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Coouragee's PFQ Ramblings

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Zoë's Journal and assorted ramblings

Journal entries

YEAR 2024

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Coouragee • she/they journalfriend multi-profile • type race 0 electric.png girl girl girl girl girl
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Journal entry: February 2024

8th First post in my journal! Woohoo, yippee, etc. It's only early in the month, so I don't really have much to say beyond that I'm continuing on my Mimikyu hunt. I want to get a melan, damnit, and so I shall diligently keep the hunt up until I achieve so. I need to add a forum signature as well at some point. Many such things to do. Yet, the work carries on. Not sure how keen I am with this format. Oh well, I'll figure this out.
11th Back from a trip away (where I thwacked my hand super hard on something. owch.) and finally at Champion rank! Onto the quest for Arceus, which I'll totally, surely get by the time the rank rework is in place!
23rd Not really much to say except that I'm working away on getting Alolan totem 'mons. Cut on the back off my hand's looking like it'll leave a scar, and I just had an oven fire. fun times all around :3
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Journal entry: March 2024

12th Finally got 97 Alolan 'mon's dex'ed, last being a Totem Forme Salazzle. And with that, I have all of the regional dex summons... summonable. Sweet! Mimikyu hunt still hasn't yielded a melan. yet, but that's fine. I probably should be using charms and max albino radar level, but a slow hunt is ok. Cut on my hand is red as ever. Looks like it will scar, which is a shame (especially for not having a cool story for it).
18th Decided that I'm going to do a Fomantis/Lurantis hunt next. Just need to get a >90% comp. pair, and hatch a few more eggs before I start (Ditto, here I come! :D). I've hatched like ~20 different legendaries the past week (currently at 63/80), that Mimikyu hunt took up like a third of my time on PFQ so far so I had a bunch of summons for undex'd legendaries to use lol, now that I paused it at 977h. Just missing four hatches to finish all the chains!
27th Think I might start editing the monthly post weekly, just as like a recape of my time on PFQ. Not starting now (because Wednesday is a gross day for weekly recaps lol), and because I don't really have much to say. Got 69/80 legendaries unlocked, just need the last chain (Zacian/Zamazenta) and to start working on the ultrabeasts, and I'll pretty much unlock Arceus!
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Journal entry: April 2024

1st April

Happy April fools, everyone! Not too much to say today, except that I activated hypermode and that the Fomantis/Lurantis hunt continues (and that I declare Xenolis and robinsionism my wifals).

8th April

Pretty early in the day (00:40ST/01:40BST), but already some developments! Hatched my first albino Fomantis mere minutes ago, only took a couple weeks of level 6/7 albino radar. Counting my fortune as we speak I type. Currently on 71/80 mons before I unlock Arceus, but I got three new summon items (for Zacican, Genesect and Regieleki) so I should be at 74 in no time. Just need to get a Solgaleo to unlock the ultrabeasts, so if I my next Cosmog is female, I might try and trade for a male one with someone.

15th April

Another day of me staying up late (01:58BST/00:58ST as I write this), but oh boy, what a day! 215 Sewaddles hatched, with 170 coming from daycare, 40 from shelter, 1 from the lab and 4 from the supplier - 4 shinies and 1 albino. Good first day of the race! Took me saving my Fomantis chain as an oppurtunity to hatch Zacian, Genesect, and Regieleki, and Xenolis gave me a Solgaleo so I got a Nihilego too! 75/80 before Arceus. Also been trying to grind out my pokédex by just, uh, looking at what I'm missing, giving evo. items where I can, and having level evos in my showcase. Really effective in type races. Speaking of, I procced my first übercharm a couple days ago. Exciting.

18th April

Just hatched my first melan! :D
Medium Bug Gem

Medium Bug Gem


(item.png: 0)

A medium-sized Bug-type Gem. Visit Ravyne at the Wishforge to convert it into 10 normal-sized Gems.

