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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Morzone's AvatarMorzone
Morzone's Avatar
Laura's fun was interrupted and brought to an abrupt end with the reappearance of Bora and the others. She mentally pouted about this for a moment before accepting the change. She'd decided not to pick anymore fights in this state anyway, and Bora seemed pretty serious. Which was pretty standard affairs really. Before the Door keeper could do more than exclaim at Bora's sudden demolishment of his charge, Laura weaved her body around his, placing her whispering lips an inch from his ear. "Sleep." She commanded, attempting magic once again. To her delight, the man's eyes drooped and in a moment he was asleep on the ground. The siren couldn't help but feel slightly put off however. Her magic had felt... different. As if she'd just put him into a relaxing, restorative sleep rather than directly controlling him. She'd have to look into it later. "Where are we removing these villagers too?" She inquired toward Bora, glancing inward at the crowd of frightened Villagers inside the safe house.
Rowan followed silently behind Labrador, fiddling with the string of his bow. He watched Tore's reaction to Labrador's arrival closely. Definitely seemed on edge about something, and Rowan didn't have too far to guess about what. He raised a hand in greeting to let the Goat-monster know the angel was there, then sat down nearby. Still within range to hear and talk, but with the intention of letting Labrador talk with Tore first. Hopefully he'd still get his chance afterward.
Avatar was created for me, the sprite in the avatar was made by WriterRaven
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