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Single post in DLD #2 [Electric Swing]

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QUOTE originally posted by Terabbit

@tessa I understand you're upset but i just want to put something in perspective for you. Im going ti throw down some math but theres some things i realize You're hunting kinaster. An egg that requires mass amounts of clicks to be made. So not being able to do a mass amounts of clicks in a short amount of time to raise your eggtimer affects you more than a player hunting a pokemon egg they get from the shelter. But lets say for the sake of my example you had a bunch of kinaster eggs stock piled for before you started party clicking. So you have an adamantium fire badge and its niet day, you also have an albino kinaster in yourbparty i can only assume is for a family bonus. Now according to eltafez's calculator your eggs should be recieving 352 exp per click back. Now you said you have your 1500 party clicks. Ill be stealing nightmons esitmate of 312 users to get that. Ill say only 250 of them have clicked you back or will click you back today. That is 88,000 exp per egg. That is almost half a SLE, and if you had massclicked for that exp it would be a mere 10k exp, 1/8th worth. And this is an underestimation. assuming not everyone is clicking you back. You might have clicked more users. 88k / 5120 is rounded to 17, thats 17 parties or 85 eggs just from clicking parties alone. Thats hatching that you would need a lucky egg to do even on days like this. I think you might notice the difference when you are not hunting an exclusive that requires a lot of interactions to produce eggs for.
You... completely missed the point I was trying to make. I never said anything about hunts, gaining EXP or generating Eggs. The point is literally that charging the Egg Timer shouldn't be so hard, long and physically painful. Not even one word about hunts was uttered...
forum avatar is furina from genshin impact
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