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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Despite Seyr's manner of speaking, Castor could understand the Kitsune perfectly fine and nodded at hers and Kudret's words. "Yes, from what Labrador told me he has indeed been 'snooping' as you call it, as well as trying to find out your weak spots." He then adjusted his glasses once more. "It will only continue to get worse, I'm afraid. Right now, he's probably still perfecting his plan, but I can guarantee you it won't be long before he attacks; he'll want to do so before your group gains more power." He glanced away for a moment at Seyr's question. What he wasn't telling them, eh...? "Just...don't underestimate him. He took Iliya for no other reason than as a simple 'toy', he's skilled enough to fight on par with your full group on his own. Though...it's best you know what she's capable of", his glance shifted back to Seyr at this. "She's a kid who absolutely detests fighting, her pacifism is extreme even for a Bishop...and yet that man...is about to break her spirit so far that she'll obey his orders just to escape the pain. Her defensive magic is absolutely impenetrable when she wants it to be, while her main offensive weapon is a scythe. She's also capable of manipulating souls, emotions in particular, as well as plants...that includes plants capable of draining your mana completely." He was well aware how important the latter part would be to the Kitsune. Mizuki was relieved to see that she wasn't the only one awake anymore, though Rikazu still didn't seem to budge. "Good morning", she responded, speaking somewhat quietly herself, though her gaze had soon directed itself to the ground at Aislin's question. "You...want to ask him about what happened that day? But...he won't give us an answer anyway, I'm sure..." He never did give her a straight answer whenever she asked him a question. Though really, part of her was also afraid to learn the truth. If he truly had lost control that day, then...she never truly had a reason to hate him to begin with. And on the other hand, if he hadn't lost control...could she still bring herself to stop hating him? "I also don't understand...w-why he keeps being so...protective of me, I want to know that, too..." While the ones inside the tent were slowly but surely waking up, Rockna had been on guard duty all night, and had eventually been joined by Carbuncle. The smaller Eidolon had already informed her of the conversation between Aislin and Mizuki. Perhaps it was time for the blue-haired girl to learn of what happened that day; though Rikazu would have to be the one to tell her that. Getting to her feet and stretching, Rockna soon walked into the tent, having to stifle a chuckle at the sight of Rikazu and Mizuki sitting together. "Morning." Labrador followed the path of flower petals, eventually finding the room that the male goat was in. He walked in quietly, his steps soon leading him to the wardrobe, silently staring at it for some time and standing not too far from Toré. "I can see why this would've caught your interest", he said eventually. "...I do apologize for the intrusion, but would it be possible for me to have a word with you?" Kuja was truly getting tired of the Saiyan barking orders at him, though for the time being he continued to follow Bora, knowing that it would be the easiest way to get his confrontation with the annoying jester. Although he intensely glared at the Saiyan at first, he soon just shook his head. "Very well, let's move then." In Linareth, Frau had meanwhile asked just about anyone if they'd seen Iliya, going to great lengths to describe her looks and personality, yet nobody had seen her. It was odd; surely someone had to have seen her? She had to be in the port town right now, he was sure of it. It hadn't taken long for Seth to locate the male Ghost, and the dark-haired male was greatly amused by Frau's struggles to locate the girl currently asleep at the inn. There was no way he'd manage to find Iliya, his illusion magic would make sure of it.
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
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