Sells for 100

Lv. 78 — 5,184 / 19,929
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sweet food
Happiness 27%
Hasty nature

23rd April

Oops, a day late in adding this. Oh well, I blame it on moving back to uni yesterday. Type race went really well, I think! 2040 points, a buncha shinies and albinos, and my first melan. What a splendid little week. Got even more summon items for legendaries I've yet to summon (Marshadow, Mewtwo and Zamazenta) so now I just need Eternatus (which I'll unlock with Zamazenta) and Necrozma (which will take a bit more grinding to unlock) before I can summon Arceus. Sweet. Looking towards next type race, I'll be on team ice; I need to decide which ice type I'll be hunting. The 'mons which jump out to me first are Alolan Vulpix, Vanillite and Cubchoo, although because I am team electric in June, I might hunt Arctozolt instead. Tough call.

Type Race a.png bug.png 2040
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Journal entry: May 2024

1st May

Forgot to post this Monday, so might as well start this month early, lol. Got a midge in my eye, earlier, on the way home from uni. That was fun. I'm probably going to end my Sewaddle chain soon, and start prepping for this month's type race. Don't really have much else to say, except that I've been working a little bit on my BBCodes for this here journal and my about - I think they look a little nicer now :)

3rd May

More Paldean mons! Specifically the legendaries, which... is a pain. Now I'm 75/86, rather than 75/80. Oh well, I have a good deal of boxes and all the master summons, so it shouldn't be too bad. We also get this little guy:
I've also decided that I'm going to hunt Arctozolt this type race. Need to make a good breeding pair. Also, breaking my chain at 1250 Sewaddle, which makes it my longest chain. Dope.

8th May

Forgot to post on Monday again! Oops. Managed to hatch all the new legendaries (I opened ~20 boxes and got them all) so I've just been using my time on PFQ to hatch some new fakemons (or would it be fakémon?) and just generally pad out my dex. Been busy with uni work, but it's kinda gotten less intense. Exams are nearing rapidly, however. A couple fun facts to round out my weekly update:
  • I haven't missed a single day since I started playing PFQ - my login chain is as long as I've been playing for
  • I'm one of the top Pokéwalker users, currently 151st for Watts and 168th for distance

13th May

Woah, an entry on time! Type race has begun, and I've started it with 245 points. Not bad, although if I could afford more attention to PFQ I'd probably have a hundred-ish more. Oh well. My project wraps up on Thursday (two more days of working on the physical product! eek) and I'm feeling a little anxious about it. Idk. I've also developed an eye twitch. As of today, I'm 131st for Watts collected and 150th for distance walked using the Pokéwalker. Neat. To end off, my relationship with therianism: it's confusing...

22nd May

Oops, late again! Got my first exam in a week. Not gonna be fun given how slow I write thanks to dyspraxia. :) Got 1085 points this type race. Not a record or anything. Also yet to get any specials this hunt, and breeding genderless pokémon sucks bad. Hopefully I'll have something more to say in few weeks - my last exam is the 5th of June!

27nd May

My first exam is on Wednesday, so I don't have much to say for this week. I've been enjoying revising dynamic stability and the equations (they only give us about two-thirds of all of the ones we might need). My Arctozolt hunt finally bore fruit! 3 specials - 2 albino and 1 shiny - all on the same day. Very nice. I've been handing out box boxes to friends recently. It's nice.

Type Race j.png ice.png 1085
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Journal entry: June 2024

3rd June

Dedicating most of my time to revision right now, so I haven't really got much to say about my time on PFQ this past week. I've sat two of my three finals for this semester - they both went alright-ish, I guess. First one didn't submit in time despite me pressing the button to on time, but I've already sorted it out with faculty. Last exam is on Wednesday at 9:30am my time, and I'm feeling totally unprepared. Joyous.

10th June

Exams finally ended, and I moved out of my uni accoms! Back at home with my family. :) Missed out on getting the Salamance CS (final on the fifth and prepping for moving out ate away at my time and memory) which sucks, but ah well. Can't get too upset. Not much else to say. Hope you have a lovely day/night, whenever you are reading this, dear reader!

