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Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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TimeTraveler's AvatarTimeTraveler
TimeTraveler's Avatar
I smash into the floor painfully, my wings practically shrieking with pain. My feathers themselves feel like they are on fire, and they certainly look like it: black with ragged ends from scraping against trees and rocks and so many other things. I know I’ve broken a rib, because the left side of my chest hurts every time I take a gasping breath to get air back in my lungs. Of course, I probably would have broken an arm on my right side, but being ardinium, the cyborg part of me isn’t even scratched. At least I have that. For a moment I just lie there, taking in the surroundings. I can feel the cold of the floor leaching the heat out of my real hand. But despite the pain I’m in, I know that I’m safe. Finally. After I murdered my parents they ent the whole military after me. It was easy to take out the planes with my telekinesis. But do my powers even work here? I can barely control my magic after years of training, and for all I know, it doesn’t work here. Not that I would ever use it. It’s too easy to kill people with it, like the magic itself wants to murder something. I finally push myself to my feet to see a girl staring at me, and immediately look back to where the portal was a second ago. It’s gone. I don’t want to hurt the girl, but if she means me harm, I know that I will kill her.
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Aislin jerked her head up as a crash sounded in front if her, and then just stared at the winged being now on the ground in front of her. She had one half of her entirely robotic if the metal parts of her wing and the electric blue eye were any indication. Aislin could see the clothing and wings quite clearly in this room, but any thoughts of asking flew off the moment they locked eyes. She tensed, watching her warily as the winged being seemed to be doing as well. Moving slowly, she raised a hand near her head- and waved. "Hello." There. That was probably the best way to go about this at the moment.
Avatar is made by Nightfury28. My Ponysona, Remembrance.
TimeTraveler's AvatarTimeTraveler
TimeTraveler's Avatar
As the girl waves hello, I let myself relax a little. Even if she is trying to hurt me, I’m not in any immediate danger. “Hello. My name’s Terria.” At any indication, if I needed to I could overpower her. Just knock the glasses off her face and hit her with a long range blast of telekinesis, and she wouldn’t be a threat. But for now I’ll play nice. “Sorry I startled you,” I say carefully.
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
"It's fine, you get used to that sort of surprise after a while." Aislin wrapped her arms around her legs, letting out a small sigh after a moment of silence between the two. "I'm sorry if I seem to be in a mood or something, I ah... Had a pretty horrible night yesterday and it's still affecting me." She motioned towards the rest of the large room and added, "Just to let you know, there is more than only you and me in here. A couple are rude or a bit..." she had to think of a good way to describe Ricardo. "I'll say exuberant, but pretty much all of them are accepting of new people." A wry smirk crossed her lips when she finished, "Just try not to kill us when our backs are turned? Or at least let us know beforehand." Hopefully this girl recognizes the last couple lines as a slight joke, otherwise Aislin might have just signed her own death warrant.
Morzone's AvatarMorzone
Morzone's Avatar
Laura was in her element. Which was to say, she was very happy to have her abilities back. The instant she'd stepped over the threshold into the tower room she felt a strange tingle through her body. A sort of freedom, as though her body had suddenly felt a great potential available for use. Her body twisted, growing, changing color and shape. Her lower body turned to a snake, her hair writhing as though it was alive. Her face stretched, becoming smoother, and a forked tongue hissed between poisonous fangs. A hissing laugh echoed through the room before she transformed again. Cracks spread through her body like wildfire before shattering completely. The pieces fell to the ground, and a hundred spiders arose from the fragments. They swirled the ground en masse, before climbing together into several small piles. The spiders appeared to melt together, sprouting wings and launching into the air. five unidentifiable blobs flew through the air, a piercing red eye just visible through the goo. They stared at everyone with a hard, red gaze. Then- the eyes popped out. They bounced across the floor toward each other, and as they collided they splashed like a stone thrown in a pool. The resulting white sludge swirled in its spot for a moment before forming into a pair of legs. Above them the flying goo had morphed together in a similar manner, forming the torso, arms, and head of Laura. The upper body floated gently downward onto the legs, connecting seamlessly as though they had never been separated at all. Laura looked... a little different. She looked cleaner, fuller, her skin seemed to shine and her hair flowed down her back in scintillating waves. And her smile, her smile was to die for. It was altogether a beautiful sight, one that could knock a person's heart out their chest with a wink. "So good to have my powers back." She smiled, looking around at the others. Being able to control her illusions again felt great, and she hadn't even tried her Siren Song abilities yet.
