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Musings of a Mudkip

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People on this site are so so generous oh my goodness /pos

Blue || they/them

________________________ water + psychic delta collector
trade shop Journalcredits


Code by RAINB0W Forum Icon + Signature Pagedoll by me
v-psychic.png Let's go, Shattered Psyche! v-psychic.png Type Race Score: 0
doodlekip's Avatardoodlekip
doodlekip's Avatar
I did it. Lol
Not totally broke on ZC so I'll call it a win ^^'
doodlekip's Avatardoodlekip
doodlekip's Avatar
Messy from-memory doodle of Lugia my beloved <3

Art! (big)

Art by me!
doodlekip's Avatardoodlekip
doodlekip's Avatar

Talkin about TR (wow this got long lol)

I'm thinking I'd like to maybe try to host another TR pretty soon here :o I haven't really had any conflicting IRL stuff at all since last January, and I thought that was going to change come this fall but? With the way my IRL's going it's looking like I'll have all of this next semester off too? So I should have a lot of time to be an active team leader again these next few months (if I do end up one) Probably won't try for hosting next month as I'll be on Team Ghost-- which I think is a favorite type of a lot of users, so I'm sure there will be another user (or multiple users) who will want to host, lol. (Unless by some miracle no one's applied by Day 3 of signups? In which case I'll definitely apply because any leader's better than none) Afterwards my teams are Fighting, Dragon, Flying, Normal, and Poison.... hmmm.... much to think about. (Unrelated tangent-- not sure what I'll be hunting for next month but after that it'll be Mienfoo, Tatsugiri (hopefully), maybe a timid Johto mon for Flying, and then Puppod for the next two months) But ye!! I've been taking notes from some exceptionally excellent leaders I've had the past couple months, so I'm hopeful I'll be able to do an even better job than I did for Bloom Doom last April ^^ Also I miss all my teammates from Team Fire last month!! You guys were so cool and fun ;; I hope you all are having fun this TR tho!! And this is ENTIRELY unrelated, but I also think I might try to go for Arceus pretty soon?? Will definitely start on some legendary EggDexing as soon as TR's over
doodlekip's Avatardoodlekip
doodlekip's Avatar
Woooo! That's a wrap on July's Type Race ^^ I won't be including the special Nincada I hatched since most have been Holon'd at this point, but here's the three random albinos I got from the week: And a couple gifts, from teammates Tabitha Mori and Gaj Redfox respectively <3 Still don't know what I'll be hunting next month for Team Never-Ending Nightmare... I'll keep thinking about it, but in the meantime I'll see how much of the dex I can knock out before then!
doodlekip's Avatardoodlekip
doodlekip's Avatar
Need GP to buy a Gigaremo... about to need lots of Credits for Ultra Beast eggs... need to keep stockpiling ZC for future legends and melan hunts... I think I might open up doodle comms Edit: Set up the thread come buy art from me >:) (/nf)
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doodlekip's Avatar
These boostssss. 3x Niet, 2x Shazi, ⊕25 Sei, Hoothoot PotD, Flying V~Wave. Today could not be more perfect for a Hoothoot hunt. I wasn't planning to hunt Hoothoot until after I finished Totodile and Sentret but. Now I feel like I have to at least try for a timid shiny today haha (Though after looking at the V~Wave schedule and seeing there's two more Flying V~Waves in the next few days... maybe I'll keep hunting it through Tuesday? Then back to Arceus progress, and then Totodile again... and there'll be a Rotom hunt for August Type Race in there somewhere too) Real shame I'm going out of town again today though lol
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Discovery Melan Hall of Fame (BIG WIP)
An attempt at documenting and recording every known (base form) discovery melan!
This is a mess for now-- it'll gradually get cleaned up as time goes on. Maybe one day I'll actually learn CSS to make it pretty, but it'll be made of barebones BBCode for the foreseeable future. If you own a melan on this list and would like it to be removed, feel free to reach out to me via PM! c:

extra info

-If a melan's description claims that it is the first on-site, if it was the first posted
Unless it was posted due to the sprite recieving an update.
in the Sprite Discovery thread, or if its hatch date matches the first melan recorded on WikiFirsts, I will automatically assume it is indeed the first, unless and until proven otherwise. -I am only looking for the first melan per evolution line. For example, I would only be looking for the first melan Magikarp on-site, so if the second melan Magikarp on-site evolved and became the first melan Gyarados, I would still choose to omit it from the list. -For evolutions in which multiple stages can be hatched from eggs (e.g. the Azurill line), it does not matter which stage the first melan hatched at as long as it is the first. For example, I would be looking for the first melan Azurill OR the first melan Marill-- whichever came first. -I will only be including different forms if they are permanant and not interchangable (e.g. regional variants such as Zorua, Vivillon/Maravol patterns). Regional variants such as Weezing or Braviary, in which the member of the evolutionary line always hatches standard and can then evolve into either the standard variant or the regional one, will not have a separate regional slot. -Gender differences are only included as separate slots in very significant instances (e.g. Nidoran). -Linked posts under a certain species are usually information and/or potential leads on finding a discovery melan, and are put here if I wasn't able to find the melan itself with a bit of quick searching. -Tabs are sorted by PFQ dex number rather than Natdex number. -Dates in this post are formatted as DD/MM/YYYY. -21/Oct/2023: As time has gone on I have come to realize that, due to a number of reasons, finding the first discovery melan of every line is likely an impossible goal. So, the goal with this project is not *every* discovery melan, it is as many discovery melans as can be found, with the expectation that there will be some that have been lost to time. It also serves to keep a running archive of (hopefully) any and all future discovery melans.
Currently: Added Okidogi, Fezandipiti, and Erupt Litwick. To-do: -Go through Melan Hatching Thread -Go through Sprite Discovery Discussion(?) -Check Wiki for sprite upload dates Last updated: 17:55 on 1 May 2024
  • x
  • Kanto
  • Johto
  • Hoenn
  • Sinnoh
  • Unova
  • Kalos
  • Alola
  • Galar
  • Paldea
  • PFQ Exclusives
  • PFQ Variants
  • Vivillon
  • Maravol
  • Unown
  • Flabébé
  • ???
