday Melan - July 8th
Steel-Type Tiny Icon made by Juku
Team Corkscrew Crash — 0 points
Steel-Type Tiny Icon made by Juku
5.png9.pngk.png For more odds and ends, Visit The Hamez-ing Emporium! Avatar made by NinjaAnne — Buying summon_jir.png for 20zc! 2/500

QUOTE originally posted by JustCallMeMochi

my goals for 2024 is to get all nintendium badges, maybe even wishalloy. i also want to lead a type race team this year! most of all, i want to hunt victini and get my desired specials :D and get enough eclipse flutes to do cosmog next year!
i added a whole separate card for goals to my first post, so i just wanted to pop in and say that 1/12 melans for the year have been gotten! nothing on my hunt card yet but i did get this friend during this type race!
i also changed nintendium badges to admantium badges, it's more achievable and less strenuous! also-- i plan to lead three type race teams AND get 500 victory medals this year so that next year i can hunt victini even harder than last year!

Mochi ✪ 22 ✪ they/he/kit

Your local catboy hoarding quirky, bashful, and docile mons!
Odds and Ends - Orthrus' - My Guide

Type Race and Hunts!

Score: 0
Made by LycanKai
Current Hunt: Victini! Belated birthday week hunt!!
Coded by Me! Credits
Cryst's Avatarhypermode-12.pngCryst
Cryst's Avatar
debated on whether or not i wanna post here again but ... here i am lol 2024 goals !!! though idk how feasible all of these are oops * hatch a random chance melan (lol) * lead a couple of type races :') * get each badge to master 1 (3/18 so far...) * get pokerus 100 times. how have i been here since 2016 but i still havent done this. as of typing this, i've had pkrs 88 times * finish my galar melan livingdex, excluding legends -- i have the most galar melans so maybe i can get this one done..? :'D though it would interfere with my bingo speaking of bingo, here it is again ! no changes from last time, but for the sake of making my bingo goals clear: i am going for full lines, but hatching just one melan will count for my bingo goal

My Card

Cryst ✦ She/Her

JournalTrade Shop TR Score: 0 ✦ Hunt: 51/3145
Credits: icon + sig. code by me

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