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Project Sunshine
Grounding techniques can be found at the end of this post. Resources are just above them. If you have anything you would like me to add, lemme know and I can include them! A good chunk of the world's population suffers from at least one mental illness, from depression to anxiety and so many more. Mental health is linked to your physical wellbeing, so it is good to reach out when you're struggling or otherwise in a rough spot. Everyone has their good days, the sunny days, and their bad days, the stormy day, or a mix between the two. I hope that perhaps one day, every day is a sunny day, but life doesn't work like that and there will always be a cloudy or rainy day mixed in. Just, hopefully much fewer, if any, stormy days. Until those days do come, I want to be able to help as many people work towards their sunny day, get out of the storm enough to breath and learn to grow on their own and with others, perhaps even encouraging them to reach out and help others as I want to and am doing. Transitioning from a stormy day, to that rainy day, to a cloudy day, all the way to a sunny day takes work and time, as well as having the right people and right ways to ground yourself to the current moment. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is ALWAYS welcome to message me on PFQ or on Discord (my handle is Kaede.php#0472) if you want advice or just someone to talk to or vent at for a while. I am always willing to lend the ear and reach out my hand to help pull you up. Please note that I am not a doctor in any forme, so while I cannot offer any medical advice, I can share with you some grounding techniques, my confidential ear (I will not speak a word to anyone about anything you do not want shared unless I feel it is life threatening), or any way I can otherwise help. Most of the techniques I have to offer did come from various doctors I have had over the years, so even if you don't trust my own experiences with them, believe that they are backed by science. I will be posting some resources that I've found beneficial, most of them are free to use, though a couple may have paid portions to it, but they are not necessary to purchase, I promise. I have never paid for anything outside of my doctor, so believe me when I say that it is up to you if you decide you want it. If you need medical attention, seek it. Please. Everyone is valuable, even if you do not believe it.


The Depression Project - I recommend following them on social media because they post a lot of great content and quotes on them Military Crisis Line - If you are or have served in the US Armed Forces, this is completely confidential and a great place to talk to someone to help you relax or calm down If you know of other good resources, shoot me a message so I can add it!

Grounding Techniques

- 5-4-3-2-1: find 5 things you can see, find 4 things that you can touch, find 3 things that you can hear, find 2 things you can smell, and find 1 thing you can taste. Take a moment each time to absorb it and think about it for a second before moving to the next item. If you can't find anything to taste, that's okay. - Make lists: choose a category and list as many things as you can think of. Some possible categories are: colours, plants, animals, clothes, languages, furniture, whatever topics you know well work best. I usually stick to programming languages, for example. - TIPP:  ~ Temperature: cooler temperatures can slow down your heart rate. Splash your face with cold water or set an ice cube on it.  ~ Intense Exercise: Redirect and release built up energy. Jumping jacks, running, pushups, dancing, something that has movement. Stretching works too, but I recommend something that is a little more strenuous if you can.  ~ Paced Breathing: slow and deep diaphragm breaths; count the seconds, 5 in, hold for 2-3, 5 out works best for me, but adjust as necessary.  ~ Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Close your eyes. Tense up each muscle on the inhale, relax it on the exhale. Work your way from your head to your toe. Scrunch up your eyes, then your cheeks, chest, arms, fists, etc, working down to your feet. This one by itself is also good to do. - Butterfly Hug:  1. Cross your arms over your chest and make a butterfly shape. Interlock your thumbs.  2. Hands and fingers as vertical as possible, pointing towards the neck.  3. Eyes can be completely or slightly closed. Focus on the tip of your nose.  4. Move your hands like a butterfly gently flapping its wings, tapping your self. Breathe deeply.  5. Notice what thoughts, images, feelings, physical sensations are going through your mind. - Reorient yourself:  ~ My name is -------  ~ I am safe right now.  ~ I am ------ years old.  ~ I am currently at --------  ~ Today is ---------  ~ The season is --------  ~ The weather is --------  ~ I am wearing --------  ~ I can see --------- (objects, shapes, colours)  ~ Everything is going to be alright. - Count in a random order (your brain can't count out of order unless it calms down so it helps bring you back) - Take a walk/exercise - Listen to music/podcast/show - Write/do art/something creative to channel your excessive energy into seomthing productive - Take a nap Note that these grounding techniques are good to do even when you're not in a panick-y state, but when you're calm already. If a method doesn't work for you the first time, give it at least two or three more tries before giving up on it. Sometimes it may take a few times before you find that it actually does help. Remember, not every technique will work for everyone, so don't be afraid to try a few of them concurrently. Some you may find to be more beneficial for yourself, so don't limit yourself to just one. Also, you do not need to be "talented" to do art, write, etc., so long as YOU enjoy it, that's what matters. This list is non-exhaustive, so if you find something that works for you and is not listed here, tell me so I can add it to the list!
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