Bulbasaur 13 April 2015
Discovered 20/Feb/2015 22:26:10
Charmander (second on site)
Discovered 21/Nov/2015 05:30:13
Squirtle oldest found - 20.12.15
Caterpie 18 May 2015
Weedle 15 January 2015
Discovered 25/Jan/2016 03:07:10
Pidgey (oldest found - 31.12.17)
Rattata 4 June 2015
Alolan Rattata 28 January 2017
Spearow 5 June 2016
Discovered 14/Sep/2015 11:40:42
Ekans (oldest found - 15.9.15)
Pichu 21 January 2015
Sandshrew 11 April 2015
Alolan Sandshrew 23 December 2016
Melan Nidorina and Nidoqueen were discovered by snartie on 8.6.17; however it's unknown if this melan was the first melan Nidoran-F or not.
Nidoran-F (post) (melan)
The first melan Nidoran was discovered 13/Feb/2015 23:35:50, but it's unknown if it was male or female.
Nidoran-M (oldest found - 7.8.20)
Cleffa 7 May 2016
Vulpix 7 February 2015
Alolan Vulpix 22 December 2016
Igglybuff 20 February 2015
Discovered 21/May/2016 12:07:27; most likely female
Zubat (post)
Discovered 10/Jan/2015 14:26:36
Oddish oldest found - 25.1.16
Paras 4 November 2016
Venonat 25 February 2017
Diglett 14 October 2017
Alolan Diglett 22 April 2017
Discovered 10/Jan/2016 05:12:00
Meowth oldest found - 24.1.17
Alolan Meowth 11 February 2017
Galarian Meowth 29 April 2020
Discovered 21/Oct/2015 02:59:31
Mankey 8 January 2017
Discovered 02/Jul/2015 22:48:33
Growlithe oldest found - 15.7.15
Discovered by Duskull on 8.9.22; was not found in their fields.
Hisuian Growlithe (post)
Discovered 26/Jun/2016 07:48:03
Poliwag oldest found - 14.8.16
Discovered 21/Jul/2016 13:07:24
Abra oldest found - 29.6.17
Machop 19 September 2016
Discovered 19/Mar/2015 10:30:51
Bellsprout oldest found - 22.8.15
Discovered 16/Oct/2016 15:28:18
Tentacool (oldest found - 2.11.16)
Geodude 13 December 2016
Alolan Geodude 1 February 2017
Ponyta 7 January 2015
Galarian Ponyta 8 April 2020
Slowpoke 16 June 2016
Note: Logged into WikiFirsts as discovered on 13.10.2016.
Discovered by Kyøujurøu on 7.2.21; was not found in their fields.
Galarian Slowpoke (post)
[missing] Magnemite (oldest found - 29 April 2017)
Farfetch'd 26 April 2016
Discovered by annador on 29.4.20. Their fields have not been searched.
Galarian Farfetch'd (post)
Doduo 17 May 2017
Seel 19 October 2015
Grimer 18 March 2017
Alolan Grimer 5 May 2017
Discovered 02/Nov/2015 18:32:05
Shellder oldest found (17 Mar 2017)
Gastly 28 February 2015
Onix 6 December 2015
Drowzee 24 February 2015
Krabby 9 June 2017
Voltorb 7 August 2016
Discovered by Mikkü on 8.10.22; was not found in their fields.
Hisuian Voltorb (post)
Discovered 02/Jul/2015 00:36:17
Discovered 25/Aug/2015 17:00:00
Cubone (oldest found) (30 Dec 2016)
Lickitung 16 May 2017
Koffing 13 March 2017
Rhyhorn 23 January 2017
Tangela 19 December 2015
Kangaskhan 4 April 2015
Posted and presumably discovered by Sourwolf. This user has all their fields hidden.
Goldeen 6 August 2015
01/Aug/2015 19:03:20
Mime Jr./Mr. Mime 25 February 2017
Scyther 1 October 2016
Discovered 03/Feb/2015 09:39:13
Smoochum oldest found 26 Dec 2016
confirmed not first
Pinsir 30 July 2017
Tauros 18 May 2015
Combat Breed Tauros 23 September 2023
Blaze Breed Tauros 22 September 2023
Aqua Breed Tauros 23 September 2023
Magikarp 22 January 2015
Discovered 12/Aug/2016 15:30:42
Lapras (oldest found - 11.2.18)
Ditto 8 October 2019
Eevee 18 March 2015
Discovered 12/Oct/2016 12:20:17
Omanyte (oldest found - 23.4.2017)
Discovered 4/May/2016 18:27:50
Kabuto (oldest found - 18.3.18)
Aerodactyl 14 June 2015
Munchlax/Snorlax 2 May 2016
Was not logged onto WikiFirsts as of 10.28.16, despite being hatched before.
Articuno 2 December 2016
Galarian Articuno 17 July 2021
Zapdos 10 January 2018
Discovered by schleifi on 19.6.21; was not found in their fields.
Galarian Zapdos (post)
Moltres 11 March 2019
Galarian Moltres 27 June 2021
Discovered 14/Mar/2015 01:50:12
Dratini oldest found (26 May 2015)
Mew 28 December 2018
Mewtwo 18 May 2018
Discovered 20/Apr/2015 22:11:50
Chikorita (oldest found
Discovered 27/Jan/2015 05:40:30
Cyndaquil oldest found 12 February 2017
Totodile 17 January 2016
Sentret 5 August 2015
Hoothoot 13 January 2017
Discovered 16/Feb/2016 20:59:33
Ledyba oldest found (16 Nov 2016)
Spinarak 21 November 2015
Discovered 18/Apr/2015 05:51:02
Chinchou (oldest found - 29.4.18)
09/Mar/2015 23:56:14
Togepi oldest found (28 Mar 2015)
Discovered 30/Jun/2016 15:27:40
Natu (oldest found - 4.4.18)
Mareep 13 July 2015
Azurill/Marill 16 January 2015
Bonsly/Sudowoodo 5 August 2017
Hoppip 22 July 2016
Male melan Aipom was posted and presumably discovered in 2017 by Sourwolf, who has all their fields hidden. This could imply that a female was discovered prior.
