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Single post in Sprite Discovery Discussion

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I just want to pop in to thank (almost) everyone for their feedback, both positive and negative, we have been reading everything that has been said and I can see that the art team have been working on adjustments and trying new things per the feedback provided in our artists' chat. Of course, Sei is working on a full-response post which is going to take a while, so give her a spot of your patience and I'm sure she'll deliver on that asap~ c: That said, I wish to address a concern that was made about 'staff not responding'. We would have, put simply, were we not unavailable. I do feel not enough time has passed for that to really be a put-forward concern but either way, I will explain the reason (since normally it'd be me who pokes my head in and relays information and the like - Niet sometimes but typically nah lol).
tl:dr - Niet implemented these changes and then he and I went out for the entire day and got back about 10~ish PM so we were tired and did this weird thing called sleep. I don't like it - such a waste of time x')
You see, we've been using PayPal (which I lovingly refer to as "PooPal") for all of our transactions and money storage - which... especially for that second part... You might agree isn't... Ideal... But our company doesn't exactly have a bank account so we're a bit stuck, really. Well. I tell a lie. We didn't have a bank account so we were a bit stuck. ;D Now, normally business bank accounts take days, potentially weeks to open. And since I'm off to the US on the 10th, I'm sure you understand we don't really have that level of time unless we leave it until the new year which (running theme time!) isn't ideal. So Niet and myself got in the car and drove 2 and a half hours (which is both there and back, so 5 hours in a car oTL) to a bank-branch that said they could get it done in a day. And to their credit, they were both lovely and they did it! Which means we're not going to be stuck using only PP anymore and Niet can start making progress towards using other payment methods that aren't absolute trash! I'll actually be making an announcement on this in the near-future to just talk about what's on our minds and such. It'd be less a feedback thing and more just a 'keeping everyone informed' kinda thing. If that makes sense, anywho. Just talking and discussion if people wanna lay their words on the table, so to speak - nothing major or whatever. So yeah there'll be more information on that later and an opportunity for people to say something if they want to join in a conversation about it. Hope that explains why we've been quiet. Busy busy. c:
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