18th June

It's been nice to be home with my family, as much as I've felt too busy recently because of their plans. Think I might end my Arctozolt chain sometime soon - maybe at 1k hatched eggs? I'm not really seeing any more specials. Been an interesting few days in terms of identity, too. My dysphoria has been acting up in light of being unmedicated because of moving - but not the usual kind of dysphoria ΘΔ

29th June

Wow, huh, sure am late. Not too bad though, I'm only posting it on a Tuesday Wednesday Thursday? Friday?? Saturday. Oops. My mind's been of several focuses this past week, so I haven't much progress to report on matters pertaining to Pokéfarm - I've been more consumed by waiting to see if a couple job applications get accepted or not. I got my second year results for my course at uni, and I passed! Average of 56.7% isn't half bad, when I failed a module over sleeping issues. Wrapping up the Arctozolt hunt is going a bit slower than I'd've liked - I'm still about 120 hatches off 1000 - but it's fine. There's plenty of time 'fore the next type race. A few things before I send this and sleep - one, I think I've figured out my relationship to therianthropy (generally, the worse I feel, the more deer-like I feel (with a dozen asterisks attached)), amd two, Dawntrail releases soon! Can't wait to not be able to play, for I am still on v2.1 content. :)

Type Race j.png electric.png 1245
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To-do list
Last updated: 19/06/2024, 17:15ST

Now that I have more time on my hands with uni out for the year, I've decided I need to collate a list of tasks I need to (or, uh, should) do on Pokéfarm. So! I'm treating this in no specific order.
Long term goals
  1. Collect Dittos of every nature
  2. Finish dexing all the ultra beasts
  3. Summon Arceus
  4. Reach Grandmaster, Arceus, then Complete rank

Short term goals
  1. Compile a Poké-/Eggdex missing entry list (currently WIP)
  2. Update my About Me:
    • Change hunts tab to be more compact
    • Merge current hunt, about and landing tabs
  3. Get breeding pairs (specifically, post daycare update pairs) for every hunt I have planned

Endless goals
What do you mean this is just normal gameplay?
  • Accrue wealth (field purchases are pricy)
  • Build up a supply of tourney tokens
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Pokédex Status
Last updated: 15/06/2024, 10:46ST

I realised that I haven't made a comprehensive list of what Pokémon and eggs I'm missing until I get to COMPLETE - so I'm here to correct that! This is being compiled over a few hours/days as I expect final formatting and list creation to take a while, but I want to get something out quickly.
Pokédex Entries
1219 / 1695

Missing by Region


  • #027 - Alolan Raichu
  • #085 - Galarian Forme Slowbro
  • #111 - Alolan Exeggutor
  • #113 - Alolan Marowak
  • #113 - Totem Forme Marowak
  • #117 - Galarian Weezing


  • #214 - Unown (J, M, T, W, Y)


  • #282 - Cascoon
  • #283 - Dustox
  • #365 - Castform (Snow, Rain Formes)
  • #400 - Kyogre (Primal Forme)
  • #401 - Groudon (Primal Forme)
  • #404 - Rayquaza (Attack, Defend, Speed Formes)


  • #441 - Shellos (Occident)
  • #442 - Gastrodon (Occident)
  • #483 - Dialga (Primal Q, Origin Formes)
  • #484 - Palkia (Primal Q, Origin Formes)
  • #487 - Giratina (Origin Forme)
  • #492 - Shaymin (Sky Forme)
  • #493 - Arceus
  • #904 - Enamorus (ΘΔ Forme)


  • #549 - Lilligant (Hisuian Forme)
  • #550 - Basculin (Blue Stripe)
  • #628 - Braviary (Hisuian Forme)
  • #641 - Tornadus (ΘΔ Forme)
  • #642 - Thundurus (ΘΔ Forme)
  • #645 - Landorus (ΘΔ Forme)
  • #646 - Kyurem (Reshiram, Zekrom Formes)
  • #647 - Keldeo (Resolute Forme)
  • #648 - Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
  • #649 - Genesect (Burn, Chill, Douse, Shock Drives)