Aipom (post?)
Discovered 09/Jan/2015 19:49:16. Melan Sunflora was discovered 19.Jan.17 by a user who presumably once had the username Markaret. No posts about melan Sunkern have been found.
Sunkern (post?)
Yanma 21 January 2015
Wooper 2 August 2015
Paldean Wooper 23 September 2023
Murkrow 11 March 2015
Misdreavus 3 October 2015
Unown 21 March 2015
Girafarig 19 January 2016
Pineco 27 August 2017
Discovered 24/Feb/2015 19:36:42
Dunsparce (second on-site - 25.2.18)
1 April 2017
[missing] Snubbull oldest found (2 Sept 2016)
Discovered 23/Sep/2016 02:55:40
Qwilfish second on-site (16 May 2017)
Discovered by Duskull on 7.7.22; not found in their fields.
Hisuian Qwilfish (post)
20/Sep/2016 16:53:57
Heracross 20 June 2017
Discovered 25/Jun/2016 16:49:22
Sneasel oldest found (19 Nov 2017)
Hisuian Sneasel 7 October 2022
teddiursa oldest found (28 Oct 2016)
Discovered 31/May/2016 23:52:01
Slugma (post?)
Swinub 22 May 2015
Corsola 7 April 2015
Galarian Corsola 29 April 2020
Melan female Octillery was discovered by Catnip; however it's unknown if this Octillery was the first melan Remoraid or not.
(post) (melan) (oldest found)
Discovered 18/Jul/2016 21:15:52
Delibird oldest found (5 Sept 2016)
Discovered 18/Apr/2015 12:54:25
Skarmory (oldest found)
Discovered 19/Jan/2015 02:25:27
Houndour oldest found
Discovered 14/Aug/2016 14:56:36. Likely unevolved, as melan Donphan wasn't discovered until two years later.
Discovered by cissza; was not found in their fields.
Stantler (post)
Discovered 06/Aug/2016 04:17:50
Smeargle (oldest found)
Tyrogue 27 April 2015
Discovered 23/Jul/2016 13:22:58
Elekid (oldest found - 27.11.16
Magby 2 July 2015
miltank (post)
Raikou 20 January 2018
Entei 1 April 2017
Suicune 21 December 2016
Discovered 02/Oct/2016 04:32:31
Larvitar (oldest found)
Lugia 29 November 2017
Discovered by Captain on 5.1.20; was not found in their fields.
Ho-oh (post)
celebi (post) (oldest found - 28.10.17)
Discovered 14/Feb/2015 17:02:20
Treecko oldest found (27 Sept 2015)
Discovered 08/Jan/2016 15:26:11
Torchic oldest found (10 April 2016)
Mudkip 1 January 2015
Poochyena 20 February 2015
Zigzagoon 2 November 2015
Galarian Zigzagoon 27 April 2020
Wurmple 14 October 2015
lotad oldest found (21 May 2017)
Seedot 18 November 2015
Taillow 12 January 2017
wingull oldest found 29 October 2016
Ralts 14 March 2015
Surskit 25 July 2015
Discovered 03/Jun/2015 20:17:47
Shroomish (oldest found - 21 Oct 2015)
Discovered 25/Jun/2016 21:58:00
16/Oct/2015 08:21:55
Nincada oldest found (3 Jan 2016)
Whismur 1 April 2017
Makuhita 25 February 2017
Nosepass 16 November 2016
Skitty 3 February 2015
Sableye 11 August 2015
Discovered 27/Feb/2016 15:41:13
Mawile (oldest found - 2.3.17)
aron oldest found (1 Nov 2016) meditite oldest found 12 Dec 2015
Likely first? The previous melan I had as the 'oldest found' was male, and was left with the note "not first, a female hatched before this one"
Electrike 8 October 2015
Dicovered by annador; not found in their fields.
minun (post)
Volbeat 27 June 2017
Illumise 22 December 2016
Melan female Gulpin was discovered by CKeternity, however it's unknown if a male melan Gulpin was hatched prior to this.
(melan) (post)
Discovered 10/May/2016 20:41:17
Carvanha oldest found - 16.5.16
Discovered 02/Jul/2016 03:31:07
Numel 3 February 2015
Torkoal 26 July 2017
Discovered 08/Feb/2015 17:51:51
Spoink (oldest found)
Discovered 16/May/2016 07:06:47
Spinda (oldest found - 31.5.18)
Trapinch 20 July 2015
Cacnea 27 November 2016
[missing] Swablu (oldest found - 21.5.16) (x
Likely one of the first four on-site; exact placement unknown
Zangoose 15 October 2015
Seviper 14 September 2015
Solrock 30 April 2017
Barboach 20 September 2016
Corphish 21 June 2016
Baltoy 5 October 2017
Lileep 11 February 2017
Anorith 5 March 2017
Discovered 07/Jan/2016 22:22:38
Feebas (post?) (oldest found - 18.12.17)
[missing] Castform (oldest found - 1.11.16)
Discovered 14/Oct/2016 12:01:36
Kecleon (oldest found - 17.5.17)
Shuppet 6 March 2015
[missing] Duskull (oldest found - 21.4.16)
Tropius 16 September 2016
chingling / chimecho
Melan Chingling was discovered by cissza, but was not found in their fields.
Absol 8 February 2015
Wynaut/Wobbuffet 23 February 2017
Snorunt oldest found 15 January 2015
Spheal 2 April 2016
clamperl oldest found (9 Nov 2015)
Melan female Relicanth was discovered by blackkitten on 14.12.19. It is likely that a male melan Relicanth was hatched prior to this.
Relicanth (post) (melan) (oldest found)
Discovered 11/Oct/2015 16:35:31
Bagon 10 July 2015
Discovered by sunleo on 21.1.20; wasn't found in their fields.
Regirock (post)
Regice 4 December 2018
Discovered by starryweb on 19.4.20; was not found in their fields.
Registeel (post)
Latias 4 February 2021
Latios 17 July 2019
Kyogre 26 October 2019
Discovered by starryweb; was not found in their fields.
