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Mass-Click Weekend 4!

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Coiffwaff's AvatarCoiffwaff
Coiffwaff's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by greenbunny1998

im going do the mass click thing on the 1st november or 2nd
"This weekend, November 1st and 2nd, your target is the same as always: 10,000 interactions."

QUOTE originally posted by Sundown

Ah, another mass click weekend? Time to break out another mouse in case I manage to destroy this one while furiously clicking.
I think I have broken one so far from all the clicking on here
Avatar art drawn by Duchesslunaire
Full Incense

Full Incense


(item.png: 0)

An exotic-smelling incense that gives a feeling of being bloated.

Sells for 48,000

Lv. 100 — +111,098,804
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness MAX
Hardy nature
Størmfang's AvatarStørmfang
Størmfang's Avatar
I'm surprised mine didn't break Since Flareon has kind of been ruled out, Kingler maybe?
ari | he/him | team rock art shop | trade shop | journal | deviantart "what's important is understanding who you are. what you want to become, what you want to do. that is of the utmost importance." - twice, my hero academia
Arceus9870's AvatarArceus9870
Arceus9870's Avatar
My Guess:


Mega Dragonite or Flareon
Avatar credit to CyndaLuvSOAD. My Kalos Team by SophieFear
SwedishX's AvatarSwedishX
SwedishX's Avatar
Having missed the last MCW, I am definitely getting this one.
HybridYüki's AvatarHybridYüki
HybridYüki's Avatar
This is my guess on what it could be

Really want ;w;

Mega Ninetales
I can't wait to massclick the jelly out of erryboddehh :3 haha it's funny 'cause my costume for Halloween is jelly
Please feel free to check out my art shop
Shedra's AvatarShedra
Shedra's Avatar
I think it's Goregistite XD
SG-1's AvatarSG-1
SG-1's Avatar
I quite like that we get the reward for the Halloween event and a New Mega so close together.
OMG there's only 7 more minutes!!! I can't wait! Btw, do we get a prize if we reach 1000 interactions?
Karai's AvatarKarai
Karai's Avatar
It's 10k clicks
I do woodburning commissions. Come check it out here!
Avatar by Zan

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