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Single post in 2024 Update Phase 2: The Shelter

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QUOTE originally posted by Niet

@nyancats: just to see if I understand your post correctly, you are suggesting that - in order to fix people's complaint about being pushed away from the one single feature in order to focus on other features - that I add even more features? That the solution to people not liking the fact that I'm encouraging people to use more of the game's features is to add still more? I'm not sure I follow the logic so I just wanted to ask!
From what I've seen by reading through, not everyone's complaints have necessarily been "oh, I can't use the shelter enough this sucks," but more like, "I don't like the other features I have to use instead, this sucks." Not to say no one's saying the first, I just feel like this suggestion would be more geared towards the second complaint. Like the Fishing Hut. It's a feature that's not used by a lot of people, not /just/ because they could grab from the shelter instead, but because they dislike the mechanics of the fishing hut. To be honest, if I wasn't already at Arceus, that'd be my only complaint with this update. While some people have suggested revamping the Fishing Hut in some way or another, if no suitable update could be found, you could instead add another way to get some of the Pokemon found there, so they're not locked behind a fairly unpopular mechanic. Having different ways to obtain Pokemon outside of the Lab and the Fishing Hut would be nice. I think getting them while Scouring would be neat, and I think having an extra incentive to use the Garden would be nice too. Outside of Perfect Berries and Nectars(?) there's not really much to be gained from using the Garden, besides Events. If anything, I think adding a way to obtain Pokemon to these features would further incentivize new users to actually use them, which I think is kind of your whole point with this unless I'm mistaken? ^^; To have newer users actually use all the features on site?
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