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Single post in Implementing A 'Block' Feature

Forum Index > Core > Suggestions > Under Consideration > Implementing A 'Block' Feature >

feyral's Avatarfeyral
feyral's Avatar
Why do I want a block feature...? ... because my ex may log in one day and decide he wants to further hurt me. ... because often mental illnesses remove my option to walk away. ... because if done correctly the person would have to go out of their way to discover they were blocked. ... because even if it isn’t qualified as hate speech, I still don’t want to see it. ... because I don’t need to get staff involved everytime someone makes me uncomfortable but isn’t breaking a rule. ... because im not the only one who wants one ... because the mental health and safety of many is more important than clicks on your party. How would I make it work...? I suggest two types of blocking. A sort of “soft block” where these soft blocked individuals: - their farm content/threads/trainer card are hidden to you - cannot send/receive you/r PMs - cannot see if you’re online (always appears offline) - cannot add you to VIP lists - Their posts are hidden by default, much like blocks on discord work. - CAN see your threads but would need a direct link (!) - CAN interact with your party + fields (you can interact with them too) which means they can give your Pokemon the final bit of lvl 100) - CAN show up in users online click lists The other version would be hard blocking them, this would most commonly be used for: abusers and/rule breakers and should only be allowed with a report attached *regardless if the abuse was onsite or off* Hard blocked individuals would be barred from everything you do. You would not exist to them, and they would not exist to you. - their posts will not show up for you in threads where you both post, your posts wouldn’t show up for them either. - Would not show up in online users lists - In the event of a hard blocked user having Pokerus; ... do make YOUR block list available for you to see. and give the option to remove someone from your block list. ... do give the path to report when blocking sometimes people get reported and they get a slap on the wrist. I do not want to interact with the user further, but I also don’t want to go so far as to having a list of people/usernames to avoid. That would give them more attention and thought and that is what I am hoping to avoid ... do force feedback when blocking A drop down list of reasons to block someone. “rule break” “Harassment” “bad attitude” “No rule break” “other”. This should be all the communication the person blocking should expect when blocking, unless the blocked user has been blocked many times and an investigation is afoot. (!) ... by making my posts and farm content invisible to the people I have hard blocked. If I have blocked someone I do not want them able to comment on my threads. In order for them to not feel left out or shunned, they should simply not be able to see my threads. To the people worried they would be blocked... why would you be blocked? what about a block feature makes you feel like a target? what is it about your own actions do you think people would want to avoid and why, if worried about being blocked, do you not change that behavior? But Cutechem, giving people the option to hide from things that bug them isn’t making them stronger/they shouldn’t be on the internet if they can’t handle/pokefarm is a safe space and adding a block function would- If by giving this site a safe and non-confrontational way to avoid those who don’t agree with your existence or have the ability to hurt you makes the site an unsafe space for you, perhaps you should reconsider what makes the site a “safe space” for you. Making this site safer for everyone shouldn’t threaten your good time, and if it does, maybe reconsider what it is you’re having fun with. It is not your place to decide who has to see what, and quite frankly shouldn’t concern you if you have everyone’s best interest at heart. Things I have posted with (!) next to them are things I am unsure on, and would love further input.
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