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Single post in Your Guide to 90%+ Breeding Pairs

Forum Index > PokéFarm > Guides > Your Guide to 90%+ Breeding Pairs >

Yukirona's AvatarYukirona
Yukirona's Avatar
I think this might help :3

QUOTE originally posted by Emmy

If it helps any, here are three of Suríya's examples broken down into simple steps for those still having trouble understanding the system: Scenario 1 User A hatches and releases Pokemon. User B adopts Pokemon. User B is the OT. Scenario 2 User A hatches and trades Pokemon to User B. User B releases Pokemon. User C adopts Pokemon. User A is the OT. Scenario 3 User A hatches and releases Pokemon. User B adopts and trades to User C. User B is the OT. trading before release overrides the Shelter's OT reset. Practice Scenario User A hatches and releases Pokemon. User B adopts and releases Pokemon. User C adopts and trades Pokemon to User D. User D releases Pokemon. User B adopts Pokemon and trades back to User A. Who is the OT in this scenario?


User C is the OT. STEPS 1 and 2 can be ignored because no trade took place before the Pokemon's first and second release. Trading the Pokemon for the first time in STEP 3 designates User C as the OT. Every STEP afterward can be ignored.
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