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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
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The Goat remained sat still, listening intently, processing the information provided, *There are still pieces missing here... but now is not the time to push any questions.* he did, briefly consider what this Rose would taste like, but given the desperation in this mans soul, that would be a terrible idea, taking the flower, he held it to his soul, upon contact, said Rose disintegrated, the only trace of it having existed being a small thorned root wrapped around the heart-shaped culmination of his being, "Mistakes have been made before, I know not why I happen to be the only choice for this, but consider my assistance in this matter sealed, I'll do what I can to prevent any further pain for her." *Though I've got enough to unpack here myself, I'll have to improvise as I go...* "Tap his head, also, go outside and watch." raising an open palm to the air, he let loose a single Ki Blast skywards, said Ki Blast penetrated through several floors of sheet metal before finally meeting the roof and petering out, "You will see no signs of damage on the exterior structure, why bother going too far away from your collection grounds? Just dump your testing grounds in the middle and disguise it, spread rumours and misinformation, classic war tactics, repurposed for some other function." Bora looked around for Kuja, who was immediately gone from his sight, as a wry smile crossed the Saiyan's face, he couldn't help but chuckle, "Guess I can add 'Cleaning up your screwups to the list of things I have to do today." Celere was 'dreaming' as Kudret carried her, even in this state uncomfortable with the position, the dream was nothing spectacular, just about the other five Orange Orbs and their locations, four had vanished within the dream, a male holding them before offering them forward, being absorbed into her form, the final Orb was around the neck of another Male, this Male gave her creeps, something about them just... felt off, like an Illusion of some variety... Nearby the Male within the dream was watching the three keep going, the four Orbs having been slipped to the female without those other two noticing, "Nothing I can do about the seventh for now, I've meddled enough with how this is going, anymore and my employer will happily murder me for it."
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