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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Toré made an odd movement, as if he had jumped out of skin from the words, his head did turn towards the 'intruder' ever so slightly before he made any more movements, *No Negative intents in the Soul, just pure desperation and nothing else, calm desperation, but still... shouldn't be my main concern right now.* he was distracted by something, he'd be keeping a close 'eye' on the soul going through hell and back at that moment, but for now... "I got nothing better to do for the time being, I don't see why not I guess?" he parked himself back on the chair, an eye slightly twisted to the side in another direction but wholly focused on this person needing a 'word' with him, a very slight change from the Timeline prior, enough to set a few much larger ones in motion however. "Oh fa fiffs safe, ome momem." The Kitsune did not like having to use Magic when she was already so critically on Mana, but neither did she appreciate speaking like someone about to go full Drunken Paralysis, the curing magic did not close the wound in her tongue fully, but the bleeding had stopped at least, "Plants require Roots and connections to the Earth, keeping her off of the ground and severed from that connection is not something too difficult in the grand scheme of things, but, I'll bear this all in mind, I am assuming someone else will be in charge of keeping her away from the tool long-term, because any of us here to do that long-term is a mistake waiting to happen, I'll deal with the initial separation sure, if I have to, I'll take care of the moron myself." she turned on her heel giving one last weak kick to the unconscious Saiyan below, "We'd best be moving on from here, spent too much time screwing around with a leader that's trying not die." Tracking down Laura and extracting her from where she was hadn't taken very long, neither had tracking down this... "Lovely, it's one of these places, Kazoo, go cause a distraction somewhere in the opposite direction of our quarry, Lu, go searching for the Villagers, remove them by any means necessary Alive I'll handle the production line." and Bora abandoned his charges, the thick-set entryway simply blasted apart without a care in the world.
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