Rowan sort of grunted in acknowledgment to Rikazu's warning. He knew it was probably selfish of him to stay out here like this, especially if Seth was able to track them because of it. Ama had run off to deal with something, and the angel had a good hunch it had to do with Seth. Of course it could have been something else, but if it was Seth then he felt he'd be fine staying outside for the time being. At least until Ama returned at any rate. Toward Kudret he offered only a steely glance of acknowledgment. He didn't entirely believe the beastman had simply wandered out here for no real reason. He could feel an inquiry coming, after letting slip the dream earlier in the morning, but the angel had zero interest in helping Kudret to get there.
Avatar was created for me, the sprite in the avatar was made by WriterRaven
Score: 0
TimeTraveler's AvatarTimeTraveler
TimeTraveler's Avatar
"We've all had bad nights. I nearly died twice last night." I look around at the other people, who don't seem to notice me for now. Good. They could be a threat to my safety. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you guys know if I try to kill you. Though I might be the person I kill first." I give a bitter smile. I don't intend to kill the people here. They don't seem to recognize me, which is more than I could hope. Here I'm just another person stuck in a bad situation. But as I look back at the girl, my robotic eye catches sight of wings from behind. I feel my heart speed up out of fear, and my breathing gets faster. I need to calm down. If the boy with wings was here to kill me, he would have tried by now. But still. I slowly back up, still keeping my eyes on the boy. His back is still turned to me, but that could just be a ruse. I reach for my gun and can't find it anywhere. I must have dropped it in that last fight. I'm stupid. And now I'm probably dead.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
The newcomer was largely ignored by the Half-Breed, this sudden resurgence of her old power, combined with the completely different Ki Management she'd gotten used to... it was a short yell that preceded her Explosion of Energy, the ki blowing away anyone unfortunate to be close to her, she had skipped levels one and two completely, straight to level three of the Transformations, she held the state there, taking notes on how the Energy drain was nowhere near as profound as it usually was before letting it drop, "Unpleasant... could've at least done the courtesy of making it a somewhat gradual return." folding her arms and glaring at the ceiling of the room, she was completely oblivious to any damage she might have caused, more interested in planting her fist into whoever ran the place. Whilst incapable of sensing Ki, Bora had most certainly felt the impact of the shockwave, and was completely speechless, he just stared at the half-breed, unable to comprehend the sheer difference in power at play. Whilst all the shenanigans were going on, Ama was busy, the Black-winged fool was a broken and bloody mess on the ground, "No mercy this time, you had your one chance to get lost, instead, you chose to target a much stronger version of your puppet." shaking her head, the blue-green lifeblood of the planet burst forth, ripping the male apart and destroying any chance of regeneration he may have had, "Now then, paying a visit to the dead illusionist walking would be an idea, however, it would also be self-sabotaging, hrm, leave them be, I have people to babysit anyway."
Matt Kulex's AvatarMatt Kulex
Matt Kulex's Avatar
Marco, Felicia and Razar with a sleeping Ricardo over his shoulder took note of Ama’s mention that their powers would return to normal once they entered the tower and stood outside momentarily to mull over the possible side effects this would have on them. “I’ll go first. I didn’t really have much outside of my gadgets going for me. Oh, I guess I did have the Gift of the Shadows thing as well...Ah I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Felicia shrugged and crossed threshold. She didn’t feel much different at first but then decided to try something. Her body then went completely black, turning into a mere silhouette and then sank into the ground as a shadow and after ‘swimming’ around for a bit jumped out and returned back to normal in a puff of black smoke “Well she wasn’t lying.” Razar, after watching Felicia’s display and having noticed Celere’s burst of power, was now eager to enter, forgetting his concerns entirely. As soon as he passed the threshold however he paused as he felt something rushing up from within him and he quickly tossed Ricardo to Felicia, who just barely caught him, as he suddenly let out a huge roar and a massive aura burst from him in the shape of the dragon and shook the tower for a few seconds before settling back down and the Aura returned to inside of him. Razar took a moment to catch his breath before looking down to his hands and opening and closing them a few times. Razar had felt like a massive weight was lifted off of him “Oh...I missed this feeling.” he said with an obvious giddiness in his voice “Hey Celere! Any chance you want to arm wrestle?” He asked eagerly not wanting to miss what could