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Mass-Click Weekend 21

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HowlingCat's AvatarHowlingCat
HowlingCat's Avatar
Can I ask what the inspiration behind this mega? ^^ I actually really like the design of it~
Avatar of my oc was created by Flapple! My Journal: [x] My Sprite Dump: [x] Cosmog Sprite Project: [x]
AsymDoll13's AvatarAsymDoll13
AsymDoll13's Avatar
Simply beautiful sprite and artwork for said sprite. Just... Now I have to shiny hunt Eevee. xD
Type Race: 0 Profile pic by xaandiir from their artshop (click their name for the shop!) Here thar be Dragons
KikiTheCat's AvatarKikiTheCat
KikiTheCat's Avatar
Whoa, it took me a second to even notice a difference between the shiny and the regular. XD Like a normal Leafeon, it's just a little brighter. XD
Sableye hunt has begun~! [Avatar Made Here][MCA Post][The Hoarders Association][Kiki's Hunts - A Trade Shop]
Background by KikiTheCat - Free to use - Sableye image is official image retrieved on PokeStatium - All sprites by Kiki
Disasterrific's AvatarDisasterrific
Disasterrific's Avatar
Ohhhh the melan is ingenious... I... I... I don't think I can deal with 2 high EHP melan hunts in a row... but it's so... EERIE. I'm in love!
@ChrisCrossStitch @NeonRay3 And @Carbønated-Wrath Thanks, guys! They all look really cool <3 ;o; I think I might sleep on this decision xD I'm so indecisive, but I need to save up the credits to mega evolve them anyways. Also, congrazzles NeonRay3 on the first melan Mega Leafeon! I think you're probably the first~
Edited by Chronos
Edited by Me
Edited by Me
Edited by Me
Credits; Icon (see below), Signature
TCG Artwork
Icon is from the official Love Live School Idol Festival Mobile App <3
Neonray3's AvatarNeonray3
Neonray3's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

QUOTE originally posted by Neonray3

Lavi. The stone is automatically programmed. But the sprite isn't. We have to wait a couple of hours and then they will tell us when it is programmed in. They just programmed the stone early so no one complained they did not get their prize. I don't want to call this a bug just yet.
What? XD This is hilarious, where did you hear that?
Well, you see Niet. Whenever it is an end of a MCW I tend to always see these type of comments on where their prize went. And I recalled someone (not sure if it was a staff or user) stating that during the new recode for the site the MCW stones would be programmed and be distributed automatic. But I also had an instinct and possibility that just because the stone was programmed did not mean the sprite was. Either that or it could have been a bug. Guess it made your day.
Looking for Adament/Lustorbs,GS Balls Current Hunt:? My Summon and Box Box Shop
LadyElemental's AvatarLadyElemental
LadyElemental's Avatar
I didn't make a guess for the Mega Stone, but Mega Leafeon?! How amazing! It's so shiny and pretty in ALL of its forms! The colors of the stone are so misleading but it's BEAUTIFUL!!!
Background done by Golden Tempest. Sprites are official. This banner is for Lady Elemental's use.
Made by BlackBlood1872, more banners here
Avatar made by BananaLizard
Wimpod's AvatarWimpod
Wimpod's Avatar
While it's on my mind, has anybody mega evolved an Albino Leafeon yet?? O: I'd love to see it if anyone has!


Guess who's got an Art Shop~
Mystera's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMystera
Mystera's Avatar
omg, what, was not expecting Leafeon. Good thing I decided to go ahead and do the clicks when I was bored earlier. XD And I just happened to have decided to evolve the shiny Eevee I hatched into a Leafeon... He's cute and I might be psychic (jk).
croChimerical's AvatarcroChimerical
croChimerical's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Carbønated-Wrath

While it's on my mind, has anybody mega evolved an Albino Leafeon yet?? O: I'd love to see it if anyone has!
I know there's an image of one on the last page of the Shiny, Albino, and Malanin guide in the guide forums. Here
Avatar drawn by me.

Pages: 123··· 5678

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