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Single post in Proposal to Rename Albino and Melanistic Pokemon

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I just wanted to go in to a fun mythology lesson to talk about why Stygian was proposed and not shot down for associations with evil. I've historically had a lot of time to research and read various stories as a hobby because I find Greek, Norse, and Egyptian myths to be kind of interesting... among others. So, it does relate to the River Styx from Greek mythology. However, it is a very common western idea where this correlates to the idea of "evil," where this is not the case in the myths themselves. The River Styx is not evil; it is simply a place of "crossing," be that in a spiritual sense or a more literal by boat sense. A coin is paid to Charon if you wish to be ferried across the River Styx to the underworld. Charon was placed here simply with a job to do... bring people across. Many gods also swore their most binding oaths to this river, because Zeus proclaimed that this was to be done as thanks to the Goddess Styx for siding with him previously against the Titans. The River Styx itself was also said to grant invulnerability, a very desirable trait in a culture of warriors who craved glory. When Achilles was dunked in the river by his mother, she held him by his heel. This is why his heel is his only weakness -- it is the only part of him that did not touch the waters. In modern use, the word stygian indicates that something is very dark or gloomy, which can be a nod to the reduction in saturation that Melanistic Pokemon receive. The underworld, Hades, is made up of several divisions. Tartarus is where the souls of the wicked are imprisoned and given divine punishment. The King Sisyphus was imprisoned in Tartarus and left to roll a boulder up a mountain slope for all time, with it rolling back to the bottom each time he reached anywhere near the top. It is Tartarus specifically that carries the connotations of evil that should be avoided for Melanistic Pokemon. People who were not wicked but also accomplished nothing of note drank from the River Lethe, losing their identity, and then proceeded to the Asphodel Meadows. These meadows are described as being a place of either untouched natural beauty or utter neutrality depending on which stories you're looking at. At times, there were negative connotations associated with the Asphodel Meadows because there was no glory in spending your afterlife here, but this can largely be attributed to the fact that Greek society was quite militaristic and would discourage people from being nonparticipatory. In the Aeneid, there was also a place in the afterlife for people who wasted their lives on unrequited love -- that was the Mourning Fields. I don't know much about this one, admittedly. My reading on this particular topic is limited to the multiple takes on what happened with Queen Dido, though now I know what I might choose to read about later. Then, finally, there was Elysium. This was a place of glory for gods, demigods, and heroes for the most part, though the philosopher Socrates gained entry on his merits as a scholar. The only issue I have on a personal level with naming Albinos after Elysium would be that Elysium implies a status of grandioseness that is equal or greater than that of Melanistic Pokemon, especially if the name for melans becomes Stygians. There would need to be a tier below that for Albino Pokemon, so naming them thematically is a nice idea but does not fit all of the criteria. If anything, Lethian / Lemosyne does a fantastic job, in my opinion, of creating that thematicism and maintaining the idea of tiered rarity. Sorry for the long post. This is a topic of personal interest so I wanted to share a little bit of my insight on the whole thing. ^^
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