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Happy birthday Niet and PFQ!

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ChrisGradis's AvatarChrisGradis
ChrisGradis's Avatar
Happy birthday @Niet and Yay for 3rd anniversary. Although single use. This new item is so worth it. especially with my 30k gastly chain. You have blessed me and others with ways to have breaks and not just for TR or tournament. and that secret lookin nice owo
FIGURE.09's AvatarFIGURE.09
FIGURE.09's Avatar
Happy Birthday Niet!
zeb | 19 | | ceo of waffles actively hoarding and z-flying.png
score : 0

avatar and sprite by me for my use only!
LavenderHues's AvatarLavenderHues
LavenderHues's Avatar
Happy birthday Niet and PFQ! ; A; <3 This new item? Incredible. I can see so much potential, especially if you’re a person who likes hunting legendaries. Did you run out of currency or summons? Save your chain, hunt something else to get more money/obtain more summons, start again when you’re ready. I’m already loving this for that idea alone.
Forum icon drawn by me!
summon_man.png × 628 / 713
Sea Crown hoard progress until I can restart my hunt!
Kaolin's AvatarKaolin
Kaolin's Avatar
BLESS THE GLORIOUS STICK I approve Happy birthday Noot
[ PFQ +12 | Works 9am-5pm Mon-Fri ] - Been a while, bear with me while I reacclimatise - Free Exclusive and Variant Exchange! Credits: Avatar | Signature | Banners
Gallevoir's Avatarhypermode-12.pngGallevoir
Gallevoir's Avatar
Just to warn people who are diving in to buy the stick right away: it doesn't look like the code has fully set in yet. I'm trying to save my chain and it's coming up with a SQLSTATE[23000] error.

full bug code if you need it

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' UERPRXhjZXB0aW9uOiBTUUxTVEFURVsyMzAwMF06IEludGVncml0eSBjb25zdHJhaW50IHZpb2xhdGlvbjogMTA2MiBEdXBsaWNhdGUgZW50cnkgJzAnIGZvciBrZXkgJ1BSSU1BUlknIGluIC9jbGFzc2VzL0RCLmNsYXNzLnBocDo2OQpTdGFjayB0cmFjZToKIzAgL2NsYXNzZXMvREIuY2xhc3MucGhwKDY5KTogUERPU3RhdGVtZW50LT5leGVjdXRlKEFycmF5KQojMSAvY2xhc3Nlcy9EQi5jbGFzcy5waHAoNzMpOiBEQjo6dXBkYXRlKCdcblx0aW5zZXJ0IGludG8gYC4uLicsIEFycmF5KQojMiAvbW9kdWxlcy9zaGlueWh1bnQvcHJzdGljay5zYXZlLmFqYXgucGhwKDE2KTogREI6Omluc2VydCgnXG5cdGluc2VydCBpbnRvIGAuLi4nLCBBcnJheSkKIzMgL2NsYXNzZXMvQUpBWC5jbGFzcy5waHAoMTkwKTogcmVxdWlyZSgnL2hvbWUvbmlldC9zaXRlLi4uJykKIzQgL2luaXQucGhwKDYyKTogQUpBWDo6bG9hZE1vZHVsZSgnc2hpbnlodW50L3Byc3RpLi4uJykKIzUgL2luZGV4LnBocCgxKTogcmVxdWlyZSgnL2hvbWUvbmlldC9zaXRlLi4uJykKIzYge21haW59
  • Shops
  • Best Melans
  • A Christmas Bee, for Melan Luck
They/them, for simplicity. Beathan sprite; egg sprites from Bulbapedia; avatar; Acacia sprite by me; Bee from Pokefarm Advent
MossDragon's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMossDragon
MossDragon's Avatar
*high pitched, glass shattering screaming* I just broke my 8k Misdreavus chain yesterday because I couldn't handle it (was dragging on since mid October) and was thinking of doing it another time, if I only knew the Memory Stick would have been released, nooo ;A; But I'm glad to hear this has been released, will definitely come in handy in the distant future. Happy Birthday Niet (and Recode)! Excited to see new birthday CS~
collecting: summon_zek.png m.png ShopCredsTemplates b.png ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆
I was Seigaku Girl on PF1.
Lv. 31 — 545 / 2,727
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness 27%
Docile nature
Agent3's Avatarhypermode-12.pngAgent3
Agent3's Avatar
@sojussimblr I was actually just about to come here to post that, glad to know it's not just me having that issue, exact same error code and all.
seth | 22 | he/him medical lab science student journal icon + sig of my character, by me.
Burmy's AvatarBurmy
Burmy's Avatar
Happy birthday! ❤ Loving these updates.
Øddity's Avatarhypermode-12.pngØddity
Øddity's Avatar
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIET! :D And thank you a thousand times QuQ I've run out of credits and clear bells and do't want to quit til I have a melan, but good lord I'm so happy to be able to ACTUALLY pause my chain and hunt something different. <3 <3 <3 BLESS
Ground Team: 0 Avatar Art by: Me :3 ©2020

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