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12 Days of Christmas

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Hello everyone! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, Yuletide joy be upon you~ ( And other various ways of saying that we hope you're having a great lead-up to the 25th December :D ) Today, I'm here to bring you a small gift of our own - and for 12 days in total, it will literally be the gift that keeps on giving! (so long as you meet the targets of course~) For those of you who haven't guessed it yet, what I'm saying is that starting on the 25th December, we will be running a "12 Days of Christmas"-event. The last time we did one of these events, the outcome was spectacular - especially giving consideration to the fact that the server we had at the time needed upgrading (poor Sally). But we've had that upgrade now, haven't we? And we even had a bit of a stress-test the other day, too - so bring on the Christmas clicking! To explain how this works, on the 25th December we're going to give you a nice and easy target - We don't want to steal you away from your family, after all! Each day after the next the target will get higher and higher - until it finishes on the "12th Day of Christmas" (On the 5th January). This will continue until the event ends - that means, on the final day, the target will be the hardest. We can't give away what the prizes will be... But hey. Let's use our imagination. Perhaps we can ask a Delibird to pass on a message Pokémon!Santa~ o: I'd pass on messages about.. Uhm... Mega stones... And uh... some free summons maybe! Some bones for Sei, obviously... Ooh, and vouchers for things! People love vouchers at Christmas, right? ...Right? I'm just showing how out of touch I am with people today, aren't I? :(
Niet here! The Event page is up, although there won't be anything useful there yet :p It will appear on the Timers bar, along with an indication of your progress, when the event actually starts. See you tomorrow!
Niet again! A "History" panel has been added to the Event page where you can see the past targets, rewards and how many people completed them. Enjoy!
arbor's Avatararbor
arbor's Avatar
excited!!!! didn't get to participate in the first one, so this should be fun! c:
arbor ☼ journalflying.png: 0 “The tides are in our veins, we still mirror the stars, life is your child, but there is in me, older and harder than life and more impartial, the eye that watched before there was an ocean.”
Background from freepik.com F2U code by Gumshoe
SnivyLover's AvatarSnivyLover
SnivyLover's Avatar
Awesome! Looking forward to it!
Avatar is from Pokemon Conquest by Nintendo
Hjhyhfj's AvatarHjhyhfj
Hjhyhfj's Avatar
YES!!! )Last year, I got on, but forgot to collect the prizes. XD)
Hello, people. I FINALLY CAN EDIT THIS! :D ^O^ Life is weird would be what my life would be called as a game. Life itself would be if it is a book. Either that, or a life of a crazy Asian. A Daliy life of one Asian would be the anime. How intersting is that? Zero. XD
Lily Waters's AvatarLily Waters
Lily Waters's Avatar
Sounds awesome! I wasn't here last year, and am excited for it! (And you're not out of touch! I'd love a few hundred mega stone vouchers for christmas!)


Heya! I'm Lily, a smol friendly teddy bear :3. I'd love talking with you all, send a PM! I love playing little games, like truth or dare, and RPing, so if you wanna, just let me know! Bai!


Avatar credit to Rumble Siggy credit to Noseinbook42 Check profile for shops :3
venir's Avatarvenir
venir's Avatar
Sounds awesome, can't wait! This will be my first Christmas event on PFQ. I wonder what we'll get~ ^w^
Please PM me regarding commissions, thanks!
By icymoon193 Avatar by venir It's not like I hoard adamant and brave natured pokemon or anything.
Joythehart's AvatarJoythehart
Joythehart's Avatar
This sounds really cool!
70% of the world thinks warrior cats is stupid. 25% say who cares. Repost if you are part of that 5% that would take a hard cover warrior cat book and slap the other people saying, "Starclan is out for revenge!”
Lusamine's AvatarLusamine
Lusamine's Avatar
I can't wait! This'll be my first one :D
Icon by me.
RedCydranth's AvatarRedCydranth
RedCydranth's Avatar
Is this one gonna have a bunch of amazingly beautiful artwork like last time?
Signature by Naiyala
Mauhea's AvatarMauhea
Mauhea's Avatar
Ooooooh, very excited! If this is anything like previous events we're certainly going to be spoilt rotten by the end :) Hope everyone has the chance to get involved and enjoy themselves over the holidays!
Avatar made by Dream. Used with permission~

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