  • #704 - Sliggoo (Hisuian Forme)
  • #705 - Goodra (Hisuian Forme)
  • #710 - Gourgeist (All Sizes)
  • #712 - Avalugg (Hisuian Forme)
  • #719 - Hoopa (Unchained Forme)


  • #771 - Type: Null
  • #772 - Silvally (all formes)
  • #794 - Pheromosa
  • #795 - Xurkitree
  • #796 - Celesteela
  • #797 - Kartana
  • #798 - Guzzlord
  • #799 - Poipole
  • #801 - Stakataka
  • #802 - Blacephalon
  • #803 - Necrozma
  • #808 - Melmetal


  • #844 - Cramorant (Gulping, Gorging)
  • #848 - Toxitricity (Amped)
  • #868 - Alcremie
  • #874 - Eiscue (Ice Face)
  • #875 - Indeedee (Male)
  • #876 - Morpeko (Full Belly Mode)
  • #887 - Zacian (Crowned)
  • #888 - Zamazenta


  • #936 - Ceruledge
  • #966 - Cyclizar (Low-Power, Ultimate Modes; Limited, Apex Builds)
  • #987 - Gholdengo
  • #999 - Ogerpon (Wellspring, Hearthflame, Cornerstone, Teal Masks)
  • #1001 - Terapagos (Terastal Forme)


  • #xxx -


  • #xxx -


  • #xxx - Quite literally all of them


  • #xxx - Quite literally all of them

Eggdex Entries
623 / 716

Missing by Region


  • #214 - Unown (D, J, M, T, W, Y)


  • #493 - Arceus


  • #771 - Type: Null
  • #772 - Silvally (all formes)
  • #794 - Pheromosa
  • #795 - Xurkitree
  • #796 - Celesteela
  • #797 - Kartana
  • #798 - Guzzlord
  • #799 - Poipole
  • #801 - Stakataka
  • #802 - Blacephalon
  • #803 - Necrozma


  • Lunupine
  • Blophin
  • Faemue/ene/o
  • Kinaster
  • Valkind
  • Croaket
  • Slypin
  • Kawotor
  • Kitwurm
  • Aphreyd
  • Caimaw
  • Valimp
  • Frusky
  • Skyrie
  • Shinorin
  • Sikannos
  • Goschief
  • Mocknock
  • Flurrawr
  • Caprikid
  • Tenrekki
  • Possmol
  • Lunamor
  • Exilant
  • Lyruse
  • Smokackle
  • Inferial
  • Mirrasma
  • Slithugi
  • Ryumen
  • Cinnamoru
  • Quokuddle
  • Chark
  • Seistatic
  • Embretta
  • Platykit
  • Tulby
  • Erminja


  • #021 - Spearow (Savage)
  • #025 - Flying Pichu
  • #025 - Surfing Pichu
  • #035 - Shooting Star Cleffa
  • #038 - Koroku
  • #040 - Guild Igglybuff
  • #062 - Apocalyptic Growlithe
  • #084 - Snowpoke
  • #104 - Death Star Voltorb
  • #189 - Early Bird Natu
  • #208 - Wooper (Galvanic)
  • #219 - Gligar (Vampire)
  • #225 - Scaracross
  • #226 - Snichu
  • #228 - Teddicursa
  • #230 - Blue Moon Slugma
  • #240 - Houndour (Orthrus)
  • #240 - Frosdour
  • #269 - Torchic (Inferno)
  • #275 - Apocalyptic Poochyena
  • #294 - Snoralts
  • #300 - Apcalyptic Shroomish
  • #336 - Numel (Arctic)
  • #402 - Ryukuza
  • #402 - Magquaza
  • #405 - Seasonal Turtwig
  • #417 - Bidoof (Igneous)
  • #421 - Shinxel
  • #434 - Snow Combee
  • #447 - Glameow (Siberian)
  • #458 - Gibolu
  • #509 - Purrloin (Hallowe'en Witch)
  • #592 - Frillish (Bubbly Forme)
  • #622 - Apocalyptic Golett
  • #667 - Glileo
  • #679 - Honedge (Rose Gift)
  • #682 - Spritzkrow
  • #849 - Magipede

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