Rayquaza 8 March 2017
Jirachi 16 January 2017
Deoxys 30 May 2015
x x
Discovered 26/May/2015 20:43:29
Turtwig (oldest found - 3.4.2017)
Discovered 01/Jun/2015 21:38:16
Chimchar earliest found (20 Oct 2015)
Discovered 29/Aug/2015 06:58:54
Piplup (oldest found - 21.7.17)
Discovered 18/Apr/2015 15:41:44
Starly (oldest found - 23.8.17)
Discovered 15/Oct/2016 15:32:20. Male melan Bibarel was discovered by Plu on 20.4.17, but was not found in their fields. It's unknown if this Bibarel was the first melan Bidoof or not.
Bidoof (post) (oldest found - 18.4.17)
Discovered on 27/Sep/2016 18:23:10, likely by BrinnaSilvio; was not found in their fields.
Kricketot (post) (third on-site)
Shinx 18 March 2015
Budew/Roselia 26 October 2015
Discovered 24/Apr/2016 18:51:02
Cranidos (oldest found - 29.5.16)
[missing] Shieldon (oldest found - 1.6.18)
[missing] Burmy (post?) (oldest found)
Combee 4 March 2015
Discovered 03/Jan/2015 01:59:13
Pachirisu oldest found 30 November 2017
Buizel 29 January 2017
Cherubi 28 October 2015
occident shellos
Presumably discovered by a user who once had the username Zetha. Melan Occident Gastrodon was discovered by Leacky, but it's unknown if this was the same melan or not.
(post) (oldest found)
Shellos (Orient) 25 March 2017
[missing] Drifloon oldest found (19 May 2017)
Discovered 21/Mar/2015 13:44:10
Buneary oldest found (31 Oct 2015)
Glameow 12 August 2015
Stunky 23 January 2016
12 May 2017
Melan Happiny was discovered by Sourwolf, who has all their fields hidden.
Happiny / Chansey (post)
Discovered by Sourwolf, who has all their fields hidden.
Spiritomb 11 May 2016
Discovered 28/Feb/2016 01:23:08
Gible (oldest found - 16.3.18)
Riolu 10 January 2017
Posted in Sprite Discovery; may not be the first
16 May 2017
Skorupi 7 August 2015
Croagunk 28 November 2015
Carnivine 2 June 2017
Discovered 17/Jul/2015 22:54:44
Finneon oldest found (29 april 2017)
Mantyke/Mantine 13 May 2017
First melan Mantine, and likely-- though not confidently-- the first melan Mantyke as well.
Discovered 11/Jul/2015 13:08:49
Snover (oldest found - 27.7.18)
Porygon 16 June 2015
Discovered 26/Dec/2015 20:54:38
Rotom (oldest found - 23.4.17)
Uxie 22 April 2017
Mesprit 12 October 2018
Discovered 30/Aug/2015 15:49:10
Azelf (second on-site)
Palkia 26 July 2019
Heatran 9 May 2019
Regigigas 30 August 2019
Discovered by starryweb on 9.3.19; was not found in their fields.
Cresselia (post)
Melan Giratina's sprite was "discovered" via URL-poking on 23.12.16. It was later found out that the first melan Giratina had already been hatched, likely by Scorpyia, prior to this happening-- however, the link to this melan was removed for anomity.
Giratina (posts)
Phione 12 December 2016
Manaphy 16 November 2019
Darkrai 10 September 2019
Shaymin 5 January 2017
Discevered by naeriie on 14.12.19; was not found in their fields.
Arceus (post)
Enamorus 4 November 2023
Victini 26 August 2017
Discovered 26/Aug/2015 19:30:14
Snivy oldest found 7 July 2017
Discovered 22/Aug/2015 16:11:23
Tepig (oldest found - 9.3.18)
Discovered 28/Jul/2016 15:28:13
Oshawott (oldest found - 2.8.16)
Patrat 9 January 2016
Discovered 01/Jan/2016 18:32:16
Lillipup (oldest found - 30 Jan 2018)
Purrloin 28 February 2015
Pansage 31 August 2017
Discovered by Tony, who has all their fields hidden.
Discovered by Golden Tempest; was not found in their fields.
Discovered 17/Jan/2015 04:28:02
Munna oldest found (28 October 2016)
Pidove 20 May 2017
Discovered 01/Jan/2016 01:40:01
Blitzle (oldest found - 8.3.22)
Roggenrola 7 December 2015
Melan linked below is the first melan Swoobat on-site, but likely not the first melan Woobat.
Woobat oldest found (16 Nov 2017)
[missing] Drilbur (oldest found - 6.8.16)
Discovered 26/Sep/2015 14:50:33
Audino (oldest found - 30.11.17)
Timburr 2 June 2017
Melan Seismetoad was discovered by Plu but not found in their fields. It is unknown if this Seismetoad was also the first melan Tympole or not.
Throh 14 October 2017
Sawk 19 September 2017
Discovered 12/Sep/2016 22:30:28
Sewaddle oldest found (5 Oct 2016)
Discovered 13/Feb/2015 03:34:33
Venipede oldest found - 6.11.16
Discovered 23/Jul/2016 21:37:49
Petilil 20 December 2016
red stripe basculin
Blue Stripe Basculin 5 August 2017
Discovered by Duskull on 8.9.22; was not found in their fields.
White Stripe Basculin (post)
Sandile 1 April 2017
Discovered 28/Nov/2015 16:58:51
Galarian Darumaka 10 April 2020
maractus (post)
Discovered 27/Sep/2016 00:52:08
Dwebble (oldest found - 11.11.17)
Discovered 24/Dec/2015 02:32:37
oldest found 27 Feb 2017
Discovered on 02/Oct/2016 23:30:21
Sigilyph (oldest found - 6.1.19)
Yamask 23 October 2015
Discovered by Illidan on 18.5.20; was not found in their fields.
Galarian Yamask (post)
Discovered 06/Aug/2016 03:48:21
Archen (oldest found - 6.8.16 @ 21:58:52)
[missing] Trubbish (oldest found - 31.5.18)
Zorua 20 June 2015
Discovered by sunleo on 7.11.22; however a melan H-Zorua with this hatch date was not found in their fields.
