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pheaux's Avatarpheaux
pheaux's Avatar
I had a dream where I was sitting in class, and a trailer for an animated mega man movie released. It was done in that pixar type style where everything is cgi but kind of looks like clay animation. The trailer started off with a few intro scenes that showed some of the setting, but the first scene I remember was Ice Man's appearance on a flying airship type thing, and I was SUPER impressed because the general design and style was still close to the og mega man designs but Ice Man's face was given an update so he was expressive instead of constantly :o. I was also impressed because the textures were really detailed; like you could count the individual pieces of fur on Ice Man's hood, and his armor had visible wear. The scene was basically just Ice Man trying to take over the airship, but the end of that scene was Ice Man getting his head knocked off, and it replacing Mega Man's head, because they're robots and it was comedic or w/e. Then there were a few short action sequences that gave just a glimpse of some of the other robot masters from 1 and 2. Fire Man made an appearance, and Bubble Man was shown to be laying a trap in an airship? I think Metal Man might have also appeared but I can't remember. Then there was another extended scene that started off with Bomb Man climbing a mountain that seemed to be a recently erupted volcano. Bomb Man was really determined because he had a plan in mind, but then there was a voice off-screen and Snake Man popped into the scene and I was like WOAH!!!! because that meant robot masters from 3 were going to appear when I had previously thought they would only be from 1 and 2. The rest of the scene was just Bomb Man and Snake Man beings friends and I was :) There were a few other short scenes after that, and another robot master from 3 appeared, but again, I can't remember. I don't think that much of a plot was shown? The trailer was mostly focused on the individual robot masters, and they were largely trying to take over airships that traveled between islands maybe the setting was literally just ripped from mega man legends I can't remember if Wily actually appeared in the trailer or not. Anyways, I'm sad now, and I'm just going to think about that dream forever.
Avatar is official art from Pokemon Typing Adventure Look at him:
Enigma Berry

Enigma Berry

Special Berry

(item.png: 0)

A completely enigmatic Berry. It apparently has the power of the stars that fill the night sky.

Flavour: Spicy/dry
Colour: Yellow
Firmness: Hard
Growth time: 96 hours

Sells for 40

Lv. 99 — Locked
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Dry food
Happiness 27%
Mild nature
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