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Single post in 2024 Update Phase 2: The Shelter

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nyancats's Avatarnyancats
nyancats's Avatar
I do think sometimes it can be an impulse reaction for people to dislike when things change (Especially since the Shelter has worked in the former way for... as long as I can remember, really?) But I do agree with the worry that an update like this can make newer users struggle. Wanting users to rely more on things such as the lab, fishing hut, pokewalker (some folks would also rely on wonder trading technically too) for pokemon/eggs is fine but it also sounds like to me there's just not a lot of other options to gain pokemon/eggs, and it therefore can become monotonous. Which, of course, this is a clicker game after all, I'm not expecting you to like, add Subway Surfers to the side of the screen XD! But it sounds like it would be beneficial for there to be more options since this update since people are so used to relying on the shelter, having more than just a few options can help things become more engaging for players. This is just me just me spitballing ideas, and probably is just me being dorky, but There could be small random chance events that could happen where you have the opportunity to adopt Pokemon/Eggs, and the Pokemon/Eggs could have a chance to be ones you don't have already, granted they're not legendaries etc.


I'm not really sure on how this would work mechanically, but a chance for you to have a random pkmn trainer surrender a pokemon/egg over to you and you can choose to take it in or not. (ex. a trainer accidentally has too many eggs/pokemon and gives you one, or finds a hurt wild pokemon and gives it to you so you can take care of it, etc) Maybe one to do with gardening?, a random chance for you to come across a wild pokemon attempting to eat your berries (or a water type being nice and watering your plants for you?) or something when you farm? So you could choose to adopt them or shoo them. Possibly in scouring too, where your pokemon could have the chance to find eggs or a wild pokemon wanting a home, etc. I would imagine this would be more useful in early game when you're completing the dex versus anything else, but it's just an idea to help get the ball rolling for alternatives.
But, overall regardless of my ideas I think in the best scenario there should be more alternatives that are similar to the fishing hut where you can adopt pokemon so people want to rely on the shelter less.
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