Hisuian Zorua (post)
Melan Cinccino was discovered by annador. Was not found in fields, and it's also unknown if it was the first melan Minccino or not.
Discovered 01/May/2016 18:48:14
oldest found (7 Apr 2018)
Solosis 18 July 2016
Ducklett 27 May 2015
Discovered 07/Feb/2015 11:18:00
Discovered 29/Mar/2015 05:29:26
oldest found (16 Dec 2015)
Emolga 10 October 2016
Karrablast 28 February 2015
Foongus 20 December 2016
[missing] Male Frillish (oldest found - 20.1.18)
This sprite was posted to the thread in 2018, likely after being lost in the 2018 Wiki incident, but it's unclear when it was actually first discovered.
Female Frillish (post)
Discovered by Golden Tempest; was not found in their fields.
Alomomola (post) (second on-site -- 13.7.18)
Joltik 22 January 2015
Discovered 13/Aug/2015 19:43:44
Ferroseed oldest found - 27.1.18
Klink 21 January 2017
Tynamo 8 December 2015
Discovered 06/Jan/2016 04:18:05
Elgyem (oldest found - 4.1.19)
Litwick 7 February 2015
Axew 14 December 2015
Discovered 19/Jun/2016 05:15:16
Cubchoo (oldest found - 22.4.18)
Discovered 27/Feb/2016 00:43:41
Cryogonal (oldest found)
Shelmet 12 July 2016
Discovered 09/Nov/2015 17:11:08
Galarian Stunfisk 8 April 2020
Discovered by Shirø on 3.4.17; a melan Mienfoo/Mienshao with this hatch date was not found in their fields.
Discovered 26/Sep/2015 17:52:50
Melan Golurk was discovered by Silver, but it wasn't found in their fields, and it's unknown if this Golurk was also the first melan Golett.
Discovered 18/Jul/2015 01:29:45
Pawniard (oldest found - 16.10.17)
Discovered 02/Nov/2015 18:41:43
Bouffalant oldest found (2 Nov 2015 18:48:02)
Rufflet 7 April 2017
Discovered 11/Dec/2015 14:50:51
Vullaby [oldest found] (x
Linked melan's description claims it to be the first; however WikiFirsts suggests that the first melan Vullaby was actually hatched roughly 1-2 hours before this one.
Heatmor 26 June 2017
Durant 19 June 2017
Deino 19 December 2015
Discovered 14/May/2016 23:03:13
Larvesta (oldest found - 11.2.18)
Cobalion 24 November 2016
Terrakion 14 August 2018
Virizion 21 March 2018
Tornadus 26 February 2017
Thundurus 3 April 2019
Reshiram 8 December 2018
Zekrom 31 December 2019
Discovered by schleifi on 27.5.17; was not found in their fields.
Landorus (post)
Kyurem 11 April 2019
Keldeo 2 February 2019
Meloetta 22 January 2020
Discovered by Captain on 21.1.20; was not found in their fields.
Genesect (post)
Chespin 6 November 2016
Fennekin 24 March 2015
Discovered 20/May/2016 08:06:42
Froakie (oldest found - 16.5.17)
Bunnelby 9 April 2017
Fletchling 28 July 2015
Discovered 23/Feb/2015 16:35:41
Scatterbug oldest found (4 May 2016)
Discovered 03/Mar/2015 19:38:04-- likely by PadfootTheWolf, but was in their possession regardless in June 2015.
Litleo (oldest found - 5.2.18)
Flabébé 11 July 2015
Discovered 05/Dec/2015 18:06:53
Skiddo (oldest found - 12.5.18)
Discovered 21/Nov/2015 23:22:53
Pancham (oldest found - 6.8.18)
Discovered by Neikea, but was not found in their fields. This user does have another melan Furfrou; however, it was hatched months after the initial sprite discovery post was made.
Discovered 22/May/2015 11:28:10
Espurr (oldest found - 25.3.18)
Honedge 18 August 2015
Spritzee 3 December 2016
Discovered 05/Sep/2015 01:45:46
Swirlix (oldest found - 17.3.18)
Discovered 08/Aug/2015 00:29:33
Inkay (oldest found - 29.8.15)
[missing] Binacle (third on-site - 7.1.18)
Skrelp 16 July 2016
Clauncher 9 January 2017
Discovered 02/Jan/2016 02:54:44
oldest found (22 Jan 2018)
Tyrunt 16 August 2015
Amaura 21 June 2015
Hawlucha 2 April 2017
Dedenne 14 March 2015
Carbink 10 May 2017
Goomy 15 April 2015
Klefki 7 July 2017
Discovered 29/Jun/2015 01:01:40
Phantump (oldest found - 20.7.17)
Melan Small Size Gourgeist was discovered by PurpLele51; it's unknown if this Gourgeist was the first melan Small Size Pumpkaboo or not.
Small Size Pumpkaboo (post) (melan)
Average Size Pumpkaboo 29 April 2018
Large Size Pumpkaboo 22 October 2017
[missing] Super Size Pumpkaboo (oldest found - 12.11.16)
Bergmite 7 January 2015
Discovered 25/Apr/2015 14:20:03
Noibat oldest found (27 December 2016)
Xerneas 25 December 2019
Yveltal 20 January 2017
Zygarde 27 May 2017
Diancie 28 July 2019
Discovered by MossDragon on 28.7.19; was not found in their fields.
Hoopa (post)
Volcanion 21 January 2020
Rowlet 1 December 2016
litten (post) oldest found (22 Dec 2016) popplio second on site (04 Dec 2016) pikipek (post)
Yungoos 16 May 2017
[missing] Grubbin oldest found (3 March 2017)
Crabrawler 5 January 2017
Oricorio 19 December 2016
Cutiefly 17 December 2016
Rockruff 1 December 2016
Discovered by Breathless; was not found in their fields.
Mareanie 27 January 2017
Mudbray 28 January 2017
Araquanid 25 December 2016
Fomantis 5 January 2017
Morelull 30 January 2017
Salandit 22 December 2016
Melan Bewear was posted and discovered by Shirø, but it's unknown if this Bewear was the first melan Stufful.
