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Single post in 2024 Update Phase 2: The Shelter

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QUOTE originally posted by GinKurosu

I mean, it really is whatever, I'll just have to deal with it. I am sure yall don't really get it since you are hypermode users, but nothing I can do there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
With all due respect, I got this round of hypermode entirely without paying money. Even if I had paid, Hypermode has literally nothing to do with Sugarcoatl being breedable or not. It's not like being a "premium" user gives us earlier access to things, nor does it mean we don't see flaws with the system. I've pointed out two (maybe three?) times this thread that fishing is horrible and it needs fixing. Others expressed distaste that in the original pitch of the shelter update, refreshing the shelter cost precious points from the daily allowance. We are just normal users like you :) So, nobody is intending rudeness to you, we are simply explaining that the site operates on a "two most recent season exclusives are unbreedable" rule. It's okay to be upset with the shelter upgrade, but we are just trying to help clear up misunderstandings.
Us weirdos have to stick together! Team Inferno Overdrive for June:
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