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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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The brown-haired male turned his attention to Kudret when he started speaking, taking in the words and vaguely smiling. "I have a few friends who are quite a lot like that myself", he paused a moment before speaking again. "That's good to know. My name is Castor, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance", he responded calmly, adjusting his glasses as he looked back to Seyr. "Seems like she can't even hear us right now. Please, do excuse me for this..." Taking a step towards the kitsune while slowly raising his hand, he soon brought it down on her head with a considerable force. That would probably snap her out of it; it usually did the trick for Frau at least. "Now, I do suppose you may be wondering why a complete stranger would suddenly approach you all. I came here with a warning...and at the same time, a plea for help", Castor decided not to waste any time by dancing around the subject of his sudden appearance, though he'd wait until he was certain that the Kitsune had snapped out of her rage properly before explaining further. Rikazu let himself drop onto the ground not too far from Mizuki, his legs barely able to carry his weight at this point. "You could say that", he spoke wearily. Mizuki cocked her head to a side. "Training? That's what you and Rockna were doing?" she asked. "But...why? You're so powerful already...and I felt you Trance, why..?" Rikazu shook his head. "This is nothing compared to the power I had in our world, kiddo. As for why...your sister wanted to see how much my power increases when I enter Trance, and she figured it'd be best to do so while I was already tired." "Because you... can't control it?" Mizuki asked carefully, earning her a surprised look from the older male. "It's nothing for you to worry about." "But it's true...?" Mizuki's gaze shifted between Aislin and Rikazu for a moment, before pulling her knees closer to her face. She wanted to know more, yet she was afraid to ask. If he truly had Tranced that time, then... "Rockna's training session was to try and help me get some control over my Trance back. She must've knocked me out of it at least...six times, if I kept track properly", Rikazu stifled a yawn. "Listen, it's been a long day, it's probably best if all of us get some well deserved rest, alright?" "F...rau..." Iliya's voice was weak as she uttered his name, somehow feeling like the male Ghost was closeby, though she had no energy to move or even open her eyes anymore. Seth narrowed his eyes at the girl. "Your friends aren't here, little Ghost." Despite saying so, the dark-haired male was well aware of Frau's presence in Linareth, and had added several layers of illusion magic to his current cloaking spell to ensure he wouldn't be able to locate Iliya. And yet...it would be interesting to check out this 'friend' of the captive girl. "Stay here, Iliya", he told her, though then gave her a more amused look. "Though it's not like you'll be able to go anywhere anyway." Another illusion knocked the girl out immediately and Seth left the room, placing several more illusions on the room before walking away. It was time to see what this hotheaded friend of hers was really like; it could prove useful to him. Labrador nodded. "I'll ensure he won't try to eat it; it's too important for that." Iliya was never going to trust Toré if not for that flower. At Lorica's request, he thought for a moment. "Bandits, hmm? It would be easiest to send Frau there, of us three he's clearly the most capable fighter, especially in this world, but..." he let out a sigh. "I doubt we can get his focus off Iliya right now, so I will discuss this with Castor when we meet again. I assume that there'll be time before this person arrives?"
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
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