(post) (oldest found)
Bounsweet 14 January 2017
Comfey 12 January 2017
Oranguru 9 April 2017
Presumably discovered by a user who used to have the username Scheifi.
Posted and discovered by Plu, but I was unable to find it in their fields.
Sandyghast 16 January 2017
Pyukumuku 17 January 2017
Type: Null 4 September 2018
Minior 31 January 2017
Posted and discovered by myde, but was not found in their fields.
Turtonator 17 February 2017
Togedemaru 6 February 2017
Mimikyu 31 January 2017
Bruxish 9 June 2017
Discovered by Breathless, but was not found in their fields.
Dhelmise 29 March 2017
Jangmo-o 31 January 2017
Tapu Koko 11 April 2019
Tapu Lele 28 July 2019
Tapu Bulu 24 April 2017
Tapu Fini 25 November 2019
Cosmog 24 March 2019
Nihilego 26 July 2020
Buzzwole 8 December 2018
Discovered by a user who once had the username Angelheart. Not to be confused with the user *currently* named AngelHeart, who joined several years after melan Pheromosa was discovered.
Pheromosa (post)
Xurkitree 4 August 2020
Discovered by timid on 15.8.19; was not found in their fields.
Celesteela (post)
Kartana 29 August 2020
Guzzlord 20 November 2020
Poipole 8 November 2019
Stakataka 27 August 2020
Blacephalon 4 September 2020
Discovered on 10.1.20 by a user who used to have the username Érable.
Necrozma (post)
Discovered by furina 19.6.19; wasn't found in their fields.
Magearna (post)
Discovered by Scorpyia 1.6.19; wasn't found in their fields.
Marshadow (post)
Discovered by Peaceout; wasn't found in their fields.
Zeraora (post)
Discovered by Terabbit; wasn't found in their fields.
Meltan (post)
Grookey 25 December 2019
Discovered by Kyøujurøu on 25.12.19; was not found in their fields.
Scorbunny (post)
Sobble 25 December 2019
Skwovet 4 February 2020
Rookidee 4 February 2020
Blipbug 4 February 2020
Nickit 3 February 2020
Discovered by Mikkü on 20.2.20; was not found in their fields.
Gossifleur (post)
Wooloo 18 February 2020
Chewtle 19 February 2020
Yamper 18 February 2020
Discovered by Terabbit on 4.3.20; was not found in their fields.
Rolycoly (post)
Applin 4 March 2020
Silicobra 4 March 2020
Cramorant 20 March 2020
Discovered by Kirozey on 21.3.20; wasn't found in their fields.
Arrocuda (post)
Discovered by naeriie on 20.3.20; wasn't found in their fields.
Toxel (post)
Sizzlipede 20 March 2020
Clobbopus 8 April 2020
Sinistea 8 April 2020
Hatenna 27 April 2020
Impidimp 27 April 2020
Discovered by BlankSmile on 18.5.20, who has all their fields hidden.
Milcery (post)
Discovered by pheaux on 18.5.20; was not found in their fields.
Falinks (post)
Pincurchin 18 May 2020
Discovered by Illidan on 5.6.20; was not found in their fields.
Snom (post)
Stonjourner 6 June 2020
Discovered by Rosé the Plague on 5.6.20; was not found in their fields.
Eiscue (post)
Male Indeedee 27 April 2020
Discovered by annador on 8.6.20. Was not searched for in their fields yet.
Female Indeedee (post)
Discovered by Absol on 5.6.20. A melan Morpeko with this hatch date was not found in their fields.
Morpeko (post)
Discovered by Absol on 23.6.20. A melan Cufant or Copperajah with this hatch date was not found in their fields.
Cufant (post)
Discovered by Terabbit on 20.7.20; was not found in their fields.
Dracozolt (post)
Discovered by Peaceout on 20.7.20; was not found in their fields.
Arctozolt (post)
Dracovish 24 July 2020
Discovered by Duskull on 21.7.20; was not found in their fields.
Arctovish (post)
Discovered by Jester on 23.6.20; was not found in their fields.
Duraludon (post)
Dreepy 23 June 2020
Discovered by AstrayedHannah on 6.3.21; was not found in their fields.
Zacian (post)
Zamazenta 25 February 2021
Eternatus 18 April 2021
Kubfu 7 February 2022
Zarude 29 August 2021
Regieleki 22 February 2022
Regidrago 12 April 2022
Discovered by Duskull on 15.1.23; was not found in their fields.
Glastrier (post)
Discovered by Clairefairy on 31.10.21; was not found in their fields.
Spectrier (post)
Discovered by AstrayedHannah on 18.3.22; was not found in their fields.
Calyrex (post)
Sprigatito 7 April 2023
Fuecoco 7 April 2023
Quaxly 7 April 2023
Discovered by Sandslash666 on 28.4.23; was not found in their fields.
Lechonk (post)
Tarountula 28 April 2023
Discovered by Terabbit on 28.4.23; was not found in their fields.
Nymble (post)
Pawmi 28 April 2023
Discovered by Kyøujurøu on 20.5.23; was not found in their fields.
Tandemaus (post)
Fidough 19 May 2023
Smoliv 20 May 2023
Green Plumage Squawkabilly 20 May 2023
Blue Plumage Squawkabilly 19 May 2023
Yellow Plumage Squawkabilly 20 May 2023
White Plumage Squawkabilly 24 May 2023
Nacli 9 June 2023
Charcadet 9 June 2023
Tadbulb 9 June 2023
Wattrel 9 June 2023
Maschiff 1 July 2023
Shroodle 30 June 2023
Discovered by Captain on 30.6.23; was not found in their fields.
Bramblin (post)
Toedscool 1 July 2023
Discovered by Digit; was not found in their fields.
Klawf (post)
Capsakid 21 July 2023
Rellor 21 July 2023
Discovered by Spring12; was not found in their fields.
