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LunaOokami's AvatarLunaOokami
LunaOokami's Avatar
Order Up!
Winter You box order is ready, please send the trade when you have a chance. If you need me to send the trade let me know and I'll do it this afternoon.
summon_gir.pngl.png6.pnga.pngh.pngsummon_gir.png Buying G.Orbs @ 45zc W.Stones @ 25zc Post here summon_rex.png7.pngs.pngq.png4.pngsummon_rex.png
Sorrow's AvatarSorrow
Sorrow's Avatar
@ lillith My Inari’s lamp for your fire feather?
My Pirate Panpour Profile Picture done by Plu. Mekkor has lots of shinies and albinos in her shop come and check it out!
Lilith's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLilith
Lilith's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Sorrow

@ lillith My Inari’s lamp for your fire feather?
I'm not actually collecting inari's lamps until i resume my hunt sorry.
voucher_ditto.png Paying 500GP per or 500k cr
summon_gla.png Paying 75gp per
Prices will adjust with the average market price
Sorrow's AvatarSorrow
Sorrow's Avatar
LunaOokami's AvatarLunaOokami
LunaOokami's Avatar
Bump -- apologies for lack activatity on my side. I am essentially working 2 jobs at the moment as the company I work for is a supermarket & whatever Argos is classed as and I'm being split between the 2 branches. On the upside I am getting a small bonus when I get paid at the end of the week so hopefully I'll be buying some seals & doing a restock at some point, although I'm half tempted to just stock pile seals and do bigger restock at a later date. I also have some S/A Sandygast, Alolan Diglett, A Togedemaru & S Houndour that I plan on adding after work tonight/just before reset. Psyco629, almost done with your box order.
LunaOokami's AvatarLunaOokami
LunaOokami's Avatar
Order Up!
I'm now hunting that gorgeous Octo-baby & have regulars, shiny & albino uft in my last 2 fields. If you'd like to buy any please post here. Psyco629 You're box order is ready, please send a trade with 800gp within the next 48hrs.
Lilith's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLilith
Lilith's Avatar
Hello Everyone So to start of with i just want to apologise i've neglected my part of the shop recently as i needed to update and make my prices fair. Now that i've finally had time its taken me over 6 hours psss nearly 8 haha but ultimately i have completely revamped and im ready to go so.... I'm now doing boxbox hunts I'm very excited for this one!!! Summon prices are now completely redone and hopefully fair for everyone and few more things added so have a look and thank you for all stopping by. :D
Dracojax's AvatarDracojax
Dracojax's Avatar
Welcome back Lilith hope your well could I swap you 9 G seeds and g s ball for my 5 inari lamp and 5 kutagami please
For my shop click here
Lilith's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLilith
Lilith's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Dracojax

Welcome back Lilith hope your well could I swap you 9 G seeds and g s ball for my 5 inari lamp and 5 kutagami please
Hello, I am doing really well thank you! Hope you are well too? I'm not accepting inari's lamps if you have a look at my mainly collecting the summons im looking for are origin sash, kusanagi's and victory medals. Would you like to reoffer? I'm happy to take mixed payments too if that's of any help so summon plus currency's etc Sorry
Dracojax's AvatarDracojax
Dracojax's Avatar
All good here just driven half mad with the kids and OH home 24/7. Could I swap the 9 seeds for 6 kusagami and 3 victory medals then please

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