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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Rockna nodded as Aislin spoke. "That's fine, I don't mind answering any questions you have on Summons later...perhaps when we're back on the road?" Although the green-haired female wasn't entirely sure how much longer she'd be able to stick around. For now, however...she'd see what she could do here. Rikazu lazily opened one eye again when Aislin called him out on pretending to be asleep. "It was such a nice nap, too", he mused in return. In all honesty though he was still exhausted, a longer nap would've definitely been nice. The blue-haired male removed his hand from Mizuki's shoulder, instead rubbing his temples. "Right...what is it you want to know?" From how tense Mizuki seemed to be, he suspected there would potentially be questions that he wouldn't be able to answer. Mizuki just shook her head, her gaze still averted to the ground. "I can't..." she was too afraid of his answer, if he would even answer them. Labrador quietly sat down in a chair as well, noting the angel's presence, though kept his focus on the goat. Well, before anything else introductions were in order, and for once it was of utmost importance that he didn't hold anything back; even if that meant speaking of something that was meant to stay a secret. "Well, I believe it's best I introduce myself first. My name is Labrador, I'm...what is known in my world as one of the 'Seven Ghosts', Profe. I'd elaborate more on that, but all that's important in that regard is that it's given me the ability to foresee the future." He paused for a moment. "...And that is also why I'm here, to ask for your help. You see, my niece was dropped into this world before I was, and she was taken captive by someone who will be coming after your group soon...I believe you may be the only one able to help her recover from everything currently happening to her." The Goat's response was one of attention, 'why was he the only suitable person for it?' 'No there had to be more to this', questions could wait, he'd ask after his business was concluded here, after a small nod to the Angel to show he knew they were there, a single word was spoke, almost in a business-tone, "Continue". Labrador was well aware that the goat would have questions, he'd answer what he could later. "Her name is Iliya, like myself she too is a Ghost, capable of manipulating souls, and unable to die", his expression clearly saddened at the latter part. "You should be coming across her shortly after your group reunites, though during that time it'll be impossible to get her to stay. At the second encounter, however...she'll no doubt try to fight you all, much against her will might I add. If you can separate her from the illusionist keeping her captive, her attacks will likely cease." A sigh escaped his lips. "That man has been testing poison on her constantly, so she'll be extremely weak...and terrified. I know this is an unreasonable request to make since you don't know me, or her, but please...help her." A silver rose then appeared in his hand, showing it to Toré. "If you do decide to help her, please take this. It's known as a 'flower of protection' in our world, if you show it to Iliya and tell her you got it from me, she'll know to trust you."
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
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