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Single post in Splatoon 3 Splatfests!

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QUOTE originally posted by kiaraleu

I guess it's hard to think up a good universal theme in a limited time, when Japan's is so region-specific so they have nothing to go off of. I'm glad theres another one so soon though. I usually spend my time in Salmon Run so I'm excited for the upcoming Eggstra Work round. By the way, my in-game name is Goby, and I'm in the American Region! Is there a Pool for Pokefarm users to join?
Fair point! I will add you when I am on my PC. No, there isn't. That's a smart idea! I have my own pool code to play with friends and for when I stream. I will make a code and put it on the front page! Unless someone else has a better idea, how does just PokéFarm sound?

QUOTE originally posted by Eggy

I don't mind it being days of the week. After all, they're basically the weekend and they're letting us pick which one we like the best; some might like Friday for being the last weekday in the week with work involved leading up to a lot of free time, for example. I like Saturday because I have the entire day off (unless I work it) and I have the time to do anything I like, while Friday is still a work day and Sunday has recently become "the day where most places are closed because of a new law that was passed". So Team Saturday it is. If anything, it at least beats the toilet paper theme way back when lol
For very similar reasons, I am Team Saturday. The toilet paper Splatfest and orange juice Splatfest were nuts.
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Time & Place: in 1 day on Twitch (Live Countdown) Game(s): TBD My channel link is in my profile under (+18) Mature Code. Thank you for the support!
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