Flittle (post)
Tinkatink 11 August 2023
Wiglett 12 August 2023
Bombirdier 11 August 2023
Finizen 11 August 2023
Varoom 11 August 2023
Cyclizar 2 September 2023
Orthworm 1 September 2023
Glimmet 1 September 2023
Greavard 2 September 2023
Flamigo 1 September 2023
Cetoddle 22 September 2023
Veluza 24 September 2023
Dondozo 23 September 2023
Curly Tatsugiri 24 September 2023
Droopy Tatsugiri 23 September 2023
Stretchy Tatsugiri 23 September 2023
Frigibax 14 October 2023
Gimmighoul 15 October 2023
Discovered by Digit in March 2024, but wasn't found anywhere.
Wo-Chien (post)
Chien-Pao 31 March 2024
Ting-Lu 3 February 2024
[undiscovered] Chi-Yu
Discovered by Celestanê.
Poltchageist (post)
Okidogi 27 April 2024
[undiscovered] Munkidori
Fezandipiti 14 April 2024
Lunupine 23 August 2016
Blophin 25 July 2017
Orkit 30 March 2017
Faemueño 14 July 2017
Discovered by a user who presumably once had the username Klance.
Wagell (post)
Gosold 17 May 2017
Impyre 19 January 2017
Searene 20 June 2017
Solynx 18 July 2017
Ardik 30 April 2017
Boxaby 27 November 2017
Bunbori 24 December 2017
Taiveret 8 July 2017
Flarbat 23 November 2017
Hydrark 19 June 2017
Posted by Kyøujurøu, discovered by another user.
Kinaster 18 October 2017
Luckoo 29 August 2017
Arasprit 23 September 2017
Discovered by Scorpyia, was not found in their fields.
Discovered by a user who presumably once had the username Førbidden.
Discovered by annador; I did not take the time to search through their fields yet.
Kryptik 12 February 2018
Bandicoon 18 November 2017
Phastix 25 February 2018
Pasovan 27 May 2018
Glaquine 1 January 2019
Minibbit 10 March 2018
Tillink 10 March 2018
Bezerell 4 August 2018
Ayeren 30 November 2018
Skeleco 17 June 2018
Klaatupillar 18 December 2018
Maravol 30 September 2018
Kyutopi 1 September 2018
Kenyip 26 August 2018
Discovered by daddyx; was not found in their fields.
Gumairy 28 May 2019
Puppod 6 July 2019
Rokiwi 27 July 2019
Discovered by Kyøujurøu 26.5.19; was not found in their fields.
Alicalf (post)
Discovered by furina; not found in their fields.
Potentially discovered by daddyx on 7.8.19; was not found in their fields.
Croaket (post)
Melan Haredini was discovered by FIGURE.09 on 28.7.19; however it's unknown if this Haredini was the first melan Slypin or not.
Slypin (post)
Selkrub 25 May 2019
Kawotor 31 August 2019
Presumably discovered on 15.9.19 by a user who used to have the username Niwatori.
Kitwurm (post)
Pepyre 30 November 2019
Aphreyd 7 December 2019
Discovered by Terabbit on 30.5.2020; was not found in their fields.
Caimaw (post)
Discovered by schleifi on 2.3.2020; was not found in their fields.
Valimp (post)
Frusky 20 June 2020
Discovered by Terabbit on 29.8.2020; was not found in their fields.
Sikannos (post)
Discovered by Amanome on 5.9.2020; was not found in their fields.
Shinorin (post)
Discovered by Terabbit on 6.6.2020; was not found in their fields.
Skyrie (post)
Goschief 22 May 2021
Mocknock 8 March 2021
Boreal Flurrawr 1 March 2021
Austral Flurrawr 8 March 2021
Parapod 15 May 2021
Caprikid 29 May 2021
Tenrekki 5 June 2021
Possmol 4 September 2021
Lunamor 29 August 2021
Discovered by Terabbit on 27.11.2021; was not found in their fields.
Exiliant (post)
Lyruse 4 December 2021
Smokackle 5 March 2022
Inferial 26 February 2022
Mirrasma 28 May 2022
Slithugi 2 October 2022
Babaisy 10 September 2022
Ryumen 24 September 2022
Discovered by Setsuko on 1.12.22; was not found in their fields.
Schweepy (post)
Discovered by QuirkyQuills on 4.12.22; was not found in their fields.
Cinnamoru (post)
Quokuddle 1 December 2023
Chark 15 July 2023
Dribbit 27 May 2023
Seistatic 16 December 2023
Jestur 28 January 2024
Embretta 26 August 2023
Platykit 25 November 2023
Sugarcoatl 4 January 2024
Male Humbee 24 February 2024
Female Humbee 24 February 2024
Destrel 2 March 2024
Perroc 1 April 2024
x x
Discovered 26/Jan/2016 13:57:03
Saiyan Rattata (oldest found - 17.3.18)
Savage Spearow 31 July 2023
Flying Pichu 3 April 2017
Surfing Pichu 23 November 2016
shooting star cleffa oldest found (older-- post)
Koroku 6 August 2016
Guild Igglybuff 2 May 2017
Discovered 02/Jan/2016 14:07:22
Apoc. Growlithe (oldest found) 18 Jun 2017
snowpoke (post) death star voltorb
Discovered by a user whose username presumably used to be ILoveYou.
Early Bird Natu 8 July 2016
Discovered by Kyøujurøu; was not found in their fields.
Galvanic Wooper (post)
Vampire Gligar 1 November 2017
Discovered by Amanome on 4.11.19. Their fields have not been searched for this melan yet.
Scaracross (post)
Discovered by Kyøujurøu on 2.5.22; was not found in their fields.
Snichu (post)
Teddicursa 31 October 2022
Blue Moon Slugma 2 April 2017
orthrus houndour
Discovered by Scorpyia; not found in their fields.
Discovered 28/May/2016 09:33:43
Frosdour (oldest found - 20.3.18)
XD001 21 December 2016
Inferno Torchic 30 January 2023
Discovered 01/Oct/2015 06:29:55
Apoc. Poocheyna (post?)
Snoralts 1 February 2021
Discovered by furina on 4.5.20; was not found in their fields.
Arctic Numel (post)
Cactaboo 30 October 2023
Discovered 12/Oct/2016 21:46:54
Apoc. Shroomish (oldest found - 26.1.17)
Discovered by starryweb 1.5.19; was not found in their fields.
