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Single post in Account Breach incident

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Hexcadia's AvatarHexcadia
Hexcadia's Avatar
@Terabbit I have a bit of a feeling that all together she's possibly had access to a multitude of accounts, which could have allowed her access to moving around the pokemon at ease and allowing for her to trade/gift/resell a long list of pokemon, currencies, etc. For whichever Euro/pound/usd/etc. of her choice- it is truly bizarre to see something happening like this. It's hard to understand how someone could have decided to do something so malicious considering that she made off with a minimum of a calculated 1600usd- and I'm glad it was caught before she could manage any more damage. P.s, Pfq currency is in fact Pounds ^~^ @Frezgle -dm'd- @Naeriie I agree wholeheartedly. I suppose in the effort of possibly returning pokemon to those robbed we should consider that they may never know the difference, and would be offline- never coming back- and that it's not as if they can simply go onto her account to return in a trade/gift format what was taken. I suppose compensation could be made, but I don't think costing out loving site owners even more is a wise thing to suggest. I don't want to suggest that those affected would possibly be pointless to help simply because they've gone inactive- but rather that there's only so much that can be done.
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