be a brief opportunity to flex his full strength while he had it. At this point Ricardo had suddenly sprung awake as well from the return of his power and was looking around in confusion until he saw he was in the arms of Felicia “Oh! My apologies miss.” the Skeleton quickly jumped out of Felicia’s arms and immediately felt different “Huh..what’s this...I feel...I feel...I feel a song coming on!” Ricardo then pulled out his guitar and immediately started playing a rather joyful melody, but was joined by a complete symphony of ethereal instruments that was produced by his soul and played along with him “Oh my! I haven’t been able to do this since I got to this world! How exciting!” Ricardo eventually stopped, but was over joyed with the results Marco, after witnessing all that was hesitant to enter. Gaining one tail was usually an overwhelming experience, and if he was right, he was about to get six more at once as soon as he entered the tower. He eventually steeled himself for what was about to happen and before passing the threshold he said “If I explode, tell everyone back home I loved them...except Evan, he never paid me back the money I lent him.” As soon as he was inside though, he stood there a few moments without anything happening “Huh...guess it doesn’t do physi-“ just then Marco was engulfed in a blinding pillar of light as he let out a might yell and after a few seconds the light disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, leaving a kneeling Marco in its place. He stood up and as he did his seven tails unfolded behind him until he was standing tall with his tails displayed proudly behind him and immense amounts of magic flowing through him “You know...that actually wasn’t so bad.”
You know that one guy that always makes a sarcastic remark? Yeah that's me.
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Aislin studies the way the girl tensed, and then finally traces where her gaze went. She stared in disbelief for a moment before shaking her head and sighing, "That man, I swear..." She turned back to the girl and after recalling the comments just now offered, "He's not going to kill you, if that's what you're thinking. Despite the-" she flinched at the sudden light Marco gave off as he regained... Youch, six tails all at once? Shaking her head again, she continued, "Despite the shows of power here, no one's going to try and kill you so long as you don't try to kill them." Aislin motioned towards the group at large and added, "In case I didn't say, we're currently outside of existence on the planet we've all ended up on. Outside this tower is a power lock that will probably bring you to the lowest level of power you can be without killing you, including stripping you of any weapons you might have had. Right now everyone is getting back the power they had before coming to this planet." Aislin tried to think of anything else, but couldn't really besides, "Got any questions? It might be hard to understand at first, so I won't blame you if you freak out a little."
Nicole took personal offense to Ama’s singling out of her after she mentioned the tower’s properties “Hey! It’s not like I’m going to blow a hole in the wall with a plasma canon.” As she said this though her group passed the threshold and she suddenly felt all her combat and mobility systems reactive all at once. She looked down at her arm and raised it and it suddenly transformed into an Arm Cannon and a huge Grin appeared on her face as it started charging but she was then met with a swift chop to her head from Victoria and immediately stopped charging “Ow! I wasn’t going to do anything!” which Victoria responded with a very sarcastic “Sure you weren’t.” Victoria then looked over to Alex and Lumine who seemed to be readjusting to the return of their strength “You two okay?” She asked as Alex took a few short hops “Yeah, but I’m now realizing just how much lighter this armor is compared to my Powered Set.” Meanwhile Lumine couldn’t help but give a little spin feeling amazing “I feel so light, like I’m almost floating.” Alex just smiled at Lumine as she said this but then remembered Victoria and turned back to the Demon to see her adorned in her long Black Overcoat and dress pants and shoes “You really miss that outfit don’t you?” Alex said with a grin as Victoria nodded but sighed “That I do, but this is merely a replica I made just now with my reacquired magic. I lost The original as soon as I arrived to this world. That was a very awkward visit to the first job hall.” Alex at first just nodded along to the statement but suddenly realized what Victoria was implying “Wait you arrived here completely N-“ Victoria then cut him off and asked out loud “So we’re inside a tower outside the realm of the world we’re currently on right outside it’s doors...But where is here and why does it exist where it does?” Victoria wasn’t actually asking anyone though, merely thinking out loud as this place fascinated her greatly, but Alex who was still next to just stared confused by the way Victoria phrased said question “Was that even a proper sentence?”
Destroyer of Worlds, Conqueror of universes and a darn good cook.

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