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Single post in 2024 plans, updates and discussion

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pupydogy's Avatarpupydogy
pupydogy's Avatar
the exp share and daycare limitations are needlessly punishing and will make the gameplay loop unbearable. there's no need to make the game harder and more unwelcoming to newer players, and more pesky for older ones. i am not a hardcore daycare breeder/field clicker, and i don't have the money to regularly pay for hypermode to increase my adoption limits and things along those lines. starting a new hunt be it for personal reasons or type race, is going to be much harder if refreshing/adopting actually *costs* something besides my time, especially before i reach the threshold in my hunt where the black flute rng bonus starts kicking in. referral points replacing guest interactions for DP is also pretty unreasonable. not everyone has people they talk to that would both: a) want to play a game based around just clicking things a lot and b) stick with the game long enough to even reach the referral reward. i tried getting 3 people to play pfq with me and none of them reached that point. clicker games aren't the most appealing thing to a lot of people, be it because it can be physically strenuous or they just don't have the time to dedicate.
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