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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
"A second chance, huh?" Rikazu murmured. The male mage got onto his feet, throwing a cold glance towards both girls. "There's no need for any of that. I killed her, plain and simple; that's all there is to it." It was better this way, keeping his distance from her. Getting close again would just put her at risk, just like before... Mizuki's eyes widened at Rikazu's words. "W-what...?" Before she could say anything else though, Rockna spoke up. "It's alright, old man. You can tell them." "Stay out of this, Rockna", Rikazu responded to her, though she shook her head. "What has hiding the truth about that day accomplished so far? She couldn't trust you anymore. And think about what happened just yesterday! Her anger towards you caused an explosion that very nearly hurt Aislin", Rockna paused, a quick glance at Mizuki leaving her feeling guilty for mentioning it, and then sighed. "This needs to stop, you need to tell her the truth." Rikazu reluctantly sat back down, he knew Rockna was well aware of the danger if Mizuki were to regain her memory, and yet...she was willing to risk repairing their relationship. "That day, as Mizuki said, I went to stall their group like I always did. Kuja was having those twin jesters try to extract the Eidolons from that kid summoner, Eiko...and I knew that if he failed, he'd continue using Mizuki for his summoning needs..." He didn't like talking about this, but continued anyway. "Their group had been getting more powerful each encounter, as was natural of course, but their latest member was someone with an extremely high resistance to magic. I was struggling to stall for time, and in a moment of weakness where I desired more power, I entered Trance and lost control. And the end result...well, you know that part." "Thank you", Castor had responded to Seyr, walking along as they started to move again. "I can't stay for long, since it appears that man is desperate to avoid an encounter with Lab, Frau or myself...we're risking enough by just having told you this." Relief was an understatement of Labrador's feelings when Toré agreed to help, though he couldn't help but feel guilty as well. 'I'm sorry, Frau...but this is the only way to help her...' he thought to himself. With this, that part of the future had surely been set. "Well, let's just say it has to do with your soul abilities, the rest will become clear over time", Labrador spoke calmly. "But I truly appreciate that...and I do apologize, I know you have plenty to deal with yourself..." Kuja had ran off quite swiftly, immediately gone to find the damn jester he knew was around once Bora told him to go cause a distraction. He'd found Kefka quicly enough, and it didn't take long for the two to be locked in combat. This time, the silver-haired genome wouldn't give up until the jester was dead.
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
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