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Single post in DLD #1 [insert-name-here]

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Camwoodstock's AvatarCamwoodstock
Camwoodstock's Avatar
...so is it a reboot or is it not? Once again we're shown what is allegedly a "whole new game", but is actually related to PFQ! But it's slightly different mechanically. But it's based on PFQ! But it's not! But PFQ's coming out of open beta and just being finished! But here's this new game! I must ask at this point, what is the plan anymore? The issue wasn't the whole fact it was a reboot--it was the fact it was just said and then there were months of radio silence, with nothing to show of it, and a lack of any useful elaboration of any kind. We only had vague mechanical changes told to us, interface changes, and the transfer thing for the reboot; and here, we're getting vague mechanical changes, and... nothing. Nothing else. We're practically getting less information than we did with the OG reboot. And of course, with the lack of transfer information comes a slurry of people anxious they'll have to restart all over, likely severely gimping their interest... with seemingly, no update as to transfers in sight. And let me ask--how is this different from the reboot? We're told this is a new project unrelated from PFQ. But, we're also being told PFQ is coming out of its open beta phase. So these are two unrelated projects. But they're being discussed as if they're the same thing. Are they the same? Is PFQ coming out of open beta this project? Or is this project completely unrelated to PFQ like is stated? All these questions and more have... no known answer beyond speculation, which stems entirely from the one screenshot we have of the "hug pokemon" button--perhaps the least helpful screenshot in terms of letting these questions be answered. This is also notably in stark contrast to older updates; they laid out initial plans very well, rather than simply tossing a screenshot and saying very little. Take, for instance, the announcement of the recode, as penned by Eltafez; in it, we were given a clear synopsis and then some of every mechanic that was planned for the PFQ Recode--even some that, ultimately, never came to fruition (dungeons, excavation, and crafting)... which, speaking of, any updates on those? If nothing else, I'd like to see them be considered for this PF3 of sorts. Or official out-of-open beta. Or reboot. Or separate project. Or... you get the idea. My main point is, the issue wasn't a reboot. It's that we don't know what is going on, and in lieu of any cohesive explanation has been either vague seemingly-contradictory information, vague crumbs that don't give us the full picture at all, our own speculation (which is often incorrect and paranoid), or worst of all, total radio silence. And alas, history seems to be more-or-less repeating here; we get vague crumbs that don't give us the full picture at all, a Q&A that seemingly contradicts the initial "reboot is cnaned" announcement, and a screenshot that doesn't give us the full picture at all, leading to vast speculation, including people afraid for a lack of transfers. All we need is a cohesive explanation of EVERYTHING. If it's a recode, a reboot, a new project, or an update. A full screenshot--not just a crop we can't see the full picture of (both metaphorically and literally). Any new features we may want to look out for. As it stands, we've more-or-less just got the same situation as the Reboot's initial announcement... just, 6 months in the future, and with even less clue as to what's going on due in part to contradictory information. I don't mean to sound upset, and I came off that way I apologize. Just... We really, really need clarity. Development Logs are a GREAT way to start, but... Keeping things hidden in them, especially in a time where clarity is so important to this game and its future, it's almost as good as if there weren't any at all.
Source: Eastern Mind (MS-DOS), the Chu-Teng Symbol
{Cam | Genderfluid | Born: Yes | Single | Dork | Plays video games | 132nd Skywatcher} Uhh... Nothing. More to come, hopefully Icon: Boxart for Japanese-only game "Chu-Teng" (name romanized)
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