Ryukuza (post)
magquaza oldest found (28 Oct 2017)
Seasonal Turtwig 20 August 2016
Igneous Bidoof 26 April 2021
Discovered 06/Jul/2016 01:53:37
Shinxel (oldest found - 15.4.17)
Snow Combee 17 November 2016
Basket Happiny 26 March 2024
Discovered by Terabbit; wasn't found in their fields.
Siberian Glameow (post)
Discovered by Kyøujurøu on 31.1.22; wasn't found in their fields.
Gibolu (post)
Hallowe'en Witch Purrloin 21 September 2015
Discovered by Duskull on 1.8.22; wasn't found in their fields.
Male Bubbly Frillish (post)
Discovered by Spring12 on 1.8.22; wasn't found in their fields.
Female Bubbly Frillish (post)
Erupt Litwick 29 April 2024
Discovered by CSY.
Apocalyptic Golett (post)
Deinglitch 23 February 2024
Glileo 29 July 2019
Rose Gift Honedge 14 February 2023
Discovered by Peaceout; wasn't found in their fields.
Spritzkrow (post)
Discovered by Terabbit; wasn't found in their fields.
Noismog (post)
Ruffwool 29 January 2024
Discovered by Duskull.
Magipede (post)
[missing] Meadow (oldest found - 23.2.15) (x
Unevolved and the hatcher's pattern is unconfirmed, but every Scatterbug hatched before Feb. 2017 had the Meadow pattern.
Discovered by Shirø, but wasn't found in their fields.
25 February 2017
17 March 2017
1 March 2017
Discovered by Mekkor, but was not found in their fields.
Elegant (post)
Icy Snow 10 March 2017
Modern 8 March 2017
Discovered by SakuraWolf23; was not found in their fields.
Discovered by a user who used to have the username LassyKate.
High Plains 25 March 2017
Sandstorm 22 March 2017
River 7 March 2017
Discovered by rolando, who has all their fields hidden.
Monsoon (post)
Posted by annador, but likely discovered by someone else, as annador's pattern is Elegant.
Savanna (post)
Sun 7 March 2017
Ocean 27 March 2017
Jungle 29 April 2017
Fancy 12 March 2017
Poké Ball 13 October 2017
Aggro Pattern 12 February 2021
Astral Pattern 28 July 2019
Discovered by ashtx on 28.6.20; was not found in their fields.
Beast Pattern (post)
Discovered by Rosé the Plague on 17.6.20; was not found in their fields.
Clone Pattern (post)
Discovered by ThePainterdile on 21.11.19; was not found in their fields.
Crystal Pattern (post)
Likely discovered on 24.9.20, but was never posted to Sprite Discovery.
Dream Pattern
Flutter Pattern 15 August 2022
Discovered by Golden Tempest on 14.8.20; was not found in their fields.
Mimic Pattern (post)
Moon Pattern 1 March 2020
Discovered by Mikkü on 4.12.20; was not found in their fields.
Pester Pattern (post)
Petal Pattern 1 February 2021
Prism Pattern 18 April 2019
Quick Pattern 24 June 2019
Repeat Pattern 7 September 2019
Discovered via Pokédex entry. Might be difficult to find the first melan Robinsoni.
Robinsoni Pattern
Sarahae Pattern 30 September 2018
Skeletorus Pattern 3 November 2019
Sparklemuffin Pattern 10 September 2019
Spirit Pattern 1 June 2019
Discovered by furina on 6.12.19; was not found in their fields.
Spooky Pattern (post)
Vibrant Pattern 20 January 2021
x x x
Unown A 21 March 2015
Unown B 1 October 2017
Unown C 15 August 2017
Unown D 1 August 2020
Unown E 29 August 2020
Discovered by Kyøujurøu on 19.4.20; was not found in their fields.
Unown F (post)
Unown H 3 February 2019
Unown I 31 January 2018
Unown J 5 April 2021
Unown K 11 April 2019
Unown L 6 February 2020
Discovered by Mceyebrows, who has quit playing and has no visible Pokemon.
Unown M (post)
Discovered by Kyøujurøu; was not found in their fields.
Unown N (post)
Unown O 10 November 2015
Unown P 1 May 2019
Unown Q 9 March 2020
Unown R 7 November 2018
Unown S 27 September 2020
Unown T 28 November 2020
Unown U 9 December 2020
Discovered by Spring12 on 28.2.21; was not found in their fields.
Unown V (post)
Unown W 17 November 2015
Unown X 30 January 2019
Unown Z 2 August 2018
[missing] Unown ! oldest found (21 Nov 2015)
Unown ? 8 December 2019
White 28 October 2017 grey Black 2 June 2021
light red red Dark Red 24 September 2021
Light Orange 7 March 2018 Orange 22 December 2017 Dark Orange 29 March 2017
light yellow Yellow 18 October 2017 Dark Yellow 9 March 2018
Light Green 11 July 2015 Green 25 February 2018 dark green
Light Aqua 22 November 2017 Aqua 26 September 2020 Dark Aqua 29 November 2017
Light Blue 3 May 2021 Blue 25 December 2017 Dark Blue 22 April 2018
Light Purple 23 October 2020 purple Dark Purple 13 April 2019
Light Pink 10 August 2021 pink Dark Pink 30 November 2017
Potential leads on other discovery melans? https://pokefarm.com/forum/post/1714838
doodlekip's Avatardoodlekip
doodlekip's Avatar
After hunting Hoothoot for a few days and hatching a grand total of zero albinos, and then afterwards hatching two albinos within 30 minutes of one another while hatching randoms for gems, I've come to the conclusion that Sally's generosity only comes when it's least convenient LOL Anyways new lovelies!!! Look at how pink they are <3
doodlekip's Avatardoodlekip
doodlekip's Avatar
Another sub; hello and welcome! ^-^ I don't know who you all are or how I got subs in the first place, but I'm glad the three of you like my little posts enough to stick around, haha. I hope you're all having a good day/evening/night today! Remember to drink some water if you haven't already~ Hasn't been a lot going on for me PFQ-wise in the past couple of days... I'm looking forward to the upcoming TR though! I'm on the same team as Sally this month haha

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