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Single post in Daycare Update 2024 plans

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KaidaMcWoomy's Avatarhypermode-12.pngKaidaMcWoomy
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Mixed feelings on this...I do like the changes to remove RNG, and only needing one mon for an OT boost now instead of both - that's gonna be a huge help to me. I also like that pairs will get recalculated as they change in size/body type/etc, even if certain pairs that are hilarious (looking at you skitty/wailord) will get nerfed. I also appreciate the changes to the spy glass. On the other hand...do gems need more of a purpose? they're already really valuable purely being a gemwish badge thing alone - I mean, on the market board, you're gonna have a hard time finding medium gems for less than 10k creds, minimum. And the gigaremo lowering the happiness already is a penalty, cause you're losing out on extra compatability, and thus an extra twin chance as time goes on. I feel like if there has to be some cost it'd make more sense to use interaction points? The nature changes to me seem weird because...why would a Pokemon's taste in food affect how compatible they are with another Pokemon? Really bad example since well, we're not Pokemon, but my boyfriend loves spicy stuff and I hate it, but it doesn't make us less compatible, I just don't eat anything he's drenched in hot sauce. I would love to know why this got added (I don't mean that sarcastically, I do genuinely want to know what the motivation/logic is. Is this something that there's a cannon games-based reason for? was this to introduce more potential dynamic modifiers? Some other reason?) Plus for any non-nature/non-berry collectors it's going to cause pairs that previously ranked very highly to have lower compatibility for what feels like a reason that is only slightly less arbitrary than straight up rng. Also how do neutral natures work since those don't have any preferences or dislikes? Consider a "Hardy" Pokemon (which is technically the loves spicy and hates spicy according to bulbapedia) and a "Docile" Pokemon (the overlap of loving and hating sour food). The way the section is written implies that since the Hardy 'mon and the Docile 'mon both have no preference and no dislike, they do in fact share a preference and a dislike. In other words, they share the fact that they have no favorite food, and they share the fact that they have no hated food. This in turn would give them +14 SC, even though they don't have the same nature. Or is it that the compatibility uses the "hidden" preferences for neutral natures - so they wouldn't get any bonus since under the hood the Hardy Pokemon has a preference and a hatred for spicy food, and the while the Docile Pokemon has a preference and a hatred for sour food. If that's the case, then that would be unfairly biased against breeding a pair of neutral-natured parents since you're either going to get the full bonus (from having identical natures) or no bonus (for having different natures), whereas pairs that have a preference you'd at least get the +8 SC bonus for sharing a preference even if the dislikes are different. V-Wave I worry how this will affect breeding during type races. The matching v-wave already gets the free exp bonus, now that team also gets a +10 VWC dynamic modifier for their pair. Also the amount of harm it could do to types varies. Consider the grass type, which has 5 weaknesses. That's about a 29.4% chance per day that the V-Wave is going to be at least super effective against the pair. Now compare that to the normal type, which only has one weakness. You have about a 5.8% chance of getting that -4 VWC. It just seems biased towards certain types. If you get an unlucky string during the type race you're going to have less breeding chances over something that's beyond your control, purely because you are on team "A" versus team "B". And while it is possible in some ways to adjust to the v-wave, a lot of people do hunts for type race. This is just going to hurt them more for choosing to play the game in a way they enjoy. [EDIT TO ADD] Regarding the v-wave and gigaremo, I just saw niets posts about it (having those linked in the main post might be helpful) so I'm a little less unhappy about those. I still do think that using IP for the gigaremo would be a better option than gems, and I still am concerned about the potential affects on breeding during type race this'll have, but they have been lessened somewhat.
She/Her please! I have free fields and free breeding pairs to give away so go to my shop if you want any! Please don't send trade related pms :) Previous Hunt: b.png r.png Current Hunt: b.png k.png with a 3935 chain Type Race: dragon.png 0
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