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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Morzone's AvatarMorzone
Morzone's Avatar
Rowan's excitedly curious expression darkened the instant Kahlua asked about the angel's wings. Somewhere inside of him he knew this was going to happen, perhaps ever since he'd found about this strange tower, that someone would speak to him about his wings. He'd hadn't been sure who would have brought it up, perhaps Laura would have mentioned something. Kudret might have done it, after Rowan had accidentally revealed part of his dream. It could have been Ama in her usual cold, uncaring way. He supposed he had reaped what he had sown, having asked this new person about their own body's attributes. A moment of silence passed before the angel raised his eyes again, though he didn't quite meet Kahlua's gaze. "They aren't Vestigial, no. Normally I can fly freely with them, but right now I.. I can't. Outside this tower were in, this world, it takes things away from you. I haven't been able to use them since... well not for a long while now."
As soon as Aislin climbed onto Pterodactyl-Laura's back she flew off, circling through the clouds of poisonous gas that had by now descended into the gardens. Laura moved as fast as she dared, irritated by this obstacle now that the time was limited to the dragon's ability to hold on. Still, they arrived at their destination without any major difficulties. The two hovered outside a 2nd-story window of one of the buildings no longer protected by Rikazu's barriers. Without hesitation Laura smashed the window, dropping herself and Aislin off through it, inside the building. One proken window would not endanger the mission restrictions.Once on their own feet the dino-Laura vanished, appearing to absorb itself into the humanoid Laura. The siren gestured Aislin to follow and ran quietly to a nearby corner where an interior hallway connected to the one within. From down the hall sounds of fighting could be heard. Laura peered around the corner, motioning Aislin to do the same. Down the hallway was a very strange seen, one a person could only attribute to a battle between an illusionist and a magician. A black cloud filled the large portion of the hallway closest to Laura and Aislin's position. Staring at it was nearly impossible, as it seemed to defy logical shape and form. It was both swirling cloud, splashing liquid, and shifting solids all at once. No origin a was discernible, but the mass appeared fully in control of its motions in the way only sentient beings are. What was unmistakable about the strange entity was that it was clearly locked in combat with a humanoid figure farther down the hallway, hidden from view through the mass of black fog. Tendrils of undefined matter spiraled and flailed and struck, but the indistinct individual countered them, holding the attacks at bay. Occasionally the person would attempt to strike back, shooting some kind of projectile that only disappeared into the indistinct mass. This back and forth continued for a few seconds before a sudden red glow appear from something the person was holding. As soon as the light appeared Laura instinctively covered her ears for what was about to come. Vibrations suddenly shook through down the hallway and beyond. Not Explosion vibrations, but rather simply sound. The sort of sound that seemed to creep in through one's ears and down the spine, leaving the distinct impression that something very important, something that should always remain secure, had just been shattered. It's said that the actual sound heard is different to each individual. As the sound rent the air, the black mass began to shift violently. Not in any direct attack, but rather as though it was attempting to fight off some great invisible pain. It roiled, but even as it fought it began to shrink. The undefined matter collapsed into itself until had formed a single, solid form. The form of a young woman in a uniform not unlike those worn by the guards Aislin and the others had joined to fight the dragon. What was strikingly familiar about the woman, more so than her uniform, was her identity. It was Laura. Without a doubt, for this younger Laura looked almost exactly as Aislin had seen her throughout all the travelling they had done. This was a Laura without her illusionist abilities, her true form. And beyond, with the black mass formed back into the younger Laura, her adversary was now clear. Wearing the same uniform as the other guards, it was unmistakably Rowan. He carried a strange bow made of an unknown black material, though runes appeared to be glowing along the length of the weapon. His expression was clear, focused, and without a trace of hesitation or uncertainty for his enemy in from of him. Between the pair, fading now that Laura had been forcibly returned to her true form, were strings of black lightning floating through the air. Except it wasn't lightning, it was a series of cracks spreading toward the Siren, as though the very space between them had been cracked open and was now sealing itself back into normalcy. Whatever attack the angel had unleashed, it had forced the younger Laura to lose her illusion, and had done so very painfully. In moment the two resumed their battle, the younger Laura pulling out a set of daggers that appeared to be glowing with some kind of magic, rushing toward the angel who in turn shifted stance in preparation for close combat. The two would not strike at each other however, for in a flash Laura -the one current one that had escorted Aislin to the scene- appeared by the two foe's sides as they were just about to clash. "SLEEP! The siren commanded, her voiced laced with the unmistakable magical influence Sirens were famous for. Unprepared for the sudden assault on their conscience by a third entity, both the Younger Laura and Rowan collapsed into a stupor, dropping their weapons in the process. The siren bent down and picked up her other self's magical daggers, as well as Rowan's Rune-imprinted bow. "Of course, this scene is different from what really happened." Laura spoke to Aislin, walking back toward her, "Rowan was the only competent guard back then after all. So our exact meeting went a little differently, but this is where we met. This is where it all began." The siren smiled at the human girl, the slightest sign of sadness laced into her expression. Words suddenly appeared in front of every person who had entered the mirror:
The Dragon has been killed, the thief has been defeated. Congratulations! You have successfully completed the mission! You will return from this place is 10 seconds. 10... 9... 8...
10 seconds later, every person who had participated in the battle would find themselves standing back in the room of mirrors, the mirror they had just been fighting inside gliding silently away to return to all the others floating around the area. If they had been carrying any of the weapons they had been been supplied they would find themselves still carrying them.
Avatar was created for me, the sprite in the avatar was made by WriterRaven
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